英语人>词典>汉英 : 绝缘电阻 的英文翻译,例句
绝缘电阻 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

insulation resistance · dielectric resistance
更多网络例句与绝缘电阻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

SB2015-3 Precision Decade DC Resistance Box adopts high voltage glass glaze resistors and special high voltage seal switch.Its electric performance is very stable and insulation intension is very high.The resistance value can be adjusted under the condition of ceaselessly opening voltage(Note:The using switch should not be at the point of 0.)It is easy to operate and suitable to be used to calibrate insulation resistance meter,and suitable to be used as high resistance standard.


Use megohmmeter of 2500V for measurement,the megohmmeter must be checked and was ok , supply power to phase need testing and measure 12 insulation,write down the measurement values in 15"and 60",the ratio of R60 and R15 is namely the absorption ratio;stop measuring after 1 minute,make discharging for phase tested,measure insulation resistance for the other two phases.

3.6.2 测量绝缘电阻与吸收比: measure insulation resistance and absorption ratio 采用 2500V 兆欧表进行测量,兆欧表校正无误后,接通被试相进行绝缘测定,并分别记录 15"和 60"时的兆欧表示值,R60 和 R15 之比值即为吸收比, 1min 后停止测量,并对被试相放电后,改接线测量另两相的绝缘电阻

Wuhan Kangda Electrical Co Ltd - insulation tester and earth resistance tester, water-cooled dynamotor insulation tester, electronic insulation tester, electronic insulation/continuity tester, digital insulation/continuity tester, grounding of network, earth resistance tester, lightning protected component tester, high value standard resistor, digital micro-ohm meter, phase indicator, DC milliammeter, digital level meter


Electronic equipment categories: two core, three core insulated wire conduction test machine, an integrated plug-line tester, polarity tester, full-featured integrated precision wire tester, analog / digital storage oscilloscope, signal generator, the standard signal source, frequency dollars, Millivoltmeter distortion device,Miriam, LCR digital electric bridge, voltage tester, insulation resistance tester, grounding resistance tester, leakage current tester, electronic load, electric parameter measuring instrument, digital power meter, parameter measuring instrument transformers, transformer automatic testing system, transformers ring than phase tester, electrical safety parameter tester, variable frequency power supply, power supply, high-frequency shielding net room, temperature and humidity table, multimeter, power meter, tachometer, anemometer, coating thickness, coating thickness, vibration measuring instrument, the Composite test machines (motors, fans, hair dryer, lamps, fruit juice machine) and so on.


Insulance Ohmmeter, Model ZC25, can be used to measure insulation resistance of various electrical machinery, telecommunication element, household appliances and teaching electrical equipment.


The main products TQSW no local place-frequency electrical impulse voltage testing transformer test sets of series resonant frequency generator unit test transformer dry-type high-voltage testing transformer the ball-gap discharge frequency divider DC High-frequency DC generator, generator, inverter-current multi-function grounding impedance test system-current generator (up-flow device) performance of an integrated test bed Transformer Partial Discharge Detector mechanical properties of high-voltage switches Vacuum Tester Tester Tester Loop Resistance transformer capacity Tester-Load Switching Test Transformer tumor resistance measurement Transformer turns ratio tester tester MOA group tester insulating oil dielectric strength tester transformer loss parameter Intelligent Tester transformer loss-line parameter tester frequency interference dielectric loss dielectric loss tester anti-interference relay tester Ground Yin Xiaxian conduction tester cable fault tester tester tester generator rotor impedance large Grounding Resistance Tester Tester transformer features an integrated micro-moisture meter aperture automatic flash point tester Automatic Closed flash point detector vacuum oil filter boots pressure test device (automatic, semi-automatic) nuclear phase Instrument Series wireless digital core Instrument security tools relative to the mechanical properties testing machine clamp grounding resistance of grounding resistance measuring instrument digital megger digital high-voltage insulation resistance tester and a scalable high-altitude test tools, digital dual-phase volt-ampere facade sequence table clamp Three-phase Power Parameters Tester Calibrator lightning strike counter dedicated test wire, clamping insulation boards, pipe, cable tray mats polyimide film conductor line busbar electric appliances


It is generally recognized that the insulation resistance of a cable is inversely proportional to its length.


Company's products are as follows: 1, AC-DC transformer test, the control box and console, high-voltage direct current generator, high-current generator, the third-harmonic power generator , AC-DC high-pressure measuring device, dry-type isolation transformers. 2, MOA tester, relay calibrator, DC Resistance Tester, insulating oil dielectric strength tester, dielectric loss tester, insulating oil dielectric loss tester, transformers containing a switch tester. 3, clamp-type ground resistance tester, grounding resistance table, insulation resistance tester, switch mechanical properties tester, loop resistance tester, vacuum tester. 4, cable fault Tester (notebook computers, LCD, kinescope three shows), sentinel-synchronous digital, cable identification device, try扎cable, high-voltage integrated devices, underground pipeline detector, cable detector, high pressure Cable Detector, DC Bridge, DC arms Bridge, the PSA than the bridge. 5, the company also several well-known domestic and foreign agents company's products, for example: Japan has legislation (Xinhua shake table 3121,3122,3123,3125), Japan with 000 (high-voltage clamp-type table HCL1000D, HLC9000, HLC5000, etc.), cable Altimeter instrument, laser range finder, non-metallic pipeline positioning system, and so on. N:-yuan power equipment


Some of the applications that use this method include testing two terminal high resistance devices, measuring insulation resistance, and determining the volume and surface resistivity of insulating materials.


The introduction of some products are as follows: First, Taiwan's electronic devices Aosta Product:(self-produced self-marketing) program-controlled voltage insulation tester, grounding resistance, leakage current, micro-resistance tester, electrical parameters of the test Transformer parameters meter, insulation resistance tester, electronic load, on-machine, cable tester, variable frequency power supply, LCR Bridge, frequency meter, mV table, the standard signal generator, oscilloscope, signal generator, signal generator, digital multimeter, distortion device, before shaking device, spectrum analyzer, capacitance meter, inductance meter, modulation device, Sweep Signal Generator, Telephone Analyzer, Calibrator Table III, EMC Electric Tester, regulated power supply and so on.


更多网络解释与绝缘电阻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

insulation resistance & line frequency compressure test:绝缘电阻及工频耐压实验

21.屏柜外观检查 tank appearance test | 22.绝缘电阻及工频耐压实验 insulation resistance & line frequency compressure test | 23.对地绝缘 insulation resistance to earth

insulation resistance:绝缘电阻

1.5 绝缘电阻(insulation resistance) 对于具有一对热电极的热电偶,指热电极与保护管之间的电阻值;对于具有多对热电极的热电偶,还指各对热电极之间的电阻值.

insulance:绝缘电阻 绝缘电阻 介质电阻

insula 岛 赖尔氏岛 | insulance 绝缘电阻 绝缘电阻 介质电阻 | insulant 绝缘物质 绝缘物质

insulation resistance meter:绝缘电阻表/高阻表/兆欧表

insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 | insulation resistance meter 绝缘电阻表/高阻表/兆欧表 | Insulation Resistance Tester 绝缘电阻测试仪

insulation resistance meter:绝缘电阻表

绝缘电阻||insulation resistance | 绝缘电阻表||insulation resistance meter | 绝缘体||insulator

insulation resistance tester:绝缘电阻测试器

insulation pipe 绝缘管 | insulation resistance tester 绝缘电阻测试器 | insulation sampler 绝热取样器

insulation resistance tester:绝缘电阻测试仪

insulation resistance meter 绝缘电阻表/高阻表/兆欧表 | Insulation Resistance Tester 绝缘电阻测试仪 | insulation strength 绝缘强度

insulation resistance tester:绝缘电阻检验计

insulator 绝缘体 | insulation resistance tester 绝缘电阻检验计 | insulation board 绝缘板

insulation resistance tester:绝缘电阻试验器

绝缘试验器 insulation testing set | 绝缘电阻试验器 insulation-resistance tester | 绝缘体 insulator

insulation resistance test:绝缘电阻试验

船内通信电缆 interior communication cable | 绝缘电阻试验 insulation resistance test | 绝缘磁场绕组 insulated field winding