英语人>词典>汉英 : 美国红十字会 的英文翻译,例句
美国红十字会 的英文翻译、例句


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I would like to start by talking a bit about The American Red Cross.


He, as the American Red Cross field ambulance unit of a fourth team member, happily Ben on the battlefield.


All gamma globulin produced would be made available to the American Red Cross and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis at the cost of processing.


Lovelace recommended that the Department of Defense

除了这些步骤以外,那些需要联合美国红十字会实施的内容,Lovelace 先生向国防部建议

In addition to these steps, which should be taken jointly with the American Red Cross, Dr. Lovelace recommended that the Department of Defense:Should establish a military blood collection program to reach military personnel and civilian employees on military bases.Should institute a policy of purchasing plasma from civilian commercial laboratories which met NIH specifications.

除了这些步骤以外,那些需要联合美国红十字会实施的内容,Lovelace 先生向国防部建议:1、需要建立一个军事血液采集方案以达到军事基地中军事人员和平民雇员的需要。2、需要创建一个从达到NIH要求的民用商业实验室购买血浆的政策。

Mike Mackey, 47, who has been staying in an American Red Cross shelter in Muskogee with his wife and son, said the crushing weight of ice broke trees throughout his neighborhood.

四十七岁的Mike Mackey和他的妻子和儿子一直在Muskogee市美国红十字会提供的帐篷中,他说由于冰的强大的自身重量把他居住地区的所有树木都压折。

American Red Cross Mount Rainier Chapter ...

美国红十字会摩, 1956年章。。。

American Red Cro almost became part of American forces in world War I .


I don't know why the authority screen homos from the donation poll as the stupid American Red Cross and Food and Drug Administration do.


Army and Navy, the American Red Cross agrees to organize a civilian blood donor service to collect blood plasma for the war effort.


更多网络解释与美国红十字会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


鼓励广大篮球迷们为海地地震灾区慷慨解囊,以缓解受灾当地地区的燃眉之急. 美国球迷可以将"海地"(HAITI)的英文单词编辑短信发送到相应的号码,便可以向红十字会捐助10美元,以奉献自己的一份爱心.

Elizabeth Cheney:美国国务院秘书长首席助理

美国红十字会国际策略与国际关系高级策略分析师 Pamela D. Alesky | 美国国务院秘书长首席助理 Elizabeth Cheney | 作家与人权活动家 James Mawdsley