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统计推断 的英文翻译、例句


statistical inference
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Quantile regression models are important statistical models, which are more powerful than least square regression and least absolute deviation regression in statistical analysis, and can supply much more attractive inference results for the datasets.


Relationship between null and alternative hypothesis; Level of significance; typical steps of hypothesis test, two type errors, critical values.


STAT 581 Advanced Theory of Statistical Inference (3) Limit theorems, asymptotic methods, asymptotic efficiency and efficiency bounds for estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, Bayes methods, asymptotics via derivatives of functionals, sample-based estimates of variability:; robustness; estimation for dependent data, nonparametric estimation and testing.

高级统计推断理论:极限理论,渐进方法,渐进有效和估计的效率,加大似然估高级统计推断理论:计,贝叶斯方法,泛函数的微商渐进性,基于样本的估计:(bootstrap 和 jackknife 方法);稳健性;独立数据的估计,非参数估计和经验。

METHODS A questionnaire survey and qualitative interviews were carried out in the study with descriptive statistics.


The statistical methods of measurement data include descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.


Density and regression estimation when no parametric model is assumed.


The main content of this course includes collecting and sorting statistical data, static data comparison and analysis; descriptive and inference statistics, time series analysis , statistical index, probability and distribution, sampling, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing;simple , multiple regression and correlation analysis .


Statistical inference when the functional form of the distribution is not specified.


The double meaning of statistical inference practice for statistical innovation and the verification of statistical methods is clarified.


In this paper, problems of trend test in clinical experiment are studied mainly by the statistical inference method under order restriction. The ori- gins of order restricted statistical inference are usually dated back to the early 1950s. At about the same time, a number of researchers started working inde- pendently on similar problems. The field developed rapidly during the 1960s and early 1970s and formed the more perfect theory of estimation and test- ing.

中文题名临床试验中的趋势性检验副题名外文题名 Trend test in clinical experiment 论文作者马艳萍导师史宁中教授学科专业概率论与数理统计研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位吉林大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数97页关键词临床试验趋势性检验数理统计约束下统计推断馆藏号BSLW /2003 /R311 /1 本文主要利用序约束下的统计推断方法对临床试验中的趋势性检验问题进行了研究。

更多网络解释与统计推断相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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Error of the first kind,type 1error:统计推断

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statistical graphic method:统计图法

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Statistical inference:统计推断

统计推断(Statistical inference)就是根据样本的实际数据,对总体的数量特征作出具有一定可靠程度的估计和判断. 统计推断的基本内容有参数估计和假设检验两方面. 概括地说,研究一个随机变量,推断它具有什么样的数量特征,按什么样的模式来变动,

Statistical inference:统计归纳

statistical induction 统计图 | statistical inference 统计归纳 | statistical map 统计推断

Parametric statistics:参数统计

同设计类型的秩和检验方法 了解内容: 1.了解秩和检验方法与参数检验方法的检验效能的差别 统计推断方法可分为两大类:参数统计(parametric statistics)和非参数统计(nonparametric statistics) .前面 介绍的 t 检验和方差分析属参数统计方法,

statistical hypothesis testing:统计假设检验

statistical hypothesis 统计假设 | statistical hypothesis testing 统计假设检验 | statistical inference 统计推断

Statistical Inference: Estimation and Hypothesis Testing:统计推断:估计与假设检验

12) Some Important Probability Distributions 一... | 13) Statistical Inference: Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 统计推断:估计与假设检验 | 14) Basic Ideas of Linear Regression: The Two Variable Model ...

statistical hypothesis test:统计假设检验

statistical data 统计数据 | statistical hypothesis test 统计假设检验 | statistical inference 统计推断

statistical method:统计地图

statistical map 统计推断 | statistical method 统计地图 | statistical survey 统计方法