英语人>词典>汉英 : 罗娜 的英文翻译,例句
罗娜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与罗娜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The same effect also occurs in the far south, where it is known as aurora australis, from the Latin word meaning "south".


"Chieftain," said Garona."Like I'd get a chance."


At present company's products have French cognac brandy Series (Hennessy XO, Martell XO, Remy Martin XO); whiskey Series (Chivas,¤á, red card, black card, the blue Grand, Ireland,); Vodka series (original flavor, lemon flavor, Orange); Wine Series (Changyu, Great Wall, Great Wall Manor); Beer Series (Qingdao Pure Health, Munich, Budweiser, Carlsberg, Heineken, Corona, the sun beer, ice sharp); Bar seasoning base liquor series (Cointreau, blue orange, Kim Gordon, coconut wine, cherry wine, white rum,±, Baileys, black and white cocoa, etc.), Blue Mountain coffee beans Series ( Brazilian beans, Blue Mountain beans, Ireland beans, Java beans, Mandailing, carbon burning beans, gold medal Blue Mountain, etc.); raw materials, fruit powder, fruit juice, jam, counter appliances.


Ms. Lively, who said she doesn't have extensions, says she has her blond hair touched up by her colorist, Rona O'Connor, every six months.


Yes,we do. I'll be right back with your Corona.


Shouted Garona, cuffing him hard and sending him backward.


Directly across the gulf, the ancient city-state of Kolonna on Aigina likely was a rival of the emerging city-state of Mycenae, which sits about 40 miles inland to the west, during the period between 1400 and


Sally constantly puther down; she was rude about Rhona's mother and her other friends. For twodecades, Rhona had made excuses for Sally, but now just being around her madeRhona feel anxious.


Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan, the Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong, Myanmar Prime Minister Thein Sein, Lao Vice President of the Yang, the Philippines House Speaker普罗斯培Lares Northrop Grumman, the Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai, Brunei Princess玛斯娜to attend this expo, business summit.


In contrast, Brazil's two-hand block font relatively good performance, the Brazilian team won the overall block 13, in which Caroline font of a person on hand to be 9 points,比亚娜law is to get 1 block.


更多网络解释与罗娜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Coronado sland:(科罗娜多岛)

Cherry Festval Assocaton (樱桃谷) | Coronado sland (科罗娜多岛) | Dana Pont (丹纳岬)

Hotel Del Coronado:(科罗娜多大酒店)

Hollyood Par Casno (好莱坞大赌场) | Hotel Del Coronado (科罗娜多大酒店) | Hs La Temple (佛光山西来寺)

Laura Hostetler:何罗娜

James Hevla何伟亚 | Laura Hostetler何罗娜 | Daniel Kulp葛学溥

Laura Linney:羅娜蓮妮

」饰演女律师的是金发碧眼的罗娜莲妮(Laura Linney),她将角色诠释的十分到位,法庭上铿锵有力,一点点地将艾美莉死亡的真相揭示出来,也把观众的心吊在了半空中惊魂难定.


Rona 罗娜 | Rosalia 罗萨利娅 | Rosina 罗辛娜


6 / 14 英国.Wraxall:在诺亚方舟动物农场(noah's ark farm zoo)的长臂猿馆里,出生才六周的黑手长臂猿苏丹娜(Sultana)依偎在妈妈萨罗娜(Salone)的怀里.

Melora Walters:米罗娜.沃尔特斯

主要演员: 阿什顿.库切尔 Ashton Kutcher | 米罗娜.沃尔特斯 Melora Walters | 艾米.斯马特 Amy Smart

Lora:罗娜 温柔体贴 与电视明星罗兰没有关系

LISA 莉莎 阿姐 祝青春长驻! | LORA 罗娜 温柔体贴 与电视明星罗兰没有关系 | LORETTA 罗丽达 胜利 Sure Win!


还有一部叫<<Dishonor>>的德国影片,<<卡萨布兰卡>>(Casablanca). 我看了美国40年代的老电影,如贝蒂.戴维斯(Bette Davis)早期的作品. 还有<<罗娜秘史>>(Laura)和一些黑色电影. 还有那一时期的中国电影.