英语人>词典>汉英 : 罗恩 的英文翻译,例句
罗恩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Ron  ·  Rawn  ·  Rhawn  ·  Rhone

更多网络例句与罗恩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cast ::, James Van Der Beek as Jonathon 'Mox' Moxon, Amy Smart as Jules Harbor, Jon Voight as Manager Bud Kilmer, Paul Walker as Lance Harbor, Ron Lester as Billy Bob, Scott Caan ..


Let's have a look at what Hogwarts students are served at lunch, dinner and feasts:Pumpkin juice seems to be the only drink, water is never mentioned for meals,(although Harry had a drink of water when he woke up in the middle of the night.) Roast beef, roast chicken, fried sausages, stew, casserole, tripe (which McGonagall ironically offers Trelawney in PA), pork chops,shepherd's pie, steak, Cornish pasties, lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, steak and kidney pudding, steak and kidney pie, black pudding, sandwiches (chicken and ham, for Harry and Ron in CS); bread, marshmallows and crumpets (Harry and Ron roast them over the Common room fire during the Christmas holidays in PS/SS), baked pumpkin, roast potatoes, jacket potatoes, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, chips, Yorkshire Pudding, peas, sprouts, carrots, gravy, ketchup, custard tart, Mint Humbugs, ice cream, apple pies, treacle tart, Spotted Dick, chocolate éclairs , chocolate gateau, jam doughnuts, Trifle, strawberries, jelly, and rice pudding.


But Harry's amusement at watching Ron's more colorful reaction to Hermione's bossiness (and probably his anticipation of what Ron will say to her) gives him comfort and helps him tolerate it.


Ron Artest: Ron-Ron talks tough but usually backs up his boasts with sometimes over-the-top bullyboy tactics.


At first, Chris and I were on opposite sides of this one. He liked one Ron; I liked the other, who I thought had this adorable goofiness that was just perfect for the hapless but determined Ron.


I'm looking forward to developing the relationship between Ron and Hermione, and Ron and Lavender.


Ron is so effective at this shielding function that the majority of arguments between Harry and Hermione take place when Ron is not around.


Professor Jon Rhodes, from the University's School of Clinical Sciences, explains: Mycobacterium paratuberculosis has been found within Crohn's disease tissue but there has been much controversy concerning its role in the disease.


Indications: gastrointestinal bleeding: n = 30 (16 positive findings: four ulcerative jejunitis, four polyps, two angiodysplasia, two blue rubber blebs, two Meckel's diverticula, one anastomotic ulcer, one reduplication); suspected Crohn's disease: n = 20 (11 had Crohn's disease); abdominal pain: n = 12 (six positive findings: three Crohn's disease, two lymphonodular hyperplasia, one blue rubber bleb); protein loss: n = 9; malabsorption: n = 12 (seven positive findings: six enteropathy, one ascaris).

适应症:胃肠道出血:n = 30(16例阳性结果:4例溃疡性空肠炎、4例息肉、2例血管发育不良、2例蓝色橡皮泡、2例麦克尔憩室、1例吻合处溃疡、1例增殖);可疑性克罗恩氏病:n = 20(11例克罗恩氏病);腹部疼痛:n = 12(6例阳性结果:3例克罗恩氏病、2例淋巴小结增生、1例蓝色橡皮泡);蛋白质丢失:n = 9(4例淋巴管扩张);吸收不良:n = 12(7例阳性结果:6例肠病、1例蛔虫)。

I never set out to describe Sean in Ron, but Ron has a Sean-ish turn of phrase.


更多网络解释与罗恩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kevin Tancharoen:凯文.唐查罗恩

对于一直在电视剧领域里颇有建树的凯文.唐查罗恩(Kevin Tancharoen)来说,>是他执导的电影处女作,里面所讲述的是一个倍受喜爱和欢迎的歌舞故事,无疑是属于唐查罗恩的一个事业方面的巨大飞跃--第一部作品,

Lorn, Firth of:罗恩湾

罗利安 Lorient | 罗恩湾 Lorn, Firth of | 罗恩 Lorne

Ron Mercer:罗恩默瑟

Kevin Ollie 凯文奥利 | Ron Mercer 罗恩默瑟 | Carlos Rogers 卡洛斯罗杰斯

Ron Jeremy the Player Piano:罗恩.杰里米

艾瑞克.斯托罗兹 Eric Stoltz . Lance Lawson | 罗恩.杰里米 Ron Jeremy the Player Piano | 琦普.帕杜 Kip Pardue Johnson

Ron Weasley:罗恩

其中包括哈利波特影片中扮演罗恩(Ron Weasley)的演员鲁伯特.格林特(Rupert Grint). 迷你猪的培养者简.克罗夫特(Jane Croft)为了全心培育迷你猪甚至放弃了自己原本的工作.

Ron Howard:导 演: 罗恩 霍华德

美人鱼外文片名:Splash 导 演:罗恩 霍华德 (Ron Howard) 主 演:达依尔 汉纳、洛厄尔 甘兹、汤姆.汉克斯、霍华德 莫里斯、乔 格里法西、克林特 霍华德、约翰 坎迪、多迪 古德曼、巴巴罗 曼德尔国 家:美国语 言:类 型:剧情 首映...末代皇帝


Arroyo,Carlos 卡洛斯-阿罗约 | Artest,Ron 罗恩-阿泰斯特 | Atkins,Chucky 查基-阿特金斯


Arroyo,Carlos 卡洛斯-阿罗约 | Artest,Ron 罗恩-阿泰斯特(野兽) | Atkins,Chucky 查基-阿特金斯

Rupert Grint:罗恩

少年三人组里头,罗恩(Rupert Grint)还是最放松最有机. 他的戏仍然不多,可是感觉上还是比较完整,而且挺有份量. 赫敏(Emma Watson)不过不失,小姑娘出落得真是漂亮. 她和罗恩总穿情侣装,可以留意一下. 哈利(Daniel Radcliffe)在演技上面临的挑战很大,


Qui-Gon Jinn,魁-刚.金(标准译名:奎-冈.吉恩) | Thrawn,索龙(标准译名:思罗恩) | Yavin,雅文(标准译名:亚文)