英语人>词典>汉英 : 罗恩斯 的英文翻译,例句
罗恩斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Cast ::, David Ryall as Chief Builder, Ian McElhinney as Builder, Harry Treadaway as Doon Harrow, Tim Robbins as Loris Harrow, Bill Murray as Mayor Cole ..


We're here to memorialize 29 Americans: Carl Acord. Jason Atkins. Christopher Bell. Gregory Steven Brock. Kenneth Allan Chapman. Robert Clark. Charles Timothy Davis. Cory Davis. Michael Lee Elswick. William I. Griffith. Steven Harrah. Edward Dean Jones. Richard K. Lane. William Roosevelt Lynch. Nicholas Darrell McCroskey. Joe Marcum. Ronald Lee Maynor. James E. Mooney. Adam Keith Morgan. Rex L. Mullins. Joshua S. Napper. Howard D. Payne. Dillard Earl Persinger. Joel R. Price. Deward Scott. Gary Quarles. Grover Dale Skeens. Benny Willingham. And Ricky Workman.


Gathers because of a common goal in the middle of same place this 38individual, each enlistment reason is all dissimilar: Comes from布雷恩 Rawlins is for redeem to Texas 回抵 presses for the bankranch; The family extends the woods in Nebraska state William, then isfor maintain the family honorable tradition; Bragg Si fatigueSwitzerland in order to evade the too severe father; The eddy is feelsself-important compared to the standard, is unable confidently theperson which passes facing oneself; Eugene 斯金纳 is here onlyblack, his arrival is for "feels grateful", because France not onlyallows him to participate in the boxing champion to strive forhegemony the match, but also gives him the most reasonable treatment,but in US, the public place all does not allow him to enter......This was afterwards illustrious "the Lafayette flight element" the embryonic form, their party chief was reedcard Si enlightens, a senior pilot, although 28 year-old a


Her efforts to build up a flock of pedigree Herdwick sheep led her to become a strong supporter of Canon Hardwicke Rawnsley, a priest and activist who was instrumental in launching the movement to preserve the natural beauty of the lakes.


Her efforts to build up a flock of pedigree Herdwick sheep led her to become a strong supporter of Canon Hardwicke Rawnsley, a priest and activist who was instrumental in launching the movement to preserve the natural beauty of the lakes.


In 1743, German Protestant Paul Ernst Jablonski argued Christmas was placed on December 25 to correspond with the Roman solar holiday Dies Natalis Solis Invicti and was therefore a "paganization" that debased the true church.

在1743年,德国新教保罗恩斯特雅布隆斯基认为圣诞节放在12月25日,以符合太阳能罗马假日称为dies natalis索利斯Invicti ,因此是& paganization &的庸俗的真正的教堂。

The chancellor made his own arrangements for ousting the party's most successful election-winner.


Ron Sconyers, a retired Air Force brigadier general, is the chief executive officer of Physicians for Peace.


Less than a week old, it already has Westminster agog with its well-sourced but roundly denied allegations, serialised in the Observer weekly newspaper for which Mr Rawnsley writes.


We're here to memorialize 29 Americans: Carl Acord. Jason Atkins. Christopher Bell. Gregory Steven Brock. Kenneth Allan Chapman. Robert Clark. Charles Timothy Davis. Cory Davis. Michael Lee Elswick. William I. Griffith. Steven Harrah. Edward Dean Jones. Richard K. Lane. William Roosevelt Lynch. Nicholas Darrell McCroskey. Joe Marcum. Ronald Lee Maynor. James E. Mooney. Adam Keith Morgan. Rex L. Mullins. Joshua S. Napper. Howard D. Payne. Dillard Earl Persinger. Joel R. Price. Deward Scott. Gary Quarles. Grover Dale Skeens. Benny Willingham. And Ricky Workman.


更多网络解释与罗恩斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ron Jeffries:罗恩杰弗里斯

历史 极限编程的创始者是肯特.贝克(Kent Beck)、沃德.坎宁安( Ward Cunningham)和罗恩.杰弗里斯(Ron Jeffries),他们在为克莱斯勒综合报酬系统(Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation System )(C3) 的薪水册项目工作时提出了极限编程方法.

Ron Mercer:罗恩默瑟

Kevin Ollie 凯文奥利 | Ron Mercer 罗恩默瑟 | Carlos Rogers 卡洛斯罗杰斯

Rebecca Romijn-Stamos .... Mystique:丽贝卡.罗梅恩-斯坦默斯

安娜.帕奎因 anna paquin .... rogue | 丽贝卡.罗梅恩-斯坦默斯 rebecca romijn-stamos .... mystique | 布赖恩.考克斯 brian cox .... william stryker

Rebecca Romijn-Stamos:丽贝卡.罗梅恩-斯坦默斯

最著名的当属以"盛宴"为主题的红地毯系列礼服,第77届奥斯卡影后希拉里.斯万克 (Hilary Swank)、女星丽贝卡.罗梅恩.斯坦默斯(Rebecca Romijn Stamos)都是其忠实追随者

Roan Fel:罗恩.费尔

他从凝滞室里走出来后,带领"一人西斯"协助帝国残余破坏银河同盟的"奥苏斯计划"(Ossus Project),推翻银河同盟,血洗奥苏斯绝地圣殿,废黜罗恩.费尔(Roan Fel)皇帝,还都科洛桑,在银河系复辟帝制.

Ron Howard:导 演: 罗恩 霍华德

美人鱼外文片名:Splash 导 演:罗恩 霍华德 (Ron Howard) 主 演:达依尔 汉纳、洛厄尔 甘兹、汤姆.汉克斯、霍华德 莫里斯、乔 格里法西、克林特 霍华德、约翰 坎迪、多迪 古德曼、巴巴罗 曼德尔国 家:美国语 言:类 型:剧情 首映...末代皇帝


Arroyo,Carlos 卡洛斯-阿罗约 | Artest,Ron 罗恩-阿泰斯特 | Atkins,Chucky 查基-阿特金斯


Arroyo,Carlos 卡洛斯-阿罗约 | Artest,Ron 罗恩-阿泰斯特(野兽) | Atkins,Chucky 查基-阿特金斯

Ron Artest:号 罗恩-阿泰斯特

44号 查克-海耶斯,Chuck Hayes | 55号 迪肯贝-穆托姆博,Dikembe Mutombo | 96号 罗恩-阿泰斯特,Ron Artest

Kristin Chenoweth:克里斯汀.肯诺恩斯

<<冥侦探艾艾>>中的克里斯汀-肯诺恩斯 姓名:克里斯汀-肯诺恩斯(Kristin Chenoweth) 生日:1968年7月24日 出生地:美国俄克拉荷马州 星路历程: 有四分之一切罗基族血统的克里斯汀-肯诺恩斯是一个非常娇...