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Between P14 and P21,CIAPIN1 immunoreaction in the brain,heart and liverbecame much lower. However,between P21 and P28,CIAPIN1 immunoreactionin the heart,brain,liver and skeletal muscle became much lower,while with thekidney development,CIAPIN1 immunoreaction in the kidney became higher. Invarious tissues from adult mouse,CIAPIN1 immunoreaction could be seen incardiac muscle cell,brain,hepatocyte,epithelium of renal tubule,skeletal muscle,lung tissue,gastric mucosa and gland,acinus lienalis.2. Distribution of CIAPIN1 in normal fetal and adult human tissuesTo reveal the possible physiological role of CIAPIN1,we examined theexpression and distribution of CIAPIN1 in fetal and adult human tissues usingimmunohistochemistry. We found that CIAPIN1 was ubiquitously distributed infetal and adult tissues,and was localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus.
Objective To study the effect of endomorphin on dynamic changes of cathartic colon and investigate the pathogenesis of slow transit constipation.
目的 研究内吗啡肽对"泻剂结肠"大鼠结肠动力的影响,以探讨慢传输性便秘的发病机制。
Sphingomyelin is a kind of lipid, residing in the nature food and having latent function of inhibiting cancer. Sphingomyelin is metabolismed to ceramide and sphingosiine in the colon.
Blame water-solubility fiber can add dimension of excrement and urine, increase alvine peristalsis, reduce food to pass time in knot intestinal.
非水溶性纤维可增加粪便容积,增加肠蠕动,减少食物在结肠内的通过时间。2 EN对肠黏膜生物屏障的保护作。。。
Butyric acid. The addition of probiotics to blueberry husks lowered the level of caecal acetic acid and increased that of propionic acid, while rye bran in combination with probiotics increased caecal CA levels and decreased distal colonic levels.
Results One case with transverse mesocolon pore hernia, one with obturator hernia and one with paracecal hernia were confirmed by exploratory laparotomy. There were six cases whose hernias resulted from the fall of export jejuna into import jejuna after Billroth II anastomoses in front of colons, five from the pelvic bottoms' peritoneal fissure and four from the fissure appearing between descending colon and lateral abdominal wall after Miles' operation, one from greater omental adhesion to sigmoidal wall after sigmoidostomy, and one from inflammatory adhesion on the basis of Meckel's diverticulum. The other 17 cases' hernias (48.7%) were caused by the fissure among celiac adhesive bands, peritonea, celiac organs, enteric walls and intestines.
结果 剖腹探查手术证实为横结肠系膜裂孔疝1例;闭孔疝1例;盲肠旁疝1例;毕Ⅱ式结肠前吻合术后输出段空肠疝入输入段空肠与横结肠系膜间隙6例;Miles术后盆底腹膜裂开所致内疝5例;Miles术后降结肠与侧腹壁形成的间隙致内疝4例;大网膜与乙状结肠造口肠壁粘连形成内疝1 例;1例在梅克尔憩室基础上发生炎性粘连形成腹内疝;因腹腔粘连带与腹膜、腹腔脏器、肠壁、肠与肠之间的孔隙改变形成内疝17例(48.7%)。
Stagnation of fecal material in the colon is believed to allow re-absorption of toxins into the system. they have been blamed for myriad symptoms and disease states including fatigue, pain, insomnia, constipation, bloating, asthma, allergies, arthritis, cognitive disorders, hypertension and liver disease..."
The results showed that there were 20 species of human parasites prevalent in situ, involving seven species of intestinal protozoa with an infection rate of 7.8%: and eleven species of intestinal helminths, the infection rate being 67.4 %; while the overall infection rate of intestinal parasites was 48.8%.
In the colon, microbes synthesise vitamins for us and provide 10% of our calories by breaking down dietary fibre we cannot process.
Aimed at current practitioners and trainees, the book discusses key concepts that will assist general surgeons and colorectal consultants in their management of patients with a broad spectrum of anorectal and colonic disorders.
针对当今的开业医生和学员,书讨论将帮助一般外科医生和结肠直肠顾问在他们病人与一anorectal 和结肠紊乱的宽范围一起的管理内的核心概念。
- 更多网络解释与结肠内的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
特点 结肠(colon) 观察标本结肠横切片(H.E染色) 肉眼观察肠壁的粘膜染紫色,向外依次为粘膜下层,肌层及外膜.粘膜和部分粘膜下层向肠腔内的突起为半环形皱襞的断面,肌层局部的膨大为结肠带.低倍和高倍观察 (1)粘膜:无绒毛和环形皱襞.由内向外分为三层.
1.共栖(commensalism) 指两种生物生活在一起,其中一方受益,另一方既不受益也不受害的关系. 如结肠内阿米巴(Entamoeba coli)原虫生活在人体结肠肠腔内,人体为其提供了营养和生存环境,但它并无致病力,人体既不受害也不受益,两者是共栖关系.
internal fistula:内瘘
肠瘘可分为内瘘(internal fistula)和外瘘(external fistula)两类. 肠内瘘是指肠管之间或者肠管与其他脏器之间出现的病理性通道,肠内容物不流出腹壁,如小肠间内瘘、小肠结肠瘘、小肠胆囊瘘、小肠膀胱瘘等. 肠管与体外相通则称肠外瘘. 临床上,
㈤ 肠胀气(flatulence) 指胃肠道内有过量气体积聚,不能排出. 通常情况下,胃肠道内的气体量为150ml 左右. 胃内气体可通过口腔嗝出,肠道内的气体部分在小肠被吸收,其余可通过肛门排出,不致引起不适. ㈠ 灌肠法(enema) 是将一定量的液体由肛门经直肠灌入结肠,
(1) 乳酸杆菌属(Lactobacillus)益生菌 (Probiotics) 已被证明是肠内的有益细菌其中的奥妙才正要开始探讨益生菌 (Probiotics)的定义是含有足量可以改变宿主胃肠道菌丛而产生有益健康效果的活性微生物制品其中乳酸杆菌或比菲德氏菌 (Bifidobacterium)最被广泛地使用研究证明其可以耐胃酸及酵素容易附著在结肠黏膜及在肠道中繁
intracerebral大脑内的 | intracervical(子宫)颈管内的 | intracolic大肠内的,结肠内的
intracervical(子宫)颈管内的 | intracolic大肠内的,结肠内的 | intracorporal体内的
congenital megacolon:先天性巨结肠
先天性巨结肠(congenital megacolon)是一种结肠和直肠先天缺陷引起的肠道发育畸形. 可引起肠运动机能紊乱,形成慢性部分肠梗阻,粪便不能顺利排出,郁积于结肠内,以致结肠容积增大、肠壁扩张和肥厚. 多发生于直肠和后段结肠,但有时可累及全结肠和整个消化道.
马尖尾线虫病又称马蛲虫病,是由尖尾目(Oxyurata)尖尾科(Oxyuridae)的马蛲虫(Oxyuris equi)寄生于马属动物的盲肠和结肠内所引起,分布世界各地. 尤以饲养管理条件较差的情况下发病较多.
[阿米巴](ameba) 以伪足为活动细胞器的原虫. 寄生人体内并可致病的,如溶组织阿米巴. 也有些阿米巴可生存于人体内,但不致病,如结肠内阿米巴等. [阿米巴病](amebiasis) 溶组织阿米巴引起的寄生虫病. 病人和带虫者是主要的传染源,