英语人>词典>汉英 : 绕行 的英文翻译,例句
绕行 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
circumvent  ·  round  ·  circumambulate  ·  circumambulated  ·  circumambulates  ·  circumambulating  ·  circumvented  ·  circumventing  ·  circumvents

make a detour · passing round · make the round of
更多网络例句与绕行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These observations are lending strength to an alternative hypothesis: that the gaseous giants detected so far formed elsewhere and have since spiralled towards the stars they now orbit.


But with the arrival of the countdown, the screen appeared a beautiful image of Lijiang, followed by a variety of ethnic minorities out of Monty, the full platform of the station, which is only found in the plane looked yellow background, it is three-dimensional tea Horse Road, every layer of all of a small winding road, a small inconspicuous hole, the actor who inadvertently from a hole in one to emerge from the first stage of a few people, all of a sudden change Into dozens, hundreds, mighty, there are people who, after riding the bypass, coupled with a very beautiful, soft music, is simply too beautiful.


As well as walking, the trekkers will swim across "leads" between the ice pans, dragging their floatable sleds to avoid losing time walking around open water Photograph: Martin Hartley/Catlin Arctic Survey


After completing the consecration, close the temple by widdershins circumambulation, doing the Sign of the Enterer when passing the appropriate Tablet.


The following year he wants to circumnavigate Taiwan in a sailboat with the children....


From the perspective of an observer on a hypothetical planet around Vega, the Sun would appear as a faint 4.3 magnitude star in the Columba constellation.

2005年,通过夏威夷 Subaru telescope 的日冕仪,天文学家将绕行织女星的行星的大小上限确定为5~10倍的木星质量。

The coming of the New millenary brought much changes to this area, such as the third ring road was connected to the second ring road; the construction of the new expressway to Great wall caused the original scale of this area has lost thoroughly;the trestle was set around the city gate as if putting a crassitude necklace on an old lady.It is hard to say whether it is better or not.


I make "419 roads " going to , passing round north tetracylie sees the "Beijing National Stadium" time be probably 17:40 since traffic control , possessions run by all passing round of the "Beijing National Stadium" north bus,this moment the tetranuclear people of north is not many ,"the intelligent bridge circles in the air from safety" to "strengthening neither having many person bridge " inside, because of but the personnel has controlled face to face ,"the intelligent bridge circles in the air to "strengthening only when the people who holds a ticket can enter secondary safety" bridge " area, Entering mansion , our thereby having stood for one in a nearest fault street overline bridge will be, what all fails to see basically.


Selling domestic hemp hot style still is really without preamble, the client that refuses contact understands with respect to mark on shop home page: Benefit thin product, entirely not bargain, market rambles much prodigy (should sell the home to say special those who do buy the home) please circuitous...


Only when two planets revolves around one gravitation center, there exists the two process, and revolving time of the two process is complete same, but the direction of quadrature component deflecting orbital plane is complete opposite and values of quadrature component aren't equal.

15摘 要:本文通过建立一个行星绕太阳运行的模型,发现行星在绕太阳的过程存在同向绕行和异向绕行过程,只要两颗天体同绕一个吸引中心,就存在这样的过程,这两个过程的运行方向完全相反,运行时间完全相同。

更多网络解释与绕行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vehicle by-pass:车辆绕行

互通式立交 * * interchange | 车辆绕行 Vehicle by-pass | 高架桥 Viaduct

Vehicle by-pass:车列绕行

路线施工 Road construction;Road works | 车列绕行 Vehicle by-pass | 风向指引 Direction guide


circuitous 迂回的路的 | circuitously 绕行地 | circuitously 迂回地


circuitous /迂回的路的/迂曲的/绕行的/ | circuitously /迂回地/绕行地/ | circuitron /电路管/


circuitor巡回者 | circuitousness绕行 | circuitry电路


detonate 使爆炸 | detour 绕行之路 | devaluate (使)贬值


29 危险,请勿靠近 Danger! Keep Away | 30 请绕行 Detour | 31 请勿打电话 No Phone Calls

Detour Ahead:前面绕行

DEER AREA ----- 有鹿区域 | DETOUR AHEAD---前面绕行 | ROAD CLOSED----道路关闭


circumambient 围绕的 | circumambulate 绕行 | circumaviate 围绕着底部的

circumambulate:绕行, 巡行, 婉转打探

circumambient /围绕的/周围的/ | circumambulate /绕行/巡行/婉转打探/ | circumbendibus /兜圈子的说法/委婉/