英语人>词典>汉英 : 绿叶化 的英文翻译,例句
绿叶化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与绿叶化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main results were showed as follows:Through screen and identification of morphology in M_2 and M_3, respectively, the mutants with mutative traits of plant were found. In which, 11 mutations were leaf variations, including light-green leaf, deep-green leaf, durative yellowish leaf, temporary yellowish leaf, inlaid yellowish leaf, wrinkly leaf, smooth-edged curly leaf, splitting-shaped curly leaf, peduncular-shaped leaf, round leaf and larger leaf, 12 were mutations on plant type, including excessive branches, lacking branches, highness, dwarf-like, erect posture, reclinate posture, strong stalk, slender stalk, tufty branches, wrinkled plant, purple stalk and hair-covered plant, 14 were flower variations, including dense flowers, light-yellow petals, white petals, white-mosaic petals, wrinkled petales, back-rolled petals, narrow petals, larger petals, smaller petals, apetalous flowers, variable-numbered petals, fertile pistil protraction, sterile pistil protraction and multi-anther, and 5 were physiologic mutants, including genic male sterile, cytoplasmic male sterile, bud-dead, and early and later bloom.


Long period illumination could lower the activity of cytochrome oxidase in tissues, so that this enzyme activity in green leaves was much lower than that in etiolated leaves. The activity of isolated cytochrome oxidase, however, was not affected with light of varied intensities.


Measurement of cytochrome oxidase activity in germinated seeds, etiolated leaves and green leaves of pea indicated that the cytochrome oxidase activity was correlative to the importance of energy generation in the process of mitochondrial coupling respiration.


更多网络解释与绿叶化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他那使协奏曲交响化的艺术是巧妙而恰到好处的,并不像后人所犯的毛病,把协奏曲化为加上助奏(obbligato)的交响乐. 我们听时应该兼顾那"红花"与"绿叶",才能充分领略其中的美妙.


然而管弦乐也并非跑龙套的角色. 他那使协奏曲交响化的艺术是巧妙而恰到好处的. 并不像后人所犯的毛病,把协奏曲化为加上助奏(obligato)的交响乐. 我们听时应该兼顾那"红花"与"绿叶",才能充分领略其中的美妙.


pasteurizer 巴氏灭菌器 | pasting 糊化 | patchouli oil 绿叶油

Patchouli oil:绿叶油

pasting 糊化 | patchouli oil 绿叶油 | patent 专利


chloranthusbouquet 百花珠兰 | chloranthy 绿叶化 | chlorapatite 氯磷灰石

chloranthy:绿花(病), (花)绿叶化

chloranthus concrete | 珠兰浸膏 | chloranthy | 绿花(病), (花)绿叶化 | chlorantine fast green | 氯冉亭坚牢绿