英语人>词典>汉英 : 给予 的英文翻译,例句
给予 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

accord  ·  admeasure  ·  afford  ·  conferment  ·  deal  ·  impart  ·  impartation  ·  impartment  ·  vouchsafe  ·  yield  ·  detur  ·  accorded  ·  accords  ·  admeasured  ·  admeasures  ·  admeasuring  ·  afforded  ·  affording  ·  affords  ·  deals  ·  imparting  ·  imparts  ·  vouchsafed  ·  vouchsafes  ·  vouchsafing  ·  yielded  ·  yields

dish out · mete out · administer to
更多网络例句与给予相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Program to give video/audiotape feedback.


The present results suggest that (1) NA is not mainly concerned with spontaneous discharges of chemoreceptor sensitive to hypoxia, but does elicit an increase in spontaneous discharges, and (2) the increase of chemosensory unit discharges produced by hypoxia can be inhibited by yohimbine.


The result shows that the protection of the technology got the highest weight among the second-tier sub-objectives, and the second and the third is the possibility of communization and the timing of technology transfer.


Three thrilling gorgeous days of grace and giving .


The box n° 25 is the exact center of the magical square and we find it significant that it encompasses the most important theme of the Christian religion: to give, to be generous.


If you are looking to replace WinZip with totally free file compression software , give PeaZip a try.

如果您正在寻找取代WinZip的与完全免费的文件压缩软件,给予 peazip 一试。

The objective of the "definition" is to provide a "descriptive" explanation of the term or phrase based on lexicographical practice of current usage.


And it puts the impulse on giving, where it should be.


For example here in the US Casino Royale is encoded with 5.1 PCM.

这是今年 7月初第一次请求 Lexicon 给予 HD 解码的答复。

ANYONE who thought that his wife's run for the presidency would cause Bill Clinton to avoid the limelight has been proved utterly wrong. September began with the publication of the former president's book,"Giving", about "how each of us can change the world", and will end next week as he takes centre stage at a celebration of philanthropy self-effacingly called the Clinton Global Initiative.

事实证明,假如有人以为比尔·克林顿会因为夫人竞选总统就不会再抛头露面,那就大错特错了。9月初,这位前总统就"一己之力如何去改变世界"所著的《给予》一书正式出版;下周也就是9月底,随着谦称为"克林顿全球计划"(Clinton Global Initiative,CGI)的慈善机构的一项庆典活动开幕,他又将成为世人瞩目的焦点。

更多网络解释与给予相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

conceder tr:给予

con mucho gusto 很高兴,很乐意 | conceder tr.给予 | conceder tr.给予


imparlance 商议 | impart 给予 | impartation 给予


使得,致使;给予,给予 (记忆窍门)咱们已学过词义为"读者"的英语字词 easyster ,它与 render在词形上只相差唯一字母,则可记成:园丁给予(render)参考书,众多学院成读者(easyster) 13.

accord to:给予

accompanying article 携带物品 | accord to 给予 | according to 按照

administer vt.1:掌管,料理...的事务 2.施行,实行 3.给予,派给

intrude vi.侵入,侵扰,打扰 | administer vt.1.掌管,料理...的事务 2.施行,实行 3.给予,派给 | imperial a.帝国的,帝王的

administer vt.1:掌管,料理...的事务 2.施行,实施 3.给予,派给,投(药)

adjourn v.(使)休会,(使)休庭 | administer vt.1.掌管,料理...的事务 2.施行,实施 3.给予,派给,投(药) | admiral n.海军将领,舰队司令

administer to:有助于, 给予

administer relief | 进行救济 | administer to | 有助于, 给予 | administer upon | 管理

afford vt.1:买得起,担负得起 2.提供,给予 3.冒险做

enforce vt.1.实施,生效,执行 2.强迫,迫使 | afford vt.1.买得起,担负得起 2.提供,给予 3.冒险做 | fortune n.1.(大量)财产,大笔的钱 2.运气,时运,命运

ALT G:给予

2.使用"给予"(alt g)操作,选择怀疑目标进行检举,使用后举报符消失. 2.若正处于此类任务活动的玩家需要暂时离开电脑,同时又担心被举报,可以通过屏幕右下角的"系统"(alt s)呼出按钮列表,点击"外挂举报"选择 "申请保护时间"来获得300秒的保护期,

Ascribe to attribute to:给予

Confound cloud 混淆,困惑,迷惑 | Ascribe to attribute to 给予 | Distort 扭曲