英语人>词典>汉英 : 羊毛内衣 的英文翻译,例句
羊毛内衣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wooly  ·  woolier  ·  wooliest

更多网络例句与羊毛内衣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Loose baggy pants should be rolled up to avoid resistance to the current, but the legs need protection from very cold glacial runoff; wool long johns are good.


It has done particularly well with applying innovation to woollen underwear.


It has done particularly well with applyinginnovation to woollen underwear.


He described the cold:"Ridging through the Ardennes, I wore woolen underwear, a woolen uniform, armored force combat overalls, a sweater, an armored force field jacket with elastic cuffs, a muffler, a heavy lined trenchcoat, two pairs of heavy woolen socks, and combat boots with galoshes over them — and I cannot remember ever being warm."


But without the urge for material improvement, people would still be wearing woollen underwear and holidaying in Bognor rather than Bhutan.


But without the urge for material improvement, people would still be wearing woollen underwear and holidaying in Bognor rather than Bhutan.


But without the urge for material improvement, people would still be wearing woollen underwear and holidaying in Bognor rather than Bhutan.


Starting from the feet and working up, I'm wearing: a pair of cotton socks, with a pair of thermal socks over them; a pair of ankle-high Gore-Tex boots; a set of thermal long-johns; a pair of jeans; a thermal undershirt (a present from a worried family member); a long-sleeved T-shirt; a tight-fitting cashmere jumper; a fleece; a padded winter coat with hood; a thin pair of woollen gloves (so that when I take the outer pair off to take photographs I won't expose naked flesh); a pair of gloves made of wool and Thinsulate; a wool scarf; and a woolly football hat.

我从脚上到头顶穿的是:一双棉袜、外套一双保暖袜;一双到脚踝的 Gore-Tex 牌靴子;一套保暖长内裤;一条牛仔裤;一件保暖内衣(这是一位不放心的家人送的礼物);一件长袖 T 恤;一件紧身高领羊绒衫;一件羊皮茄克;一件带垫衬和帽子的冬大衣;一双薄羊毛手套(这样我把外层手套脱下拍照的时候,手不会暴露在外);一双用羊毛和保温材料做的手套;一条羊毛围巾;一顶羊毛足球帽。

To us it seems difficult to support existence without woollen undergarments, frequently changed.


更多网络解释与羊毛内衣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wooly:毛织品, 羊毛内衣

animated 活生生的, 活泼的, 动的, 愉快的 | wooly 毛织品, 羊毛内衣 | mammoth 猛犸, 毛象, 庞然大物