英语人>词典>汉英 : 绿蓝 的英文翻译,例句
绿蓝 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与绿蓝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

42514A - Dark green-blue - this shade was chaotically picked from the darker side of the ocean background.


A: The human eye is more sensitive to differences in some specific colors. For instance neutral grays, skin tones, chlorophyll greens and sky blues, so we choose these colors first. Then we choose saturated red, green, blue, cyan, magenta and yellow. After that we tried to fill the remaining big cavities in the color space.


The grue problem is one of the models of scientific hypothesis choice.

绿蓝问题是哲学家古德曼于 195 3年提出来的一个经典科学哲学问题。

But the two theories encounter some difficulties respectively,such as the relativity to the systems of representation and conceptual frameworks,insolvability to some gruesome problems,and getting into some unintuitive situation. Grue problem ; logic structure ; simplicity criterion

本文意欲在重塑"绿蓝"假说的逻辑结构的基础上,试图表明广为接受的"简单性"方案无法解决绿蓝问题,因而也无法解决假说选择问题。1 绿蓝问题的由来经验科学家在进行科学

One is the syntactic theory,and the other is the semantic theory.


Then, the tricolor luminous materials are reviewed about their quantum efficiency, luminous stability, lifetime and so on.


But the two theories encounter some difficulties respectively,such as the relativity to the systems of representation and conceptual frameworks,insolvability to some gruesome problems,and getting into some unintuitive situation. Grue problem ; logic structure ; simplicity criterion

本文意欲在重塑&绿蓝&假说的逻辑结构的基础上,试图表明广为接受的&简单性&方案无法解决绿蓝问题,因而也无法解决假说选择问题。1 绿蓝问题的由来经验科学家在进行科学

The object was round, silverish, and had slowly blinking green/blue lights around the perimeter.

该物体轮, silverish ,并慢慢地闪烁绿/蓝灯周围。

Taekwondo training at two stages, the first phase of training for the color belt, and the belt is divided into nine levels, and beginners, will be subject to a period of training passed an examination before they can be promoted after, taekwondo 10th white belt, 9th, white-yellow belt, 8th yellow belt, 7 - yellow-green belt, 6th green blelt, 5th green-blue belt, 4th blue belt, 3rd blue-red belt, 2nd red belt, 1st red-black belt, students needs at least a year and a half after completion of the first phase of training to more stringent by the requirement to pass an examination for promotion to the second phase of Ho - Black Belt, Black Belt is divided into nine, a few paragraphs is embroidered in black at both ends, and the other for you, Black Belt to Black Belt for some to accept at least four to seven years hard training, but also need to be more than six taekwondo authorized official in charge of the test invigilator.


When gazing at the sky, the red cones respond to the small amounts of red light scattered, and even less strongly to the orange and yellow wavelengths. Although green cones respond to yellow, their response to scattered green and green-blue wavelengths is stronger.


更多网络解释与绿蓝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

turquoise blue:绿蓝

本次所发表的新配色,分别为预定 3 月 24 日发售的石墨黑(Graphite Black)与纯白色(Pure White),以及预定 4 月 21 发售的松绿蓝(Turquoise Blue)与糖粉红(Candy Pink)等 4 种,加上最初发售的白金银(Platina Silver)在内,共有 5 种配色.

bluish Purple:蓝紫 蓝紫

blueviolet 蓝紫 蓝紫 | bluish Purple 蓝紫 蓝紫 | bluish green 蓝绿 蓝绿

greenish blue:绿蓝

green 绿色 | greenish blue 绿蓝 | greenyellow 绿黄

RG SMOOTH:二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红绿),颜色渐变

17 RGB SMOOTH 三色追逐,有淡入淡出(红绿蓝),颜色渐变 | 18 RG SMOOTH 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红绿),颜色渐变 | 19 RB SMOOTH 二色追逐,有淡入淡出(红蓝),颜色渐变

RG CHANGE:二色追逐,没有淡入淡出(红绿)

11 RGB CHANGE 三色追逐,没有淡入淡出(红绿蓝) | 12 RG CHANGE 二色追逐,没有淡入淡出(红绿) | 13 RB CHANGE 二色追逐,没有淡入淡出(红蓝)


长指针列举16位 COLORREF 值,其包含红,绿,蓝, (RGB)值,在对话框里定制颜色箱. 如果用户改变这些颜色, 系统会更新和列举新的RGB值. 保存新的定制颜色期间调用ChooseColor 函数, 它将分配给你一个静态记忆的列表.


本软件可以将图片作灰阶化或反相 (类似照相底片) 的处理,还有一项特别的色彩对调功能,可以将影像三原色 - 红绿蓝 (RGB) 三色中的任一色和其他色对调,以产生非常与众不同的效果.


绿黄 green yellow | 绿膜片 greenie | 绿蓝 greenish blue

hyacinth;purplish blue:紫蓝

绿蓝 turquoise blue | 紫蓝 hyacinth;purplish blue | 浅紫蓝 Dutch blue

Pastel greenish blue to blue:淡绿蓝到蓝色

Aquamarine海蓝宝石 | Pastel greenish blue to blue淡绿蓝到蓝色 | Bixbite红绿柱石