英语人>词典>汉英 : 美味 的英文翻译,例句
美味 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
daintiness  ·  dainty  ·  relish  ·  sweetness  ·  yummy  ·  relishing  ·  daintier  ·  dainties  ·  relished  ·  relishes  ·  yummier

delicious food
更多网络例句与美味相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Suggestive of ambrosia; fragrant or delicious .


Aniseed Chicken - On your busiest workday, this dish can be on the table in under 30 minutes from start to finish.

茴香鸡 -最适合上班族的你,只要三十分钟就可以享受这道又美味又美观的美味喔!

The results showed that the Boletus edulis Bull polysaccharide can clear out the radicals effectively,and the function of antioxidetive become stronger with the increase of the polysaccharide concentration.


The antioxidetive activity of Boletus edulis Bull polysaccharide was studied and compared with Vc by using the superoxide anion free radical system,hydroxyl radical system in this paper.


Monosaccharides from polysaccharides in boletus edulis bull are hydrolyzed in aqueos trifuoro-acetic acid.


The Four Seasons 6 fruit, bamboo shoots炒肉丝7, pumpkin rice8, green papaya chicken stew9, season vegetables10, Four Seasons fruit2,000 / 10 per person to 3,000 yuan / 10 people1, shrimp 1 garlic hot, delicious plate2, In the old days, crispy chicken 2, a dual-eat chicken3, sweet and sour fish cooked in soy and vinegar 3, steamed fish4, prune Rou closure 4, three cups in volume5, Green 5 papaya chicken stew, delicious dessert6, black pepper tofu plate 6, fresh foods7, bamboo shoots炒肉丝7, sweet and sour pork sweet and sour8, Pleurotus 8 black pepper, green papaya chicken stew In the old days,9, when the vegetable season 9, season vegetables10, the four seasons of fruit 10, the four seasons of fruitSimple mealsSeries of simple meal drink menuBlack 20Fresh hot green tea 220 signs 20220 Seafood Hot Pot lemon tea 30220 pot vegetarian lemon green tea health 30170 rice braised sirloin lemon juice 35170 Honey chicken with rice milk tea 35150 ribs ketchup rice milk tea 35Signs fresh face 150 sugar-free green tea 20Series 150 Surface coffee锅烧Beef noodle 150 latte 100Cappuccino 100Special tune Coffee 100Mocha Coffee 100Ice coffee 120Dim Sum Series80 muffin milkSteamed milk 12

四季水果 6、竹笋炒肉丝 7、南瓜米粉 8、青木瓜炖鸡汤 9、季节时蔬10、四季水果 2000元/10人份 3000元/10人份1、蒜香烫鲜虾1、美味拼盘2、香酥古早鸡2、一鸡双吃3、糖醋烩鲜鱼3、清蒸鲜鱼4、梅干扣肉封4、三杯中卷5、青木瓜炖鸡汤5、美味点心6、黑胡椒铁板豆腐6、药膳鲜虾7、竹笋炒肉丝7、糖醋咕噜肉8、黑胡椒杏鲍菇8、青木瓜炖古早鸡9、季节时蔬9、季节时蔬10、四季水果10、四季水果简餐简餐菜单饮料系列红茶20招牌火锅 220绿茶 20海鲜火锅 220柠檬红茶30素食养生锅220柠檬绿茶30红烧牛腩饭170柠檬汁35蜜汁鸡腿饭170鲜奶茶35茄汁排骨饭150鲜奶茶35招牌鲜奶面150无糖绿茶 20锅烧面 150咖啡系列牛肉面150100卡布奇诺咖啡100特调咖啡 100 100冰咖啡120点心系列鲜奶松饼 80鲜奶馒头 12

Here we are discussing is another daintily snack of old Beijing. It came from the Chunxuan Yao's couple in Guangxu year.


It adopts the world-leading brewing technique of high salt-diluted state fermentation, dilution, with careful selection of the top non-GMO soybean and wheat as raw materials, and combination of advanced microorganism self-controlled technology to offer the real daintiness for consumers!


Ive been spending lots of time on this hypnosis site, i go in there as suzannah, the whole thing is one huge hypnotic operatus, the girls write little letters, their mission is to feminize men, they do room trances, suggestions, energies, keep on telling me to think "yummy cummy" and "yummy tummy" and they show me pictures of women performing fellatio on men, and I of course identify with these beautiful women, and now I just have to hear "yummy tummy" to want to start sucking….


Ive been spending lots of time on this hypnosis site, i go in there as suzannah, the whole thing is one huge hypnotic operatus, the girls write little letters, their mission is to feminize men, they do room trances, suggestions, energies, keep on telling me to think "yummy cummy" and "yummy tummy" and they show me pictures of women performing fellatio on men, and I of course identify with these beautiful women, and now I just have to hear "yummy tummy" to want to start sucking….


更多网络解释与美味相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ambrosia 特别美味的食物 | ambrosial 特别美味的 | ambrosine 褐黄琥珀

ambrosial:芬香的, 特别美味的

ambrosia | 神的食物, 特别美味的食物 | ambrosial | 芬香的, 特别美味的 | ambrosin | 豕草素

Appetizing Food:美味的食品

Plain Food 普通的食品 | Appetizing Food 美味的食品 | Tasty Food 美味的食品

boletus edulis:美味牛肝菌

文章摘要:该实验选取处于生长期的油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)幼苗,研究土壤Cu、Cd胁迫条件下,美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis)单独接种、红绒盖牛肝菌(Xerocomus chrysenteron)与美味牛肝菌混合接种处理,对油松幼苗的生长和重金属积累分布状况的影响,

delicious nut:美味酥果

delicious diced duck 美味鸭丁 | delicious nut 美味酥果 | delicious sausage 美味香肠

deliciously:美味地; 爽口地; 芬芳地 (副)

delicious 美味的 (形) | deliciously 美味地; 爽口地; 芬芳地 (副) | deliciousness 美味; 快乐; 芬芳; 怡人 (名)

Deliciously simple, simply delicious:美味便捷,美味之极. (快餐)

Beautifully individual. 独到之美. | Deliciously simple, simply delicious. 美味便捷,美味之极. (快餐) | Exercise more with less. 越练越精. (健身器材)

manna insect:美味昆虫 美味蚧虫

multifinger contactor 多触点接触器 | manna insect 美味昆虫 美味蚧虫 | range extension 范围扩大, 扩大量程

Y Yummy:美味的 美味的灵魂是好大人火灵的食物(一定是要美味的)

x xenophobe 憎恨外国人的人 可以说好大人十分憎恨人类,所以才要建造一个只有通灵人的世界. | y yummy 美味美味的灵魂是好大人火灵的食物(一定是要美味的) | z zap 杀掉 把身躯灵魂都烧掉就是杀掉对方吧!

No Reservations:美味不設防

不过听人讲,呢套<<美味不设防>>系重拍一九六几定七几年的德国电影,原作仲正~之前看的一套西片<<美味不设防>>(No Reservations)也非常喜欢! 你看过吗? 不过听人讲,呢套<<美味不设防>>系重拍一九六几定七几年的德国电影,原