英语人>词典>汉英 : 美玲 的英文翻译,例句
美玲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与美玲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As for Linda Watson, fresh from her Bayreuth debut in the role this summer, she carried all before her, and rightly received an ovation at the end of Walküre, as did Hale – although this was partly, perhaps, in gratitude for their presence in Taipei's youthful venture.


The main drafters of this standard: haojing-wangsi-Yenching, demei 王美玲, white Ting, Mr James TIEN benthal static and good fortune, Li Hui, Mr Guizhi, Mr Hiu Ming and Zhang Lijun, chenyao cheom,郑欣, involuarata,赵学军 Zhao small,董洪 rock, JI, Jane weedsmikania, Lin Li Wai-man.


Objective: To investigate the difference of Brn-4 mRNA expression between the fimbria fornix transected rats and normal ones.

作者:董传明秦建兵,金国华,王磊,朱蕙霞,田美玲目的:探讨切割穹窿海马伞大鼠海马与正常海马内Brn-4 mRNA表达的差异

Research of algebraic congruent codes used in two-dimensional code division multiaddress system .

美玲,陈抗生,"基于二次全等跳频码的跳频光码分多址系统",中国激光 35,

Teddy award-winning lesbian film director Zero Chou, scholar and activist Josephine Ho, disabled queer radio presenter Vincent and Hong Kong Rainbow founder Kenneth Cheung are among the people who also appeared before the crowd this year to share with passers-by and the queer audience some of the experience and work they have done in their respective fields.


Yesterday, Mei Ling gave me a recipe book which is about "Pasar Malam food". RM8


Father, Yi Jing stream height 1 meter 96, the mother Mak Mei Ling 1 meter tall and 73, are the handball team player. 3-year-old with the work of mobilizing parents moved there. The summer of 1999, 12 years old, 1 meter 94, the United Arab 1:00 whim and partners enrolled in a street basketball tournament in Shenzhen To her surprise, was eliminated in the first round, but one has to closely observe the sidelines of the Amateur Sports School coaches, but treasured, because he saw a motor nerve superior, Occupant children.


Tsu Ma expected her to cross her legs tightly, but instead she assumed a Buddha like position.


The Affiliated Liwan Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510170,China

作者:刘美玲作者单位:广州医学院荔湾医院,广东广州 510170

Kobs, Jim, 1992. Profitable Direct Marketing, Chicago: NTC Business Books.


更多网络解释与美玲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eileen Chang:张爱玲

在英语世界,"上海"和"张爱玲"(Eileen Chang)是两个颇能代表东方现代性的符号. 张爱玲的小说多以旧上海为背景,而且能曲传其情致、神韵,所以,在不少英美文化人关于东方情调的想象中,这两个符号便有如形和影,难以剖分. 海派的作家通常不那么热衷于宏大叙事,


射雕英雄传 类型: 爱情 / 武侠 主要演员: 刘丹(刘丹) 曾江(Kenneth Tsang) 苗侨伟(Kiu Wai Miu) 杨盼盼(杨盼盼) 翁美玲(BarbaraYung) 黄日华(Felix) 上映日期: 1983 国家地区: 中国香港 娇媚动人的翁美玲已死,娇俏的蓉儿不会死,


吉伯特 Gilbert Dullindal ギルバート?デュランダル | 美玲 Meyrin Hawke メイリン?ホーク | 妲莉雅 Talia Gladys タリア?グラディス

Kenneth Tsang:曾江

射雕英雄传 类型: 爱情 / 武侠 主要演员: 刘丹(刘丹) 曾江(Kenneth Tsang) 苗侨伟(Kiu Wai Miu) 杨盼盼(杨盼盼) 翁美玲(BarbaraYung) 黄日华(Felix) 上映日期: 1983 国家地区: 中国香港 娇媚动人的翁美玲已死,娇俏的蓉儿不会死,


美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

Misato Tate:建美玲

Misato Tanaka 田中美里 | Misato Tate 建美玲 | Misato Watanabe 渡邊美里

Remi Kawashima:川島令美

Remi Kanou 叶麗美 AV | Remi Kawashima 川島令美 | Remi Nishino 西尾玲美 RQ

Remi Sugimoto:杉本玲美

Remi Nishino 西尾玲美 RQ | Remi Sugimoto 杉本玲美 AV | Ren Ho 蓮舫

Remi Nishino:西尾玲美

Remi Kawashima 川島令美 | Remi Nishino 西尾玲美 RQ | Remi Sugimoto 杉本玲美 AV


何朗 helang.12..@.... 135****5039 | 何美玲 meining_..@.... 136****2200 | 何敏君 penguin..@.... 136****1821