英语人>词典>汉英 : 绕行的 的英文翻译,例句
绕行的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与绕行的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These observations are lending strength to an alternative hypothesis: that the gaseous giants detected so far formed elsewhere and have since spiralled towards the stars they now orbit.


After completing the consecration, close the temple by widdershins circumambulation, doing the Sign of the Enterer when passing the appropriate Tablet.


Culm sheaths gradually deciduous to persistent, triangularly narrowly rounded, leathery, longitudinal ribs obscure, densely yellow-brown setose, margins yellow-brown setose; auricles absent; oral setae few, yellow-brown, 1–5 mm, slender; ligule truncate or convex, 1–2 mm, initially ciliate; blade reflexed or erect, linear-lanceolate, glabrous, margins smooth.


After completing the consecration, close the temple by widdershins circumambulation, doing the Sign of the Enterer when passing the appropriate Tablet.


From the National Geographic book Through the Lens: National Geographics Greatest Photographs, 2003


Corolla often purple spotted, large, throat expanded; galea falcate, rounded or obtuse apically, toothless; lower lip long stipitate basally.


The influence on vehicles after traffic accident happen in urban road net is analyzed in this paper. According to the degree of the accident, the capacity of the accident point is determined. The formula of travel time after accident when traffic demand upriver exceed the capacity of the accident point is given based on the dynamic law of waiting queue, which is regarded as the gist of circumambulating or not.


And was turned back by Chevaliers, I decided to take the more roundabout path: A ship back to Ferelden, and then another to Nevarra.


The fourth time I attempted to cross the border into Nevarra from Orlais and was turned back by Chevaliers, I decided to take the more roundabout path: A ship back to Ferelden, and then another to Nevarra.

在我第四次尝试从 Orlais 进入 Nevarra 的尝试被侠义骑士们阻止后,我决定尝试一条绕行的道路:乘船回到 Ferelden ,然后再进入 Nevarra 。

Culm sheaths deciduous, narrowly triangular-rounded, 1/2–3/5 as long as internodes, thinly leathery, radially white-gray setose, longitudinal ribs conspicuous, margins densely ciliate; auricles and oral setae absent; ligule arcuate or nearly truncate, 0.5–1 mm; blade erect, triangular to linear-triangular, width nearly equal to apex of culm sheath.


更多网络解释与绕行的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


circlip /弹性挡圈/定位环/簧环/ | circuital /线路/ | circuitous /迂回的路的/迂曲的/绕行的/


circuitous 迂回的路的 | circuitously 绕行地 | circuitously 迂回地


circuitous /迂回的路的/迂曲的/绕行的/ | circuitously /迂回地/绕行地/ | circuitron /电路管/

circulatory:循环的 (形)

circulator 传播者; 循环小数; 循环器 (名) | circulatory 循环的 (形) | circumambulate 绕行; 婉转打探; 巡行 (动)


circumference圆周的 | circumlocution说话绕圈的 | circumvent 绕行v

crab nebula:蟹状星云

著名的超新星遗骸 - 蟹状星云 (Crab Nebula), 也是在金牛座里. 拉格朗日点 Lagrangian points 在双星系统、行星和太阳、卫星和行星 (或任何因重力牵引而相互绕行的两个天体) 的轨道面上,所特有的一些稳定点. 例如,超前和落后木星轨道60度的地方,

circuiter:巡回者 (名)

circuit switching network 电路开关网络, 在发送者和接收者之间有专门通讯路径的网络 (计算机用语) | circuiter 巡回者 (名) | circuitous 迂回的路的, 绕行的, 迂曲的 (形)


circumambiency 围绕 | circumambient 围绕的 | circumambulate 绕行


circumambient 围绕的 | circumambulate 绕行 | circumaviate 围绕着底部的

circumambulate:绕行, 巡行, 婉转打探

circumambient /围绕的/周围的/ | circumambulate /绕行/巡行/婉转打探/ | circumbendibus /兜圈子的说法/委婉/