英语人>词典>汉英 : 网 的英文翻译,例句
网 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
net  ·  netting  ·  retia  ·  toil  ·  web  ·  toiled  ·  toiling  ·  nets  ·  toils  ·  webs  ·  rete

epsilon net · thing which looks like a net · catch with a net · dictyo-
更多网络例句与网相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The resin can be used as medicine named asafetida, it is only produced in xinjiang, mainly grows at clay stone and lithoid hillside.365论文下载网_365txt小说阅读网'2oMh7N2r

阿魏全国仅产新疆,生长在带有砾石的黏质土壤和石质干山坡上。365论文下载_365txt小说阅读d d6p/UDq2\~+W

L9t 切尔西中文网--球迷论坛 William Gaillard - Is warned about snake but does nothing about it.

G}YGE 切尔西中文--球迷论坛威廉姆-杰拉德――发出"毒蛇警告",却没有采取任何行动。

Yip of KPMG."Most people now realize that if they job-hop every six mon 如 ths, they w n on't 北美文学网 get the next 山要我 job."

伊普女士这样说,"大多数人已经认识到每半年 y月就跳一次槽,那么他们就不会得到下一份工北美文学作。"

T{g j$?N~;1 27/8 Ball Found After Search Exceeding Five Minutes Is Then Played 中高网0Mqr5t q:w+~%g

27/8 超过找球规定的五分钟后球才被找到,随后打了那个球中高:jht Sv|iA

The article also cited 河南文化产业网 www.henanci.com,(an official investigative and research website) as stating that the mounting death of Foxconn's employees is caused by their living in constant overstrung stress perpetuated by the excessively demanding management - in addition to the factory's notorious disregard for employees' basic rights.


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Routing tables are continuously built and rebuilt by intelligent discovery protocols, such as Routing Information Protocol or Open Shortest Path First. Each router/'s routing table shows the best route to the destination address; for addresses that may be several hops away, it shows the best next-hop router.疯狂英语学习网 e37.com.cn


Click tide peak, when your pockets full of station, the cattle to make even more attention to the registration, mail PTR, integrated platform rather than the form of a simple and direct, pre -网赚contractors change the situation.


Her slogan "No Tree, No Me," is somet淘宝网hing she is telling world leaders a韩版T恤t the climate change conference淘宝代理 in T恤批发Copenhagen, where she is highlighting this problem as well as talking about how koalas can be part of the solution to lower carbon emissions in Australia through the preservation of their fores时尚起义ts.


K工作犬,训犬网,训狗网,狗友网,中国工作犬网,工作犬网,宠物用品,养犬技术,训犬用品,训犬技术,训犬视频,宠物训练,猎犬训练,训犬学校 The reason for getting into KNPV is there is no tracking and the exercises are fun to train for guard the article and handler protection etc.

X工作犬,训犬,训狗,狗友,中国工作犬,工作犬,宠物用品,养犬技术,训犬用品,训犬技术,训犬视频,宠物训练,猎犬训练,训犬学校 KNPV吸引人的地方在于,它不需要追踪,而训练项目也充满了乐趣(比如看守物品和护卫训导员,等等)。

更多网络解释与网相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abri n.m:隐藏处,保护 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

abri n.m. 隐藏处,保护 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | abriter v.t. 掩护,保护 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | abrupt,e adj. 陡峭的,险峻的 urQ法语学习--卓林法语

abuser v.t:欺骗,愚弄 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

abus n.m. 滥用,恶习 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | abuser v.t. 欺骗,愚弄 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | accablant ,e adj. 沉重的,难以忍受的 urQ法语学习--卓林法语

accepter v.t:接受 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

acceptable adj. 可以接受的 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | accepter v.t. 接受 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | accessible adj. 可达到的,易接近的,可理解的 urQ法语学习--卓林法语

accession n.f:获得,加人 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

accessible adj. 可达到的,易接近的,可理解的 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | accession n.f. 获得,加人 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | accessoire n.m. 附件 urQ法语学习--卓林法语

acclamation n.f:欢呼,喝彩 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

accident n.m. 意外事故 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | acclamation n.f. 欢呼,喝彩 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | acclamer v.t. 欢呼,喝彩 urQ法语学习--卓林法语

adieu n.m:再见,永别了 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

adepte n. 门徒,信徒 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | adieu n.m. 再见,永别了 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | adjoint,e n. 助理,副手 urQ法语学习--卓林法语

admiration n.f:欣赏,钦佩 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

admiratif,ve adj. 赞赏的,仰慕的 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | admiration n.f. 欣赏,钦佩 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | admirer v.t. 赞赏,仰慕 urQ法语学习--卓林法语

adopter v.t:接受,采纳,收养 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

adolescent, e adj. 青春的,青少年朗的 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | adopter v.t. 接受,采纳,收养 urQ法语学习--卓林法语 | adorable adj. 值得崇拜的,极可爱的 urQ法语学习--卓林法语


nett /结/用捕捉/策略/编成状/ | netted /用捕获的/张的/状的/ | netting //结/鱼/

Token Ring:令牌环形网

5-1(b)是环形,最典型的就是令牌环形(token ring),它又称为令牌. 图5-1(c)为总线,各站直接连在总线上. 总线可使用两种协议. 一种是传统以太使用的CSMA/CD,这种总线现在已演进为目前使用的最广泛的星形,