英语人>词典>汉英 : 羟基乙酸 的英文翻译,例句
羟基乙酸 的英文翻译、例句


glycolic acid · hydroxyacetic acid
更多网络例句与羟基乙酸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The preparation of polymer is required for high purity of glycolic acid, if not, low-weight polymer is obtained, therefore, high purity glycolic acid is scarce in the market. So, the research for the synthesis of glycolic acid is essential. In domestic and overseas, there are many methods for preparation of glycolic acid, including glycin oxidation, cyanogenesis, aldehyde oxidation, coupling of maldehyde and methyl formate, oxalic acid electrolysis, chloroactic acid hydrolysis and so on.


The reparing high molecular material was divided into absorbable and unabsorbable material,the former included polyglycolic-acid and polyglaction,the later consists of polypropylene polyester and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene.


It showed that the yield of hydroxyacetic acid reached above 99.5%, the extracting efficiency was over 97%,and the product with purity of more than 96% was obtained. Extractant and solvent also can be reused.


Hydroxyacetic acid was synthesized by glycolonitrile in the presence of H2SO4 , and it was separated by applying extraction based on chemical complexation and solvent method.


The amount of hydroxyacetic acid , equal to that of sodium chloride, produced from chloroacetice acid hydrolysis is determined by adopting Moore method and there fore the ratio of transformation of chloroacetice acid hydrolyzed can be calculated.


The review highlights the technical developments in the identification,quantification and separation of α-hydroxyacetic acid,especially solvent extraction and synergistic extraction.


The advantages of α-hydroxyacetic acid biosynthesis over traditional chemical conversion are wide range of reaction condition,high conversion ratio and green process.


Those biodegradable materials finally form into CO2 and H2O via culture of tricarboxylic acid cycle, which can be excreted from lung, kidney, and skin. Hydroxyacetic acid is a metabolic product of amino acids. Therefore, velocity of bioldegradable materials can be controlled in vivo. The recent contraception focuses on discover a sustained release system of biodegradable materials.


Moreover, the suggestions on development of domestic glycollic acid in the future are put forward also.


And the application of glycollic acid in the fields of chemical cleaning, auxiliaries and materials were introduced in detail.


更多网络解释与羟基乙酸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ethyl glycolate:乙醇酸乙酯

ethyl glycol 乙基乙二醇 | ethyl glycolate 乙醇酸乙酯 | ethyl glycollic acid 乙基羟基乙酸

acetoin 3:羟基丁酮-(2)(牛奶天然香昧之一;增香剂)

acetohydroxamic acid 乙酰氧肟酸 | acetoin 3-羟基丁酮-(2)(牛奶天然香昧之一;增香剂) | acetokinase 乙酸激酶

Vinyl chloroacetate:氯乙酸乙烯酯

氯乙酸乙烯酯(Vinyl chloroacetate) 制造对酸性染料有良好亲和力的甲基丙烯酸纤维的原料;生产高耐热水性薄膜的原料;用作丙烯酸酯、乙烯等高分子弹性体的交联单体;本品与具有羟基或羧基的单体及甲基丙烯酸酯进行乳液聚合,可制得碱性交联乳液;


fluorescein 二羟基荧烷,荧光素,荧光黄 | diacetate 双乙酸盐 | supercritical 超临界的

dichloroacetic acid:二氯乙酸

dichloro-8-hydroxyquinoline 二氯-8-羟基喹啉 | dichloroacetic acid 二氯乙酸 | dichloroacetone 二氯丙酮

Glycolic acid:羟基乙酸

伊朗研究者合成了羟基乙酸(Glycolic acid)的酰胺(Amide)衍生物,属于一类新的抗结核杆菌药,发现有良好的抗分枝杆菌活性. 印度报告抗癌药依托泊苷脂质纳米球(LNE)和依托泊苷阳离子脂质纳米球(SA-LNE)与市售品依托泊苷相(ETP)相比,

hydroxyacetic acid:羟基乙酸

乙醇酸(Glycollic Acid)是一种无色、无味、半透明的固体,化学名称叫羟基乙酸(Hydroxyacetic Acid)或甘醇酸、是最简单的α-羟基酸. 纯品为无色易潮解晶体,可燃. 熔点80℃,沸点100℃(分解),闪点300℃(分解),相对密度1.49. 溶于水、甲醇、乙醇、丙醇、乙酸和醚,

glycollic acid:乙醇酸

乙醇酸(Glycollic Acid)是一种无色、无味、半透明的固体,化学名称叫羟基乙酸(Hydroxyacetic Acid)或甘醇酸、是最简单的α-羟基酸. 纯品为无色易潮解晶体,可燃. 熔点80℃,沸点100℃(分解),闪点300℃(分解),相对密度1.49. 溶于水、甲醇、乙醇、丙醇、乙酸和醚,

glycollic acid:羟基乙酸

glycolisome 乙醇酸(氧化)酶体 | glycollic acid 羟基乙酸 | glycolyl 羟乙酰基,乙醇酰基

ethyl glycollic acid:乙基羟基乙酸

ethyl glycolate 乙醇酸乙酯 | ethyl glycollic acid 乙基羟基乙酸 | Ethyl guthion 乙基谷硫磷