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维纳过程 的英文翻译、例句


Wiener process
更多网络例句与维纳过程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

New parameter estimation Markov recursive algorithm for continuous stochastic linear system and bilinear system is proposed.


Whats more, the proposed z-domain model can successfully guide and shed light on PLL circuit design.In the following charpts, by Wiener process theory, we give closed-form expressions for phase noise and jitter of free-running oscillator in general case.


By the best approximation and the geometric interpretation of signal vectors in adaptive filters, the input noise variance is obtained with the information obtained from the traditional LMS algorithm. Then, based on γ-LMS algorithm, it can iteratively eliminate the input noise effects to obtain the bias in the Wiener solution and the true system coefficients.


Normal process, process with independent increaments,Wiener process, Poisson process, renewal process.


The limit distributions of the test statistics are the functional of wiener process,so the critical values can only be obtained by simulation.


The main work of this thesis is the discussion of the multiple life actuarial reserve under the stochastic rate,and the rate is modeling by Wiener process and Possion process.


For a financial instrument whose price follows a Wiener process, the volatility increases by the square-root of time as time increases.


The numerical analysis shows that the effect of an input sinusoidal signal is also a sinusoidal signal in the output, and the effect of the white noise is a Wiener process. When the system parameters are small enough, the effect of signal modulating noise can occur in the stochastic systems.


There are echoes of Bourne in Hirst's quest for his own truth , but, in his fourth book, Mr Wignall forgoes the Ludlumesque technology and fancy fireworks in favour of richer characterisation.

在赫斯特寻找自己的真实身份的过程中,我们可以看到波恩的影子。然而在这系列的第四本作品中,维纳尔女士放弃了 Ludlumesque 技术,不再为了丰富角色的层次进行激烈的争论。

Das, Veena."Language and Body: Transactions in the Construction of Pain." In Social Suffering.


更多网络解释与维纳过程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


曼联、阿森纳和维拉恐怕都永远没机会复制伯里(Bury)的4级联赛大满贯. 伯里谱写历史的过程乃该队的衰败史,1926年12月,布洛克将伯里的第1000粒顶级联赛进球送入了谢联大门;1953年3月,该队在第2级联赛进球过千;1997年5月,

widow's cruse:寡妇的坛子

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FA Cup:英格兰足总杯

为红魔曼联征战的过程中,瑞恩.吉格斯(Ryan Giggs)打进过很多至关重要而且具有纪念意义的进球,其中就包括1999年4月在维拉公园球场举行的曼联对垒阿森纳(Arsenal)英格兰足总杯(FA Cup)半决赛附加赛上,他在最后关头完成了一次精妙绝伦的个人表演,



Logarithmic normal distribution:对数正态分布

连续再投资到该资产上 第二章投资者行为理论 II 最优消费和投资 13 望收益率的瞬间方差d.(t)是一个标准维纳过程20 这是一个核心假定由于市场参数a 和σ 2 都是常数风险资产的收益就呈现对数正态分布(logarithmic normal distribution)的特 征这一点不仅保




Black-Scholes公式的基本思想在于:派生证券的价格和股票的价格都受同一种基本的(Underlying)不确定因素的影响,二者遵循相同的维纳过程. 如果建立一个包含恰当的派生证券头寸和股票头寸的证券组合,可以消除维纳过程,股票头寸与派生证券

wiener process:维纳过程

经济计量学在这一方面的发展也引起7数学方法上的突破,维纳过程(wiener process)和基于其上的泛函中心权限定理成为了研究为主要数学工具. 这使得我们能在更为广泛的条件下研究时间序列统计量的极限和极限分布习题.


本书共分9章:随机过程的基本概念、平稳随机过程、马尔可夫过程、时间序列分析、时间序列建模、维纳最优滤波和预测、离散线性系统的最优估计、广义维纳(Winer)滤波、线性系统在随机输入作用下的分析. 每章后都配有适量习题. 4.1 自回归滑动合(ARMA)序列的定义及产生方法第6章 维纳(Wiener)最优滤波和预测6.2 连续维纳一霍甫(

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