英语人>词典>汉英 : 美洲人 的英文翻译,例句
美洲人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
American  ·  Americans  ·  amer

更多网络例句与美洲人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At that time, not only to athletes from all over the world, there are also many foreign friends come to China: the dark-skinned Africans, Europeans, blue-eyed, golden-haired American,......, some people may ask why Olympic Games to be held in 2008, there were so many tourists from all corners of the country do?


FROM prehistoric times Greeks and Pelasgians alike, and other peoples of kindred stock, had been organized in the same organic series as the Americans: gens, phratry, tribe, confederacy of tribes.


Dry heat and steam baths had advocates in ancient Rome and pre-Columbian Americans used sweat lodges.


The ancient Egyptians thought that sitting a dusty body in still water, as the Greek did, was a foul idea. Late 19th-century Americans were scandalised by the dirtiness of Europeans; the Nazis promoted the idea of Jewish uncleanliness. At least since the Middle Ages, European travelers have enjoyed nominating the continent's grubbiest country—the laurels usually went to France or Spain.


That means their meals are twice as long as those of the average Mexican, who dedicates just over an hour a day to food, the OECD"s "Society at aGlance report on work, health and leisure in Asia, Europe and North and South America found.


A dual origin for the first Americans is a striking novelty from the genetic point of view, and it makes plausible a scenario positing that within a rather short period of time, there may have been several entries into the Americas from a dynamically changing Beringian source.


The ancient Egyptians thought that sitting a dusty body in still water, as the Greek did, was a foul idea. Late 19th-century Americans were scandalised by the dirtiness of Europeans; the Nazis promoted the idea of Jewish uncleanliness. At least since the Middle Ages, European travelers have enjoyed nominating the continent's grubbiest country—the laurels usually went to France or Spain.


Dry heat and steam baths had advocates in ancient Rome and pre-Columbian Americans used sweat lodges.


Dry heat and steam baths had advocates in ancient Rome and pre-Columbian Americans used sweat lodges.


16Th century Spanish chroniclers record their fascination with the profusion of gold jewellery worn by indigenous chiefs and priests.


更多网络解释与美洲人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


前两天看探索频道的节目,一期节目探讨"第一个美洲人来自于哪里",科学家们在美洲发现了一具古代尸体,经过研究,发现其与阿伊努人(Ainu)最为相似. 但是经过不断地研究与推测,得出了一个假想:美洲人是从太平洋周围的各个岛屿

Americana:美国(洲)的;美国人的 n.美国人,美洲人

American.美国;美洲 | Americana.美国(洲)的;美国人的 n.美国人,美洲人 | amongprep.在...之中,在...之间


Cacongo 卡剛果人(中非) | Caddo 卡多人(美洲) | Caete 凱特人(南美)




sawah 印尼的稻田 | Innuit (美洲爱斯基人的)伊努伊特族,[语]伊努伊特人 | cone shell 鸡心螺

Human pokeweed mitogen,PWM ELISA Kit:人美洲商陆素

Human glycophosphatidylinositol,GPI ELISA Kit 人糖磷脂酰肌醇(GPI)EL... | Human pokeweed mitogen,PWM ELISA Kit 人美洲商陆素(PWM)ELISA Kit | Human Lipopolysaccharides,LPS ELISA Kit 人脂多糖/内毒素(LPS)EL...

Human pokeweed mitogen,PWM ELISA Kit:人美洲商陆素(PWM)ELISA试剂盒

人刀豆素A(ConA)ELISA试剂盒 Human lipolysaccharide binding protein,LBP... | 人美洲商陆素(PWM)ELISA试剂盒 Human pokeweed mitogen,PWM ELISA Kit | 人组织蛋白酶K(cath-K)ELISA试剂盒 Human Cathepsin K,cath-K ...

pre-Columbian Americans:哥伦布前的美洲人

1. ceremonial bathing : 仪式性的沐浴. 许多宗教都有这种以沐浴作为仪式的习俗. | 2. pre-Columbian Americans :哥伦布前的美洲人. Columbian | 3. fire-pit: 火槽


[48]但事实上,全西属美洲的人都认为自己是"美洲人"(Americans),因为这个名称精确地象征了在西班牙本土以外出生的共同宿命. [49]与此同时,我们在前面已经注意到报纸这个概念本身就隐然意味着,即使是"世界性的事件"也都会被折射到一个方言读者群的特定的想象之中;


根据这个领域的专家,在哥伦布之前的美洲的驯化动物是美洲驼(llamas)、羊驼(alpacas)、天竺鼠(guinea pigs)和火鸡. 但是这些没有在<<摩门经>>里面被指出. (参见<<哥伦布前的美洲人>>第二十六到二十七页). 连摩门教护教学者 John Sorenson 承认说