英语人>词典>汉英 : 网捕 的英文翻译,例句
网捕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与网捕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The birds fly", soaring in the skies are not caught with nets, archery bow could not use, is extremely safe, but in order to "bulimia" from high-altitude flying, the shooting death arrested;"abyss of fish , open in the deep water, the fish fork stabbed not, could not catch fish hooks, can be said to be extremely safe, and an incense in order to bait, however, they swim to the surface of the water, fish fork was stabbed to death by the fish hook钓起, the food table as a fisherman.


Seining is the most important of the different kinds of net fishing.


TribeSouth in the river once the mountain take, activity wear 1 take knitting net fowling as rare of tribe.

罗部落 在河南罗山一带,活动着一个以织网捕鸟为生的罗部落。

This study deals with butterfly diversity and conservation of rare as well as insect fauna species in Baishuijiang Natural Reserve in Gansu Province. The research includes field investigation, observation at certain time and places, captive breeding in experimental area etc. Butterfly species diversity in Baishuijiang Natural Reserve and variation regulation of butterfly diversity in different areas are studied. The relationof butterfly diversity with environmental factors such as vegetation destruction, human disturbance are strenthened in Bifeng Gully. The biology of two rare butterfly species is studied. Meanwhile, this study deals with insect α-diversity and β-diversity in Baishuijiang Natural Reserve and inquire into the mechanisms of ecological control by protecting and recovering vegetation. The research includes field capture with sweeping net, light trap, transect investigation.


Methods Apply four ways: human baited net trap, catching with a net, light trap and indoor resting collection methods to catch the mosquitoes at the four habitat: urban areas, rice field, livestock and poultry shed, sad household, aid the environmental factors were recorded at the same time.


During the Early Summer Trap Netting that Mike Rawson's group was doing, they noticed some carp showing clear signs of stress – including extensive hemmoraging, eyes bugging out, and some breakdown of tissue, as well as 'sluggish' behaviour.

在初夏Mike Rawson小组进行的网捕活动中,他们注意到一些鲤鱼有明显的紧张症状-包括大量出血,眼球突出,以及一些组织坏死和"呆滞"行为。

A lot of fishermen are going direct to France, Mr Boyers says, though it means Icelandic boats switching from cod to species such as sea bream which the French prefer.


He hunted butterflies with a darting net, only to break their wings.


The characters and seasonal changes of insect community structure in Phragmites australis community Ph.


I'm a "catch and release" fisherman, which means I don't kill the trout I catch, but net and handle them gently and set them free.


更多网络解释与网捕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dream Catcher:捕梦网

你可以在原住民保留区的免税豪华赌场里,在诸如>(The Last of the Mohicans)的小说里,循着叙述美国西部开发史的乐曲>(Trail Of Tears)的旋律,张起缀着羽毛和珠子的"捕梦网"(Dream Catcher),在古老得有些模糊的印地安图腾柱上,

dross trap:浮渣捕集器,滤网

Dross trap浮渣捕集器,滤网 | Dry sand干砂,干型砂 | Ductile iron延性铁

enmeshment:网捕 包络 卷扫

292、complex 复杂的 | 293、enmeshment 网捕 包络 卷扫 | 294.potable 可饮用的 饮料

whale mother ship:捕鲸母船xir中国学习动力网

gondola (意大利的)长平底船xir中国学习动力网 | whale mother ship 捕鲸母船xir中国学习动力网 | hydrofoil 水翼船xir中国学习动力网


clapboard 护墙楔形板 楔形板 桶板 | clapnet 捕虫网 | clapotage 振荡音

Pycnonotus jocosus:红耳鹎

据野外观察和网捕法所捕鸟的情况可知:红耳鹎(Pycnonotus jocosus)和白头鹎(P. sinensis)两种鸟传播桃金娘种子,白头鹎比红耳鹎的数量多. 在网捕到的红耳鹎和白头鹎的粪便中收集到的桃金娘种子分别为8.0±3.0粒/只和10.0±2.0粒/只.

Funnel-web tarantulas,family Hexathelidae ):漏斗网捕鸟蛛,长尾蛛科

活盖蜘蛛,螲蟷科 ( Trap-door spiders,family Ctenizidae ) | 漏斗网捕鸟蛛,长尾蛛科( Funnel-web tarantulas,family Hexathelidae ) | 袋网蜘蛛,地蛛科( Purse-web spiders,family Atypidae )

cod line:囊尾网;袋括网;捕鳕绳;白麻细绳

cod fisher 鳕渔船 | cod line 囊尾网;袋括网;捕鳕绳;白麻细绳 | cod liver oil unit 鳕肝油单位


immersion 浸没 | immesh 网捕 | immesurableunmeasured 不可测的

crab trammel; crab trammel net:二重刺网{捕蟹用}

crab scrape 蟹耙网 | crab trammel; crab trammel net 二重刺网{捕蟹用} | crab trap 捕蟹笼