英语人>词典>汉英 : 绦 的英文翻译,例句
绦 的英文翻译、例句

silk braid · silk ribbon
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The older, her bezique cards and counters, her Skye terrier, her suppositious wealth, her lapses of responsiveness and incipient catarrhal deafness: the younger, her lamp of colza oil before the statue of the Immaculate Conception, her green and maroon brushes for Charles Stewart Parnell and for Michael Davitt, her tissue papers.


"He wore a profusion of ribbon s on his garment, and gold lace on his hat, which was also encircled by a gold chain, and surmounted with a feather."


"He wore a profusion of ribbons on his garment, and gold lace on his hat, which was also encircled by a gold chain, and surmount ed with a feather."


"He wore a profusion of ribbons on his garment, and gold lace on his hat, which was also encircled by a gold chain, and surmounted with a feather."


He wore a profusion of ribbons on his garment, gold lace on his hat, which was also encircled by a gold chain, surmounted with a feather.


Twilight reigns over it. We perceive vast fluctuations in that fog, a dizzy mirage, paraphernalia of war almost unknown to-day, pendant colbacks, floating sabre-taches, cross-belts, cartridge-boxes for grenades, hussar dolmans, red boots with a thousand wrinkles, heavy shakos garlanded with torsades, the almost black infantry of Brunswick mingled with the scarlet infantry of England, the English soldiers with great, white circular pads on the slopes of their shoulders for epaulets, the Hanoverian light-horse with their oblong casques of leather, with brass hands red horse-tails, the Scotch with their bare knees plaids, the great white gaiters of our grenadiers; pictures, not strategic lines--what Salvator Rosa requires, not what is suited to the needs of Gribeauval.

com 。黄昏将近,千军万马在暮霭中往复飘荡,那是一种惊心动魄的奇观,当时的军容今日已经不可复见了,红缨帽,飘荡的佩剑,交叉的革带,榴弹包,轻骑兵的盘军服,千褶红靴,缨络累累的羽毛冠,一色朱红,肩上有代替肩章的白色大圆环的英国步兵和几乎纯黑的不伦瑞克步兵交相辉映,还有头戴铜箍、红缨、椭圆形皮帽的汉诺威轻骑兵,露着膝头、披着方格衣服的苏格兰兵,我国羽林军的白色长绑腿,这是一幅幅图画,而不是一行行阵线,为萨尔瓦多·罗扎①所需,不为格里德瓦尔②所需。

I can look back and see it as strands of a multicolor ribbon winding and twisting through my whole life!


At a quarter-past four, that is to say, when night was fully come, he passed in front of the theatre of the Porte Saint-Martin, where The Two Convicts was being played that day.


Nikolay submitted to him, and at one moment he was praying to God, as he had prayed under fire on the bridge of Amschteten; at the next he tried his fortune on the chance that the card that he would first pick up among the heap of crumpled ones under the table would save him; then he reckoned up the rows of braidings on his coat, and tried staking the whole amount of his losses on a card of that number, then he looked round for help to the others playing, or stared into Dolohov's face, which looked quite cold now, and tried to penetrate into what was passing within him.


This kind of fixed position goes to the lavatory not only patient operation, more important is to be able to make black silk ribbon of deep silk ribbon is covered find a place for inside celiac straight flesh or below celiac straight flesh, because muscle blood is offerred,abound, be helpful for fibre growing silk ribbon black silk ribbon to cover inside, at the same time these musculature still can lap fixed conduit, decrease...


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anal swab:肛门拭子法

(五) 肛门拭子法(anal swab) 适用于检查肛周产卵的蛲虫或常可在肛门附近发现的带虫卵. 2.透明胶纸法(cellophane tape) 用长约6cm,宽约2cm的透明胶纸有胶面,粘贴肛门周围的皮肤,然后将有胶的一面平贴在玻片上,镜检.



cellophane tape:透明胶纸法

最后一次才改用室温清水. (五) 肛门拭子法(anal swab) 适用于检查肛周产卵的蛲虫或常可在肛门附近发现的带虫卵. 2.透明胶纸法(cellophane tape) 用长约6cm,宽约2cm的透明胶纸有胶面,粘贴肛门周围的皮肤,然后将有胶的一面平贴在玻片上,镜检.


第 十一章 虫第一节 概论 虫(cestode)或称带虫(tapeworm),属于扁形动物门的虫纲(Class Cestoda).寄生人体的虫有30余种,分属于多节虫亚纲的圆叶目(Cyclophyllidea)和假叶目(Pseudophyllidea).虫成虫大多寄生在脊椎动物的消化道中,


这方面,中前卫(CM)三浦同学要密切配合,中锋(CF)原同学一定要注意跑位,及时插入对方禁区. 第二,边路只守不攻;右前卫(RM)高桥、左前卫(LM)乡原,要配合DM在中场积极防守阻截,截下球不要强攻边路,要稳一稳,交给DM或CM.


似囊尾蚴(cysticercoid),体型较小,前端有很小的囊腔和相比之下较大的头节,后部则是实心的带小钩的尾状结构. 各种中期幼虫名又可作为属的名称,表示该种虫的这一期幼虫,如曼氏裂头蚴(sparganum mansoni)即表示曼氏迭宫虫(spirometra mansoni)的裂头蚴;



Echinococcus granulosus:棘球绦虫

又如,细粒棘球虫(Echinococcus granulosus)的一条中期幼虫在其自身体内能够发育成无数个头节(scolices),当它们被犬吞食后,每个头节即可发育成一条成虫.

Rouged Lips:点绦唇

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Its thousands of branches hang down,like green silk braid:万条垂下绿丝绦

The tall willow tree seems to be dressed with green jade, 碧玉妆... | Its thousands of branches hang down,like green silk braid. 万条垂下绿丝. | Who cuts out its tender leaves I have no ideas, 不知细...