英语人>词典>汉英 : 美国劳工联合会 的英文翻译,例句
美国劳工联合会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

American Federation of Labor
更多网络例句与美国劳工联合会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And he believed that most of the leaders in the American Federation of Labor were doing little to help them.


In 1955,the American Federation of Labor joined with Congress of Industrial Organizations.


Not content with this triumph, Randolph brought the Brotherhood into the American Federation of Labor, where it became the equal of the Federation's 105 other unions.


American unions had their greatest influence in the fifties and sixties. In nineteen fifty-five, the American Federation of Labor joined with the Congress of Industrial Organizations.


Congress failed to act on this proposal. But its lack of action did not stop the rise of a labor organization that had been formed a few years earlier. The group soon would become the most important labor union in the United States. It was the American Federation of Labor, or A.F.L.

国会未能就总统的这项建议有所作为,但国会的不作为并不能阻止几年前成立的一个劳工组织的兴起,这个劳工组织很快就成为美国最重要的工会组织,这个工会组织就是美国劳工联合会(the American Federation of Labor,简称A.F.L),美国劳工联合会由塞缪尔。

Last summer a few breakaway unions split from the AFL-CIO to re-form under the "Change to Win" banner.


I went over to my staff to tell them we would not be getting the AFL-CIO endorsement.


I knew that traditionally the AFL-CIO endorsed those who had a strong record of voting on their behalf.


It's a plan that is already supported by businesses representing almost every industry in America; by both the Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO.


On the evening of the AFL-CIO endorsement session, I noticed a number of my labor friends averting their eyes as I walked through the room.


更多网络解释与美国劳工联合会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

American Federation of Labor:美国劳工联合会

2006年11月6日,美国,布拉德.皮特(Brad Pitt)出席劳联-产联(AFL-CIO)(美国劳工联合会(American Federation of Labor)和产业工会联合会(Congressof Industrial Organizations)通常简称为劳联-产联(AFL-CIO))举办的一个"87"新闻发布会,一身西服装扮亮相帅气十足.

and the American Federation of Labor is not:而美国劳工联合会不是

the IWW is a revolutionary union|世界产业工人组织是革... | and the American Federation of Labor is not.|而美国劳工联合会不是 | To think we can infiltrate the American Federation of Labor|想打入美国劳工...

American Indian:美国印地安人

American Federation of Labor 美国劳工联合会 | American Indian 美国印地安人 | American Legion 美国退伍军人协会

out of some pipe dream to radicalize the American Federation of Labor:不能带领激进的美国劳工联合会

And if we turn our back on these comrades|如果... | out of some pipe dream to radicalize the American Federation of Labor|不能带领激进的美国劳工联合会... | which cannot be done, it is a disgrace.|忘记这...

Trade Union Congress:工人大会

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美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会(劳联-产联);AFL-CIO;劳联-产联:American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organizations

American Federation of Government E... | American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organizations;美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会(劳联-产联);AFL-CIO;劳联-产联 | American Federation of Teach...