英语人>词典>汉英 : 综合指标 的英文翻译,例句
综合指标 的英文翻译、例句


composite indicator · aggregative indicator · overall target
更多网络例句与综合指标相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In May 2006 in the National General Administration of Quality 63 National Silk brand quality spot checks, the rural silk silk product quality and environmental composite indicator of all qualified, and comprehensive quality indicators in the forefront of the national counterparts.


From a technical point of view, the MACD indicator Shanghai Composite Index yesterday began the first column root Green Line, DIF indicators have been down死叉MACD indicators, short-term moving average of all cities with a short, the formation of layers of pressure on the index, which show that the market outlook the market also continue to explore the search for support requirements.


On the base of the principal factors selected from natural, social and economical conditions in Shenyang, 230 varieties virescence plants are analyzed and ranked, the paper picks out diaphysis trees, basic trees, ongoing expansion trees, adequately retained trees and selective trees from them, and the selection and adjustment program of basic trees and diaphysis trees.


The main content of the study includes: the policy variables are classified into two types, which are continuous policy variable and discrete policy variable, and the two variable is analyzed respectively; as to the continuous policy variable, use reasonable weighting to synthesize comprehensive policy indicator to reflect the comprehensiveness of each main policy indicator; undertake regression analysis for the comprehensive policy indicator, economic and stock market variable and get the effect of all kinds of comprehensive policy indictor variables on the economy and stock market; undertake regression analysis for data on the economic indicator and the data on the stock market and get the relationship between the economy and the stock market; use event research method to analyze its effect on the stock market and get some corresponding conclusions; structure the differential or difference equation groups on the interactive relationship among the variable economy, stock market and policy and do the difference operation and constitute simultaneous equation with the original main variables one after another; use quantitative regression method and solve the coefficient of the simultaneous equation to predict the operating tendency.


The extreme value theory is introduced in measuring the liquidity risk, and the Type I extreme value distribution is found fit for predicting the probability of the amount of accrued payables to redeem open-end funds via analyzing the actual data.


In this thesis, we introduce three indexes that are used to evaluate the main business firstly. Theyre profit of main business, cashflow of main business and integrated index of main business. Then, we construct a series of regression models of assets structure with profit of main business and cashflow of main business, which signalize the current assets and the fixed assets help them; the long-term investments hinder them; the other assets help or hinder them uncertainly, and even have nothing to do with them sometimes. Finally, we construct the regression models of assets structure with integrated index of main business, and put forward a method to optimize the assets structure.


Based on these the comprehensive appraisal system is created that is composed of three subsystems-investment risk, opportunity, and environment. Each subsystem includes four evaluation indexes and the total subindex number is 36. The comprehensive index evaluation method, AHP method, and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are used respectively in designing the comprehensive index system, determining each indexs weight coefficient and measuring the evaluation indexes.


The D value, comprehensive evaluation value of each variety's heat tolerance at its filling stage, can be deduced after calculating the subordinative function values of the two comprehensive indexes scores and using the contribution ratio of the comprehensive indexes to deduce the weight coefficient and then to weight sum.


The relationship is obtained between accident rate and alignment synthetical index accumulative total value through the regression analysis. The regressive results certify that the road alignment synthetical index can be chosen to evaluate the road alignment quality and road safety and better correlation exists between accumulative total value and accident rate while the correlative model between accident rate and synthetical index accumulative total value is established.


Then urban development index was created to analyze its relationship with urban climatic index. It were seen that urban climatic indices correlated significantly with UDI and gradually ascend first before descend with the advance of urbanization process.


更多网络解释与综合指标相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

composite indicator:综合指标

composite index | 复合指标 | composite indicator | 综合指标 | composite item of cost | 综合成本项目


阳烛 大阴烛 综合实例分析第二部分 辅助指标 辅助指标功能 移动平均线 单一平均线 综合平均线 移动平均线通道 保历加通道 相对强弱指数(RSI) 随机指数(STC) 移动平均线汇聚背驰指标(MACD) 动向指标(DMI) 成交量平衡指数(


'综合'(INTEGRATED)并非指将变电站所要求的功能以'拼凑'的方式组合,而是指在满足基本要求的基础上,达到整个系统性能指标的最优化. 表现在:


有机物目前已多达几百万种以上,对它们尚难以--区分与定量. 因此,在工程实际中常采用有机物污染综合指标(Comprehensive index of organics polluting)来表述. 主要有溶解氧(DO)、耗氧量(OC)或高锰酸盐指 ...



synthesize evaluate:多指标综合评价

教师评价:Evaluate the Performance of Teachers | 多指标综合评价:synthesize evaluate | 图象质量评价方法:the method to evaluate image quality

aggregative model:综合模式,总量模型

aggregative indicator 综合指标 | aggregative model 综合模式,总量模型 | aggression 侵蚀

aggregative index:综合指数

aggregation 群集 | aggregative index 综合指数 | aggregative indicator 综合指标


作为城市公用事业民营化的两种形式:合同承包(Contracting)和特许经营(Franchises)在竞争者中选择中标者都有一个评标的过程. 由于是否中标有时不完全是出价最低者获胜,有时是综合指标最高者获胜. 而综合指标的评定带有一定的主观性,

Composite income sheet:综合损益计算书

composite import price index || 综合进口物价指数 | composite income sheet || 综合损益计算书 | composite index || 复合指标