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罗勒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
basil  ·  Rohrer  ·  basilikum  ·  Rolle

更多网络例句与罗勒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Basil persuaded Constantius to summon a general council, Ancyra being proposed then Nicomedia; but the latter city was destroyed by an earthquake; Basil, therefore, was again at Sirmium in 359 where the Arianizers had meanwhile regained their footing With Germinius of Sirmium, George of Alexandria, Ursacius and Valens, and Marcus of Arethusa, he held a conference which lasted until night.

罗勒说服constantius传召总理事会,安该拉建议,然后尼科美底亚,但后者的城市被摧毁了地震灾害;罗勒,因此,又一次来到锡尔缪姆在359那里arianizers曾同时苏醒过来,立足与germinius的锡尔缪姆,乔治的亚历山德里亚, ursacius和蠹,马库斯的arethusa ,他举行了一次会议,一直持续到深夜。

In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria, Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their life in her communion; also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted by various Fathers, are to be received with veneration".

以其目前的形式名单核定父亲包括塞浦路斯,格雷戈里nazianzen ,罗勒, athanasius ,金口,西奥菲勒斯,希拉蕊,西里尔亚历山大,刘汉铨,奥古斯丁,杰罗姆,繁荣,利奥("每一丝一毫"该托梅向弗拉维安是被接纳下诅咒),和",也是论文的所有正统的父亲,谁背离了,在没有从团契的神圣罗马教会,并没有脱离她的信仰和说教,而是参与者通过谢天谢地,直至其生命,在她的共融;也是decretal封,其中大部分祝福教宗已在不同时候给予咨询时,各父亲,都将收到与敬仰的"。

In the Lent of 358 Basil with many bishops was holding the dedicatory feast of a new church he had built at Ancyra, when he received a letter from George of Laodicea relating how Eudoxius had approved of Atius, and begging Macedonius of Constantinople, Basil, and the rest of the assembled bishops to decree the expulsion of Eudoxius and his followers from Antioch, else that great see were lost.

在贷出358罗勒与很多主教手持奉献盛宴的一个新的教会,他建在安该拉,当他收到一封信,从乔治的劳迪西亚有关如何eudoxius已批准的atius ,乞macedonius的君士坦丁堡,罗勒,并其余的组装主教法令驱逐eudoxius和他的追随者由Antioch ,否则这个伟大见遗失。

Basil to the Sundays in Lent, Maundy Thursday, and Holy Saturday, also the eves of Christmas and the Epiphany, and St.

目前使用的拜占庭成年礼局限于旧礼仪中,圣罗勒至周日在贷出, maundy周四,圣周六,也eves的圣诞节和主显节,圣罗勒的盛宴( 1月1日)。

Then she took a large and handsome vase, the kink in which marjoram or basil is grown, and inside it she placed the head wrapped in a beautiful clotn; then covering it with earth, she planted above it several sprigs of the finest basil from Salerno, and she watered it only with rose or orange water or with her own tears, She spent her time sitting close to the pot, turning all of her desire upon it, for it contained her beloved Lorenzo hidden within; and after gazing at it for a long time, she would bend over it and begin to weep and weep until all of the basil was bathed in her tears.


Basil or ocimum basilicum is a member of the mint family, and is most likely a native of India.


It was from these sources that western monachism took its rise; further information on them will be found in the articles BASIL THE GREAT; RULE OF SAINT BASIL; SAINT BENEDICT OF NURSIA; SAINT PACHOMIUS; SAINT PALLADIUS.

这是从这些来源说,西方monachism了其上升趋势;进一步资料,他们会被发现在文章罗勒的伟大;法治圣罗勒;圣本笃的努西亚;圣pachomius ;圣帕拉第阿斯。

I was never able to make pesto in China because I could never find fresh basil, which surprised me because Thailand and Vietnam both use a lot of basil in their food.


Preliminary trials of holy basil leaves and hairy basil seeds have shown that these herbs may help people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels. 233 234 235 An uncontrolled study reported that 1,000 mg per day of holy basil lowered blood sugar, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, 236 while a controlled trial tested 2,500 mg per day and found similar changes in blood sugar, but only minor effects on total blood cholesterol. 237 The mechanism of action of holy basil leaf is not understood and it is unknown whether common culinary sweet basil would have similar effects.

在圣罗勒,毛叶和罗勒种子的初步试验显示,这些草药可以帮助二型糖尿病患者控制血糖水平。233 234 235不受控制的研究报告说,每天1000毫克的神圣罗勒降低血糖,低密度脂蛋白和甘油三酯,236而对照试验测试的每天2500毫克,发现血糖类似的变化,但只有轻微的影响血胆固醇总含量。237行动机制神圣罗勒叶不理解,这是未知之数共同烹饪甜罗勒将具有类似的效果。

In addition, a benzene, toluene (0.32%), was also detected in 80% ripening fruit. In 90% ripening fruit were detected 27 kinds of aroma components belonging to 2 categories. Among the components, 17 were esters, and 10 alkenes. Of the 17 esters, methyl octanoate is the highest (21.00%), followed by ethyl hexanoate (17.64%), methyl hexanoate (14.34%). Of the 10 alkenes cis-β-ocimene is the highest (1.00%), followed by à-copaene (0.81%) and trans-ocimene (0.48%).


更多网络解释与罗勒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


低剂量使用 ¥130YDS-122 广藿香(Patchouli) 消除瞌睡倾向,让人清醒 治青春痘、更新皮肤 利尿、催情、促进伤口愈合 低剂量使用 ¥110YDS-123 罗勒(Basil) 消除疲劳、集中记

Basil Extract:罗勒

Cordyceps Extract 虫草 | Basil Extract 罗勒 | Curcuma Extract 姜黄

sweet basil:罗勒

那时候,老吉尔经常带领他的"礼拜一之夜"(MONDAY NIGHT)爵士管弦乐团在纽约著名的"甜蜜的罗勒"(SWEET BASIL)俱乐部演出. 有一天晚上,客居纽约的斯汀来到了他们的演出现场. 当时,斯汀刚在他的摇滚乐队中补充进了一些年轻的爵士音乐家,

sweet basil:紫花罗勒

sweet alyssum 香雪球 | sweet basil 紫花罗勒 | sweet cider 苹果酒

Basil holy:神圣罗勒

Basil 甜罗勒 | Basil Holy 神圣罗勒 | Basil Tropical 热带罗勒


罗兰没有做那道著名的普罗旺斯罗勒大蒜蔬菜浓汤(Lasoupaupistou). 但我想在这里分享我在2002年深秋雨季来临时,第一次喝到它的情景和味觉记忆. 那是一盆"有原则"的浓汤,大蒜和另一重要搭档罗勒(Basilic)联手,成就堪称普罗旺斯第一蔬菜汤的"罗勒大蒜浓汤".


罗勒(Ocimum spp.)又名毛罗勒、零陵菜、兰香、九层塔、光明子秸等,英文名Basil、Basilie、Sweet Basil等,为唇形科(Lamiaceae)罗勒属(Ocimum)一年生芳香草本植物.

Ocimum L:罗勒属

180-1 荆芥N. cataria L. | 181.罗勒属Ocimum L. | 181-1 丁香罗勒O. gratissimum L.

Labiatae Ocimum:罗勒属

小冠薰 Labiatae Basilicum polystachyon | 罗勒属 Labiatae Ocimum | 罗勒 Labiatae Ocimum basilicum

Ocimum Linn:罗勒属

钩萼草 Notochaete hamosa Benth | 罗勒属Ocimum Linn. | 罗勒 Ocimum basilicum Linn.[Ocimum basilicum Linn. var. majus Benth.]