英语人>词典>汉英 : 绝对空间 的英文翻译,例句
绝对空间 的英文翻译、例句


absolute space
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Description : in the computer system, in order to increase the utilization rate of survival, often auxiliary memory as a main memory expansion, multi-channel operation run the logic address space can exceed the sum of the absolute main memory address space.


Description : in the computer system, in order to increase the utilization rate of survival, often auxiliary memory as a main memory expansion, multichannel operation run the logic address space can exceed the sum of the absolute main memory address space.


Descr iption : in the computer system, in order to increase the utilization rate of survival, often auxiliary memory as a main memory expansion, multi-channel operation run the logic address space can exceed the sum of the absolute main memory address space.


From absolute space and absolute time reach relative time-space, is the leap of know objective world.


Mechanical materialism While acknowledging that space and time are independent of the objective existence of people outside, but it will be the movement of phase separation and material that are not dependent on the motion of matter of" absolute space "and "absolute time."


Therefore, you can limit users by the number of files or by absolute space.


The spatial-temporal distribution of NPP along NECT and its response to climatic change were also analyzed. Results showed that the change tendency of NPP spatial distribution in NECT is quite similar to that of precipitation and their spatial correlation coefficient is up to 0.84 (P.01). The inter-annual variation of NPP in NECT is mainly affected by the change of the aestival NPP every year, which accounts for 67.6% of the inter-annual increase in NPP and their spatial correlation coefficient is 0.95 (P.01). The NPP in NECT is mainly cumulated between May and September, which accounts for 89.8% of the annual NPP. The NPP in summer accounts for 65.9% of the annual NPP and is the lowest in winter. Recent climate changes have enhanced plant growth in NECT. The mean NPP increased 14.3% from 1980s to 1990s. The inter-annual linear trend of NPP is 4.6 gCm^(-2)a^(-1), and the relative trend is 1.17%, which owns mainly to the increasing temperature.

结果表明:(1)NECT样带植被NPP的空间变化趋势同降水量的空间变化十分相似,由东到西逐渐降低,二者在空间上的相关性达到了0.84 (P.01),说明NECT样带的植被NPP在空间分布上主要受水分趋动:(2)NECT样带植被NPP的年际变化主要是由各年份夏季NPP的变化造成的,夏季对NECT样带植被NPP的年际增长贡献率最大(67.6%),二者之间的相关性达到了0.95 (P.01);(3)NECT样带的植被NPP积累期主要发生在5-9月份,这5个月的NPP占了全年NPP总量的89.8%,整个夏季(6-8月份)的NPP占了全年的65.9%,冬季(12-2月份)的NPP最低,基本为0;(4)近19年来的气候变化促进了NECT样带的植被生长,从1980年代到1990年代,NPP显著增加,年代际相对增长率为14.3%,平均年际绝对增长趋势为4.6 gCm^(-2)a^(-1),相对增长趋势为1.17%,这主要是由温度升高引起的。

The spatial-temporal distribution of NPP along NECT and its response to climatic change were also analyzed. Results showed that the change tendency of NPP spatial distribution in NECT is quite similar to that of precipitation and their spatial correlation coefficient is up to 0.84 (P 0.01). The inter-annual variation of NPP in NECT is mainly affected by the change of the aestival NPP every year, which accounts for 67.6% of the inter-annual increase in NPP and their spatial correlation coefficient is 0.95 (P 0.01). The NPP in NECT is mainly cumulated between May and September, which accounts for 89.8% of the annual NPP. The NPP in summer accounts for 65.9% of the annual NPP and is the lowest in winter. Recent climate changes have enhanced plant growth in NECT. The mean NPP increased 14.3% from 1980s to 1990s. The inter-annual linear trend of NPP is 4.6 gC·m-2·a-1, and the relative trend is 1.17%, which owns mainly to the increasing temperature.

结果表明:(1)NECT样带植被NPP的空间变化趋势同降水量的空间变化十分相似,由东到西逐渐降低,二者在空间上的相关性达到了0.84(P《0.01),说明NECT样带的植被NPP在空间分布上主要受水分趋动;(2)NECT样带植被NPP的年际变化主要是由各年份夏季NPP的变化造成的,夏季对NECT样带植被NPP的年际增长贡献率最大(67.6%),二者之间的相关性达到了0.95(P《0.01);(3)NECT样带的植被NPP积累期主要发生在5-9月份,这5个月的NPP占了全年NPP总量的89.8%,整个夏季(6-8月份)的NPP占了全年的65.9%,冬季(12-2月份)的NPP最低,基本为0;(4)近19年来的气候变化促进了NECT样带的植被生长,从1980年代到1990年代,NPP显著增加,年代际相对增长率为14.3%,平均年际绝对增长趋势为4.6 gCm-2(a-1,相对增长趋势为1.17%,这主要是由温度升高引起的。

Content question: there is no space in the universe, we observed with space is matter and field components space, the expansion of space is substances and substances in the expansion of the field, all moving substances and substances will be in a field-the-field sport, including light and electromagnetic waves, like automobile from the disconnexion in the same way, there is no absolute vacuum of space, there is no absolute coordinate system, all substances campaign has been relative motion.


Theory; the spatial meshing theory includes comparative motion, comparative differential and conjugative curved surface; and the application of meshing theory includes gear drive and worm drive. The spatial meshing theory is the main part of the course.


更多网络解释与绝对空间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute singular homology group:绝对奇异同岛

absolute rotation 绝对旋转 | absolute singular homology group 绝对奇异同岛 | absolute space 绝对空间

absolute space time:绝对时空

absolute space 绝对空间 | absolute space time 绝对时空 | absolute stability 绝对稳定性

absolute space:绝对空间

根据他的观点,随着从"绝对空间"(absolute space)到"抽象空间"(abstract space)的转换,作为空间边界的建筑表皮也呈现出从象征符号到抽象符号的转变. 一方面,从作为自然空间的"绝对空间"到作为城市空间的"抽象空间"的转换对于表皮与抽象符号的结合有着重要意义.

absolute space:[化] 绝对空间

2235absolute sovereignty[法] 绝对主权 | 2236absolute space[化] 绝对空间 | 2237absolute specific gravity[医] 绝对比重

absolute time:绝对时空间

绝对度标 absolute scale | 绝对时空间 absolute time | 绝对形势 absolute topography

abstract space:抽象空间

根据他的观点,随着从"绝对空间"(absolute space)到"抽象空间"(abstract space)的转换,作为空间边界的建筑表皮也呈现出从象征符号到抽象符号的转变. 一方面,从作为自然空间的"绝对空间"到作为城市空间的"抽象空间"的转换对于表皮与抽象符号的结合有着重要意义.


单调函数;囿变函数;绝对连续性;微分和积分;凸函数;半连续性;博雷尔(Borel)集类; 康托(Cantor)集的性质巴拿赫和希尔伯特(Banach and Hilbert)空间的基本性质.

Vrtual Insanity:绝对疯狂

05 Space Cowboy 空间牛仔 | 06 Vrtual Insanity 绝对疯狂 | 07 Cosmic Girl 宇宙女孩


绝对主义(Suprematism):为一种非具象(non-objective)的艺术形式,由马列维基(Kasimir Malevich)首创. 马列维基的作品所采用的「新象徵符号」,是一些方形、三角形及圆形,1915年期间的作品多为简单几何式构图. 1916年之后,愈趋复杂及三度空间趋向,


那就是为什么那些寻求莫克夏①、自由、绝对自由的人必须制造出转世 (transmigration)的观念. 需要更多的时间,一生一世是不够的,需要很多世. 只有那 样,在这无尽的时间里、在时间产生的空间里,你才能够活动. 如果你要想找到绝对,一时 片刻是不够的;