英语人>词典>汉英 : 缺乏兴趣的 的英文翻译,例句
缺乏兴趣的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与缺乏兴趣的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondary school students from the Guangyuan City of soft interest in the status of volleyball, site equipment and school factors such as the importance attached to start and found that the impact of secondary school in Guangyuan City of soft interest in volleyball is the main reason for the lack of theoretical knowledge, traditional teaching style, teaching methods arid, dry contact methods, adult-oriented games, the emotional exchanges between teachers and students and so on.


After anatomization to those students who lack of interest and motivation to English study and lead to lower scores during their study process, you can find there becomes a vicious circle of difficulties, beyond interest, not good marks, out of interest, low scores and once more again and again.


In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


It was not separable from the American trade unions' acquiescence in the Cold War; from their inability to make solid links with the civil rights movement and other progressive forces; from their related failure to respond to the corporations'"Southern Strategy"; from their lack of interest in forming a social democratic party; from their failure to win medicare; and more generally, from their glib economism in good times, retreat from grassroots mobilization, and lack of any alternative political vision.


These include a pervasive feeling of sadness, disruption of sleep patterns including both insomnia and hypersomnia, disturbances in appetite and weight, listlessness, lack of interest (leading to withdrawal from friends and social events), diminished ability in memory and concentration, low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, and finally, thoughts of suicide-the most serious symptom of all.


These include a pervasive feeling of sadness, disruption of sleep patterns including both insomnia and hypersomnia, disturbances in appetite and weight, listlessness, lack of interest (leading to withdrawal from friends and social events), diminished ability in memory and concentration, low self-esteem and feelings of guilt, and finally, thoughts of suicide-the most serious symptom of all.


It could be lack of interest in their partner's hobbies, incompatible libidos, lack of physical attraction, etc. Far too often, couples fawn over each other, only to stop dead in their tracks after the wedding ceremony.


If you do not know how to deal with shyness, your attitude may be misinterpreted as a sign of rudeness or a lack of interest.


We've been dominated by sadists, or ignored by the apathetic.


更多网络解释与缺乏兴趣的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antipathy 憎恶,反感 | apathetic 缺乏兴趣,冷淡的 | apathy 缺乏情感,冷淡

Postpartum Depression:产后抑郁

产后抑郁(postpartum depression)是一组非精神病性的抑郁综合征,发生率占分娩妇女的5%~25%. 产后抑郁的症状比产后沮丧持续时间长,可持续数周,通常发生在分娩后的数周或数日. 妇女表现为疲劳、注意力不集中、失眠、乏力、对事物缺乏兴趣、无用感、罪恶感,


apastron | 远星点 | apatetic | 拟色的(指一种动物模仿另一种动物的保护色) | apathetic | 缺乏兴趣的, 缺乏感情的, 无动于衷的


apathetic 缺乏兴趣的 | apathetically 冷淡地 | apathy 冷漠

apathetically:冷淡地, 无动于衷地

apathetic | 缺乏兴趣的, 缺乏感情的, 无动于衷的 | apathetically | 冷淡地, 无动于衷地 | apathism | 兴奋迟钝, 兴奋性缺失


少趾与精子缺乏相关共存是一个有兴趣的现象. 裸鼠亦有类似情况. 无毛时生育力低下,其中关系尚未搞清. 可能与多型性(Pleomorphic)基因或伴性(Sexlinkage)基因相关. 只见于小鼠和大鼠,原因不明.

Careful planning underlies all my decisions:我的全部决定是以周密计划为根据的

21:renewal更新;重新开始 | 22:Careful planning underlies all my decisions.我的全部决定是以周密计划为根据的. | 23:What underlies his lack of interest in work? 什么造成了他对工作缺乏兴趣?

What underlies his lack of interest in work:什么造成了他对工作缺乏兴趣

181.我的全部决定是以周密计划为根据的. Careful pannin... | 182.什么造成了他对工作缺乏兴趣?what underlies his lack of interest in work? | 183.上星期的罢工背后潜伏着更为深刻的紧张局势. There were deeper t...


出现很多以英语表达的智慧文采,可供时下有兴趣学习实用精美英语者的参考更重要的是:在屠图总主教的谈话中,处处出现宽恕慈悲宽宏和解,以及向前迈进,勿为过去悲情所缠困而永远成为缺乏智慧的受难者(victims) 之忠言这种睿智胸怀与认知,

antisocial personality disorder:反社会性人格障碍

3.反社会性人格障碍(antisocial personality disorder) 以行为不符合社会规范、经常违法乱纪、对人冷酷无情为特点,男性多于女性. 这种人无论是在需要、动机、兴趣、理想等个性倾向性以及自我价值观念等方面均与正常人不同,他们往往缺乏正常的人间友爱、骨肉亲情,