英语人>词典>汉英 : 编辑 的英文翻译,例句
编辑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bookmaking  ·  compilation  ·  compile  ·  compiled  ·  edit  ·  editor  ·  editors  ·  redaction  ·  staffer  ·  copyreader  ·  redact  ·  compiles  ·  edited  ·  edits  ·  compilations  ·  ed.  ·  staffers  ·  bluepencil

make up · copy-edit
更多网络例句与编辑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dr Kerr has joined Edanz Editing in 2005 and brings with him many years of experience as a biomedical copy editor, and as an abstracter and indexer for various drug companies and information services.

是一位富有经验的科学家,并为Lancet 杂志执笔,2005年成为理文编辑资深生物医学编辑,并且是很多医药公司及信息服务的文摘和索引编辑

Edit text documents more comfortably with EditPad Pro's tabbed layout, live spell checking, column editing, extensive clipboard and block editing abilities, project files, word count and other statistics, text wrapping and unwrapping, opening all files from certain folders, alphabetic sort, bookmarks, character map, etc.

编辑文本文件,更舒适与editpad亲的标签式布局,居住拼字检查,列编辑,广泛的剪贴簿和块编辑能力,项目文件时, Word计数及其他统计资料,文字环绕和松绑,开放所有的档案,从某些文件夹,字母排序,书签,性格地图等,支持所有语言,包括远东地区的语文。

The editing criteria of multi-satellite altimeter data are devised and data are pre-processed. In order to realize the full potential of satellite radar altimetry data, it is necessary to take into account a number of error sources and apply their associated corrections with an accuracy that is compatible with the proposed measurement precision.


Speak of network editor, jiangyong looks to come out apparently conversable a lot of, actually, network media is weak force group, the editor that does not have which website can use a journalist this word, also be represented without the reporter and counterpoise without speech, when introducing reporter idea at the outset, interview, interpreter, direct seeding, former achieve a manuscript to wait a series of achieve sexual behavior to indicate editors are fulfilling a network formerly the thing that a reporter should do, but not be a reporter, just edit, concept just.


Based on the work in the Editorial Department of Hubei Electric Power,the paper suggests that the major factor that dictates the quality of sci-tech journals is the professional level of editors.They are expected to have sci-tech knowledge,professional expertise,foreign language competence, devotedness and rigorous attitude towards work.


To edit key mappings, go to the "Keys" tab in the Configuration window. Inside the "Key Mapping" box, drop down the class you want to edit and then click "Edit".

当需要编辑按键映射表,请选择在滑翔机的配置中的"按键"选项页,里面有个"按键编辑"的区域,在下拉列表中选择你需要编辑的职业 CS ,并点击"编辑"按钮。

Hushi was a famous activist in the press of the mordern Chinese history. He edited dozens of publication through all his life, from which we can concluded: Completly independence in economy; responsibility in press and fair freedom of speech; Bearance is the source of freedom; Insisting the regular editor principle and policy.


"Electronic 1C Chip drawing system" provides many functions such as "modify the position of the component"s diagram""modify the color of the component"s diagram""magnify and minify the component"s diagram without distortion""change the type of drawing line""edit some physical properties of the component""copy and paste diagram of one component""delete one or more component diagrams""move more than one components" positions""change the z_order of the diagram,set it to back or bring it to front""save the drawing of the electronic components to one file and the file extension name is *.brd""print the drawing".

电路板元器件绘制系统主要完成了使用鼠标拖拽、鼠标点按的方式绘制电路板上各种常见的元器件图形;编辑电路板上元器件图形的位置;编辑元器件图形的颜色;不失真的对器件图形进行放大和缩小;编辑元器件图形的线型;编辑电路板上各个器件的物理属性(比如电阻的阻值大小、电容的容量大小、额定电压等);复制已经绘制出的电路板上的器件;粘贴剪贴板上的器件;删除单个或多个已经绘制出的器件图形;同时改变多个器件图形的位置;改变绘制区内各个元器件的z order顺序,也就是可以将层叠在一起的图形置前或置后;把绘制的电路板器件图保存到指定文件中;能打开、查看和修改保存的电路板器件图;打印电路板器件图。

The key link of th e project is to edit,but because of the market trend's influences on the press and the inclination of the editing gravity centre,the editing link has been ove rlooked,So,there is a saying :"There is no error ,there is no book."This irreg ular situation is harmful to the development of socialism literature undertaking s w hich shouldn't be hurt.


The principles of historical fullcoverage, wholesociety coverage, entireaudience coverage and alltime coverage should be applied to the Internet News Editing since boundlessness is the basic law in editing news accessing internet. Furthermore, studies are given to the functioning control of economic role in Internet News Editing in respects of the contents, functions and characteristics relating to internet news planning. The standards of welldesigned and wellwritten news are proposed in this article through microstudies given to contents structuring and page layout.


更多网络解释与编辑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

city editor:(英)商业金融栏编辑 (美)本地新闻编辑主任

19.women's feature editor 妇女版编辑 | 20.city editor (英)商业金融栏编辑 (美)本地新闻编辑主任 | 21.latest news editor 最近新闻版编辑

Edit Menu:(编辑菜单)

编辑菜单(Edit 5.2 编辑菜单(Edit Menu) 恢复(Undo) 1. 恢复(Undo) 从编辑菜单中选用"恢复" (Undo)命令或按 Ctrl+Z 组合键,将撤销上次操作,恢复至 其前的状态. 剪切(Cut) 2. 剪切(Cut) 从编辑菜单中选用"剪切" (Cut)命令或按 Ctrl+X 组合键可以将当前选中的内容剪切 至剪贴板中.

Material Editor:(材质编辑器)

"材质编辑器"提供创建和编辑材质以及贴图的功能. 启动您的3dsmax软件,按下键盘上的 "m" 键,或者从快捷菜单栏选择"材质编辑器"(Material Editor)图标. "材质编辑器"(Material Editor)主要分为以下几个内容:

Production Editor:制作编辑 Editor 编辑

Managing Editor 执行编辑 Correspondent 通讯记者 | Production Editor 制作编辑 Editor 编辑 | Public Relations 公共关系 Events Planner 活动策划

HTML editor:编辑器

HTML 编辑器(HTML editor)HTML 编辑器(HTML editor)是为创建网页的一个软件应用程序. 尽管 HTML 标记一个网页能够用任何文本编辑器写,特定的 HTML 编辑器能够提供便利和更多的功能. 例如,很多 HTML 编辑器能够不仅能用 HTML 工作,

MODIFY LABEL:打开标签设计器,编辑或者建立标签

MODIFY GENERAL 打开编辑窗口,编辑当前记录的通用型字段 | MODIFY LABEL 打开标签设计器,编辑或者建立标签 | MODIFY MEMO 打开编辑窗口,编辑当前记录的备注型字段

News editor:新闻编辑

内容编辑又分为新闻编辑(News editor)和责任编辑(Duty editor)要完成对文字、写作、稿件基本事实的核查和编辑工作,在这个过程中甚至包括稿件的写作要求,比如,在文章的一开始是否按照FT的规定,点出消息源,对独家消息是否进行了2个以上消息源的求证;

latest news editor:最近新闻版编辑

20.city editor (英)商业金融栏编辑 (美)本地新闻编辑主任 | 21.latest news editor 最近新闻版编辑 | 22.travel editor 旅游版编辑

waveform editor:波形编辑器

3、波形编辑器(Waveform Editor)在进行逻辑电路的行为仿真时,需要在所设计电路的输入端加入一定的波形,波形编辑器可以生成和编辑仿真用的波形(*.SCF文件),使用该编辑器的工具条可以容易方便的生成波形和编辑波形.

Edit Normals:<编辑法线编辑器>

Delete Mesh<编辑网格物体编辑器> | Edit Normals<编辑法线编辑器> | Extrude<挤压编辑器>