英语人>词典>汉英 : 绝对需要的 的英文翻译,例句
绝对需要的 的英文翻译、例句


of the essence
更多网络例句与绝对需要的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, we can input the relative address, and then the mouse position in the editor column, or the need to change the formula chosen absolute address of the press "F4" button on the content of the selected automatically address the relative and absolute address converted.


If we are to hit the bull's-eye, we will need markets thatallow the purchase of businesses and securities on sensible terms.


To be hard-bitten would be necessary , but be happy ?


I am not aware of any books that have been dedicated to the cultivation of Nepenthes, although one is sorely needed.


In old Roman law, another step was absolutely required; it was necessary for the promisee, after the agreement had been made, to sum up all its terms in a solemn interrogation; and it was of this interrogation, of course, and of the assent to it, that proof had to be given at the trial —— not of the promise, which was not in itself binding.


I still remember a cold evening in 2003's winter,when the snowflake was blusterous in the sky,and when the road was much pale owning to the ice on the ground, and I had only two choices in front of me,going abroad or pursuing a postgraduate degree,maybe others didn't know my suffering,but I did,for my English was so poor that whichever I chose ,it would not be avail for me at last,I participated in a series of English classes,reading and writing all day long,I was very sorry that I had troubled too many friends, as a result ,I could simply communite with our foreign professor,but the problem was not simple,I got a low mark in my Toefl test,thanked to the language class in the school abroad,I arrived at Quebec three monthes later,my first impression about this city was cold, since my hometown is located in the south of the Yangtze River, I have to imagine what does the 'heavy snow' mean cause there are always snowing lightly,to my surprise,almost half a year it was heavy snowing in the city,and it did really satisfy my desire about the snow,furthermore,we also had a long holiday,when I got there,most of my classmates were prepared for their vacation ,so I could asked for help from the senior, maybe I was not tall but sometimes the snow on the ground was taller than me,actually ,I had a good time when I stayed with my friends for we have a common language named chinese,the language class was simple for me,but the teacher was serious,whether you passed the course or not was depended on her, so you'd better don't offend her,thank godness, I passed this class at first time after a few monthes,then began with the other courses,it was said that chinese students abroad was the most assiduous in the world,and that was ture,usually,we didn't have a strong suit in the ability of a foreign language,since it asked for some understanding in our course,so I had to borrowed the note from others when I first went to class,how times fly,my GPA first was above 4.0 at that time,I phoned my relations,telling them I was okey there,but in the first evening of that holiday,a fire broke out in our dorm,I couldn't find my passport after the incident,though most of our res were moved outside,maybe it was burnt out or was lost at somewhere,but it told me that I couldn't stay longer in this city,we comforted each other for a while,''Goodbye!


Have Flex Vml Svg Ajax Applet Activex commonly usedly at present I divide these technologies into two kinds of Flex Vml Svg Ajax for the moment is to use script technology, pure do develop to attack for the graph, do not have a problem absolutely, and those who do is more beautiful, but most circumstance falls, the develop that we need attacks the graph needs to have menu, other interface, user alternant, data processing, this kind is based on script technology, handling this side is too convenient really, be being developed especially and debug on, what come as programming language is convenient. Java Applet and Activex are to attribute programming language skill, without doubt, have powerful interface and process designing capacity, and can ensure whole group is same technology language, can develop in compositive development environment, debug.

目前常用的有flex vml svg ajax applet activex我姑且把这些技术分成两类flex vml svg ajax都是采用脚本技术,单纯做拓扑图来说,绝对没有问题,而且做的更漂亮,可是多数情况下,我们需要的拓扑图需要有菜单、其他界面、用户交互、数据处理,这种基于脚本技术的,在处理这方面实在是太方便了,特别是在开发和调试上,不如编程语言来的方便。java applet 和activex是属于编程语言技术,毫无疑问,具备强大的界面和编程能力,而且可以确保整个团队都是同一技术语言,可以在集成开发环境中开发、调试。

The 3 times I did manage to get the data back, I exhumed only the data that I absolutely required.


But the parade to arouse most people's patriotic enthusiasm, the appropriate parade is absolutely necessary.


That's big! There are no in-memory traversals, no temporary tables,nothing that consumes anything until you absolutely need it because query expressions work by building expression trees that are only executed against the source when used.


更多网络解释与绝对需要的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute differential calculus:绝对微分计算

维-奇微塔(Levi-Civita)用张量分析方法处理曲率计算,建立了一套名为绝对微...分计算(absolute differential calculus)的法则,诠释黎曼曲率的含义,这正是...爱因斯坦所需要的.爱因斯坦在他的朋友(格罗斯曼)的帮助下,熟悉了这套计算程

of the essence:绝对需要的,不可缺少的,极重要的

9. call on 拜访,作短暂访问(或停留) | 10. of the essence 绝对需要的,不可缺少的,极重要的 | 11. turnaround n.向后转

absolute poverty:绝对贫困

25、绝对贫困(Absolute Poverty)绝对贫困又称生存贫困,通常是从人的基本需求角度出发来界定的,是指在特定的社会生产方式和生活方式下,个人或家庭依靠劳动所得或其他合法收入,不能满足最基本的生存需要,生命的延续因此受到威胁.

predicate logic:谓词逻辑

理论上,如果完全使用形式语言(formal language)和谓词逻辑(predicate logic)构造一种语言是可以做到完全无歧义的. 但这样绝对精确的语言是不适合人类这种不精确的生物的. 我们需要谐音来开玩笑,需要双关的语义来写诗歌,需要用模棱两可的语言来敷衍不...

DCOM Server Process Launcher:系统默认不能停止的服务. (这个是绝对不能动的)

DCOM Server Process Launcher 系统默认不能停止的服务. (这个是绝对不能动的) | DHCP Client 上网需要的. | DNS Client 重新设置IP地址后不提示重启机器的服务.

psychometric function:心理测量函数

) (1)绝对阈限和感觉适应 ) 绝对阈限(absolute threshould)--产生感觉体验需要的最小的物理刺激量 绝对阈限 心理测量函数(psychometric function)表示每一种刺激强度下刺激被觉察到的百分数.


内存引用和立即值可以进一步分为可再定位的(relocatable)和绝对的(absolute). 再定位处理是指连接器把绝对地址赋给符号. 可再定位的表达式表示的值在连接时间请求再定位,而一个绝对表达式表示的值不需要再定位.


那就是为什么那些寻求莫克夏①、自由、绝对自由的人必须制造出转世 (transmigration)的观念. 需要更多的时间,一生一世是不够的,需要很多世. 只有那 样,在这无尽的时间里、在时间产生的空间里,你才能够活动. 如果你要想找到绝对,一时 片刻是不够的;

I most definitely do not need your help:我绝对绝对不需要你的帮助

- Do you need any help? - No.|- 你需要帮助吗 - 不需要 | I most definitely do not need your help.|我绝对绝对不需要你的帮助 | Well, bye.|那么 再见

Categorical Imperative:绝对命令

这一概念的踪迹可见于每一种义务的道德当中,从那些严重依赖自我利益的义务的道德,到那些立基于"绝对命令"(Categorical Imperative)的高尚要求. 每当一项对义务的诉求需要为自己寻找正当化理据的时候,它总是会求助于某种类似于互惠原则的东西.