英语人>词典>汉英 : 续经的 的英文翻译,例句
续经的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与续经的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Multivariate analysis of variance was used to determine that organizational safety manager, safety committees, and individual experience with accidents and safety training statistically and practically significantly affected performance.


Article 94 Where during the term of the pledge, with the pledgor's consent, the pledgee pledges for a third party with the pledged property in his possession to secure his own debt, such pledge shall not exceed the scope of obligation secured by the original pledge, and the exceeding portion, if any, shall not be paid with priority.


By means of Hua, filial duty is assimilated into the ceremony of ancestor worship, enabling the ceremony to bear the function of filial education; by means of cultivation, the individual gains the filial concept and behavior; the blood ties will be sustained and the unity and identification of the family members will be strengthened in the way of converting filial duty into the love, the respectfulness, the support and the worship to parents and the activities of repairing the clan temple and continuing the family tree. Finally, filial duty coming into the different forms of reading, playing and writing scripture finishes the entire society\'s integration and sustains the social stability.4. It is because the Bai People group passes on the filial duty in the principle of Cheng that the filial duty still has an effect on the individual, the family and the society.


A new freight route from March 6 this year, been put into service, three weekly flights from Hong Kong via Anchorage to Miami, Houston continued to fly, and then return to Hong Kong via Anchorage.


By using Erinaceus europaeus and mice as animal models of Paragonimus experiment respectively, animal infection was performed with encysted metacercaria of Paragonimus orally in order to process the host conversion with direct and indirect paratenic transmission.


Most of them arised directly or indirectly from the white variety 'Duncan' by periclinal chimera.


Although most companies are making employees redundant, chief executives can cement the loyalty of those who remain by assuring employees that the company has survived difficult times before, maintaining quality rather than cutting corners, and servicing existing customers rather than trying to be all things to all people.


By means of Hua, filial duty is assimilated into the ceremony of ancestor worship, enabling the ceremony to bear the function of filial education; by means of cultivation, the individual gains the filial concept and behavior; the blood ties will be sustained and the unity and identification of the family members will be strengthened in the way of converting filial duty into the love, the respectfulness, the support and the worship to parents and the activities of repairing the clan temple and continuing the family tree. Finally, filial duty coming into the different forms of reading, playing and writing scripture finishes the entire society\'s integration and sustains the social stability.4. It is because the Bai People group passes on the filial duty in the principle of Cheng that the filial duty still has an effect on the individual, the family and the society.


更多网络解释与续经的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Resume the chair; resume the chairmanship:继续担任主席

results of these elections once certified as free and fair by the United Nations;经联合国证实为自由和公正的大选结果... | Resume the chair; resume the chairmanship;继续担任主席;; | resumed session;续会;;


deuterocanonical 续经的 | deuterogamy 再婚 | Deuteronomic 申命记的

Disc Herniation:椎間盤突出

边缘锐利,骨皮质变薄,膨胀,保持其连 续性 骨膜增生:一般无,病理骨折后可有少量, 不被破坏 周围软组织变化:多无肿胀或肿块影,如有 肿块,其边缘清楚 椎间盘突出(disc herniation) 定义:髓核经破裂的纤维环向外突出 部位:腰椎间盘最多,


印度经续结集,把"经"(sutra)和"续"分得很清楚①. 经所诠者为教理,续所诠者为修习密法之所依. --也可以这样说,修习密法时,为甚么要这样修?所根据的是甚么?须以"续"为直接根据;经所诠的教理虽亦为修持之所依(如"空性"等),


deuteration 含重氢 | deuterocanonical 续经的 | deuterogamy 再婚


此外,潜艇的指挥系统 (SMCS)、船舶惯性导航系统(SINS)和通信基础结构也将进行改进. 该计划需经 费1.8亿英镑,约合2.7亿美元. 由于巡航导弹在未来战争中的作用十分重要,因此,拥有巡航导弹的美国和俄罗斯将继 续重视发展巡航导弹并保持领先地位,

Chinese insect wax:虫白蜡

虫白蜡(CHINESE INSECT WAX) 虫白蜡是雄性白蜡虫幼虫,在其生长过程中的正常分泌物,再经漂白、脱水精制而得. 一般简称虫蜡、白蜡、川蜡. 其理化性质比较稳定,具有密闭、防潮、防锈、防腐、着光、生肌、止血、止痛、补虚、续筋接骨等作用.