英语人>词典>汉英 : 续借 的英文翻译,例句
续借 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
renew  ·  renewal  ·  renews

更多网络例句与续借相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I want to continue borrowing this book.


Must get that Capel street library book renewed or they'll write to Kearney, my guarantor


China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Pu Fa Bank, China Merchants Bank, a number of commercial banks in the Grand confident, and hopes to continue to borrow from the top.


If you return them after that,then they are overdue,and you have to pay a late fee.


I can't go on lending you money.


I want to go on lending the book.


A: Some of these things are very sensible, like don't redecorate your office.


I'd like to renew this book.


I'd like to renew the book.


Members can use the Library's OPAC system to renew the borrowed items.


更多网络解释与续借相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A line has to be drawn somewhere-I can't go on lending you money:事情总得有个分寸--我不能继续借给你钱了

He went on studying deep into the n... | A line has to be drawn somewhere-I can't go on lending you money. 事情总得有个分寸--我不能继续借给你钱了. | If you go on drinking like this you'll make yoursel...

You would have a ball:玩个痛快. (ball在这里不是一个球)

5.I'm sorry. We're all booked up tonight 对不起,今天晚上都订满了. | 6.You would have a ball. 玩个痛快. (ball在这里不是一个球) | 7.I want to renew this book 我想续借我的书

interlibrary service:图书馆馆际互借服务

renew 续借 | interlibrary service 图书馆馆际互借服务 | reserve books 指某一段时间内比较抢手或热门的图疏和资料,其租借期被缩短,以供更多

open-shelf system:开架借书制度

renew 续借 | open-shelf system 开架借书制度 | library card 借书证


renew 续借 | overdue过期 | Mathematics 数学

overdue notice:催还通知

not for circulation 不外借 | overdue notice 催还通知 | renewal 续借

overdue notice:催还通知CuB中国学习动力网

not for circulation 不外借CuB中国学习动力网 | overdue notice 催还通知CuB中国学习动力网 | renewal 续借CuB中国学习动力网


下午李明来到学校图书馆借有关运动方面的书籍. 图书管理员(Miss Yang )告诉他只能借两星期,可是李明想多借几天. 管理员说可以续借(renew),但不能借给别人,李明表示同意.

to renew:续借

To remain: 剩 (English) | To renew: 续借 (English) | To return: 还 (English)

I want an English story-book,please:我想借本英语故事书

How long can I keep it?我可以借多久? | I want an English story-book,please.我想借本英语故事书 | I'd like to renew it for one more month.我想续借一个月