英语人>词典>汉英 : 缺钙的 的英文翻译,例句
缺钙的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
calciprivic  ·  calciprivus

更多网络例句与缺钙的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But you say you will not walk the baby would be a little problem, it should be a calcium deficiency, so you should consider calcium supplements, and diet should also pay attention to eat more calcium-rich food sources, such as fresh fish, shrimp, lean meat, black fungus, bone soup, animals such as the liver.


This is a calcium deficiency, some of it?


Some people say that this is also possible that the performance of calcium deficiency.


Eat calcium medicine, and often the sun, it is impossible to calcium deficiency, you said:"It suddenly discovered a few days eversion ribs."


My baby is the case, post-mortem examination when the baby is small blood calcium deficiency, the doctor said that calcium deficiency led to baby later closed fontanel.


Your child is not a calcium deficiency Yes, children can not stand up too early, especially children, relatively fast development time, when his demand for calcium in itself, and calcium deficiency in the case of a child so that he stand It is easy to occur in this case your child.


This is the performance of calcium deficiency, you must pay attention to, and seize the time of calcium supplementation


Calcium deficiency in children in general true for premature infants or the majority of macrosomia, so that children only need to add calcium preparations.


Said that in general the real child the majority of calcium in premature infants or macrosomia, so children need to add calcium agents.


If it is exclusive breastfeeding, nursing mothers can serve calcium, milk-fed babies have a calcium deficiency symptoms should calcium agents, such as calcium gluconate, milk half an hour after feeding, a sub-fed two or three times better absorption and also cod liver oil should continue to serve on weekdays Rideau sun 9:00 choose a more moderate after the sunlight, as much skin exposed limbs, to the best of direct sun to sun, the sun through the window glass was not effective, it should also be noted, In addition, when the sun of the need to protect your baby's eyes, not straight into the sun.


更多网络解释与缺钙的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而采用铅钙合金作为蓄电池栅板则有着最好的保水性能. 最开始俺在俺新买的电池上看见有一个大大英语'钙'(Calcium)的单词时俺还纳闷,难道电池还缺钙. 现在才知道该电池用的是铅钙合金栅板.



in the absence of evidence:在缺乏证据的情况下

3. noun 缺乏,短缺;不足;无 | in the absence of evidence : 在缺乏证据的情况下 | Children may grow slowly with the absence of calcium. : 孩子缺钙可能会导致生长缓慢.

hydrated lime:熟石灰

其实种香草和pH值关系的徵症结在於栽培后约半年到一年的时间,泥炭介质因分解而会逐渐酸化,纤维也因分解而使通气性变差,会突然长得很不好,叶片表现缺钙镁的黄化现象,此时可用熟石灰(Hydrated lime)来处理,由於熟石灰具发热的化学反应,


佝偻病(Rickets)俗称缺钙,在婴儿期较为常见,是由于维生素D缺乏引起体内钙、磷代谢混乱,而使骨骼钙化不良的一种疾病. 佝偻病发病缓慢,不容易引起器重. 佝偻病使小儿抵抗力降低,


\\"深水螺超科\\",\\"ABYSSOCHRYSIDEA\\" | \\"深海漂浮性的\\",\\"abyssopelagic\\" | \\"缺钙血症\\",\\"acalcemia\\"


calciprivia /缺钙/ | calciprivic /缺钙的/ | calciprivus /缺钙的/


\\"钙缺失\\",\\"calciprivia\\" | \\"钙缺失的,缺钙的\\",\\"calciprivic,calciprivous\\" | \\"抑血钙素\\",\\"calcitonin\\"


calciprivia 钙缺失 | calciprivic;calciprivus 缺钙的 | calcitonin 降钙素

milk fever:产乳热

产乳热(milk fever)是一种与低血钙(Low Blood Calcium)有关的代谢紊乱. 由于牛奶中含有大量钙离子,泌乳会造成血液中钙离子减少. 钙离子为肌肉正常收缩所必需,缺钙会导致动物步态不稳、发抖、不能站立、直至死亡. 美国8%的奶牛患有严重的产乳热,