- 更多网络例句与结核性肉芽肿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This is a caseating granuloma of tuberculosis in the adrenal gland.
Resulte: In 12 infective lesions, including purulent infection (4 cases) and tuberculosis (8 cases), the correct dignosis was made in 4cases by CR and in 11 cases by CT. In 16 soft tissue tumors, including lipoma (7 cases), fibrosarcoma (4 cases), hemangioma (1 case), neurofibroma (1 case), malignant fibrous histocytoma (1case), aggressive fibromatosis (1 case) and liposarcoma (1 case), the correct diagnosis was made in 3cases by CR and in 14 cases by CT. In 11 bone lesions, including fibrous dysplasia (7 cases), chondroma (2 cases), myeloma and cosinophilic granuloma (1 case), the correct diagnosis was made in 8cases by CR and in 10 cases by CT.
Results: Amang 128 patients, 56 cases were diagnosed as pulmonary carcinoma (43.75%), of which 30 cases were squamous carcinoma (53.57%), 22 cases were adenocarcinoma (39.29%), 4 cases were small cell undifferentiated carcinoma (7.14%); 37 cases were bronchial pneumonia (28.91%), in which 30 cases were given brush sampling, bacterial culture of BALF, the detectable rate of pathogenic bacteria were 50%(15 cases) and 40%(12eases) respectively; 12 eases were pulmonary tuberculosis (9.38%), of which 3 eases (25%) had concurrent endobronchial tuberculosis, smear of brush biopsy and BALF found Mycobacterium tuberculosis were 11 eases (91.67%) and 5 eases (41.67%) respectively, 2 eases were diagnosed as caseous tubereulous granuloma (16.67%); 2 eases were idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (1.56%), lease was lymphoma of long.
Results:14 cases of tescticular disease were proved histopathologically including trauma(4 cases),granulative inflammation(3 cases),seminoma3 ca...
The list of possible causes of diabetes insipidus in this case and many others is extensive and includes infection (tuberculous pachymeningitis and Whipple's disease), malignant neoplasms (germ-cell tumor and lymphoma), infiltrative processes (hemochromatosis and amyloidosis), autoimmune diseases (Wegener's granulomatosis, lymphocytic infundibulitis, and sarcoidosis), and histiocytosis (Langerhans'-cell histiocytosis and non-Langerhans'-cell histiocytosis).
Results: 15 patients with chronic epididymitis, 13 with tuberculosis of epididymis, 15 with cyst of epididymis, 14 with spermatic granuloma, and other three patients with spindle cell type rhabdomyosarcoma, adenoid tumor, papilloadenocystoma were reported and good results ...
结果 :附睾慢性炎症 15例、结核 13例、囊肿 15例、精子性肉芽肿 14例、梭形细胞型横纹肌肉瘤、腺样瘤及乳头状囊腺瘤各 1例,手术效果良好。结论:附睾的恶性肿瘤少见。附睾肿块的诊断以临床表现、体检和病理检查为主,手术仍是有效的治疗方法。
MPR and VR were applied in the imaging post-processing. Results: All cases were divided into four groups according to the thoracic CT findings and pathologic results as follows:① spheral caseous pneumonia;② tuberculous granuloma;③ fibrous caseous nodule;④ Focal pulmonary consolidation with cavitation. The spheral lesion appeared inhomogeneous density (44/58). cavitation (14/58) or satellite foci (21/58). Contrast scanning was carried out in 31 cases, of which peripheral or ringshaped enhancement was seen in 15 cases, no enhancement in 9 cases and extensive enhancement was seen in 7 cases.
The report of histopathology showed non-caseating tuberculoid granuloma composed of Langhans giant cells and epithelioid histiocytes.
During the past six months, there had been the progressive appearance of anesthetic annular plaques over the arms, left foot and face. The histopathology of a skin biopsy showed a non-Gaseous granulomatous infection with dermal nerve destruction. The diagnosis of borderline tuberculoid leprosy was made from the clinical features and histopathology of the skin biopsy. The patient was sent back to Indonesia after confirmation of a diagnosis, so we cannot give any follow-up information on her condition.
本病例为34岁女性印尼雇佣,最近半年陆续於手臂、左脚和脸部出现感觉丧失的环型斑块,病理切片下呈现非乾酪坏死性肉芽肿且有真皮神经破坏的现象,综合临床与病理表现,我们诊断为「中间型类结核型麻风(Borderline Tubercu-loid leprosy)」,另因患者本身为外籍劳工,所以在诊断确立后已被遣送回国,故无法继续追踪其后续治疗情形。
Results the pathologic features and morphological index of giant cells of the granulomas of mf were different from those of the granulomas in tuberculosis and foreign bodies.
结果 mf肉芽肿的形态学及巨细胞参数与异物性肉芽肿、结核性肉芽肿及骨巨细胞瘤的巨细胞有所不同。
- 更多网络解释与结核性肉芽肿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
chancre syphilitique:梅毒硬下疳
chancre n. m. 硬下疳 | chancre syphilitique 梅毒硬下疳 | granulome tuberculeux 结核性肉芽肿
excision repair:切割修补
excision of tuberculous granuloma of brain 颅内结核性肉芽肿切除术 | excision repair 切割修补 | excitable membrane 兴奋性膜
2、树胶样肿 树胶样肿(gumma)又称梅毒瘤(syphiloma). 病灶灰白色,大小不一,从镜下才可见到的大小至数厘米不等. 该肉芽肿质韧而有弹性,如树胶,故而得名树胶样肿. 镜下结构颇似结核结节,中央为凝固性坏死,形态类似干酪样坏死,
chorditis tuberosa:结节性声带炎
结核性脓肿 tuberculous abscess | 结节性声带炎 chorditis tuberosa | 结核性肉芽肿 tuberculous granuloma
Granulomatous thyroiditis:肉芽肿性甲状腺炎,巨细胞性甲状腺炎,巨细胞性甲状腺炎
granulomatous rhinitis 肉芽肿性鼻炎 | granulomatous thyroiditis 肉芽肿性甲状腺炎,巨细胞性甲状腺炎,巨细胞性甲状腺炎 | granulomatous tuberculoma 肉芽肿型结核球
2、树胶样肿 树胶样肿(gumma)又称梅毒瘤(syphiloma). 病灶灰白色,大小不一,从镜下才可见到的大小至数厘米不等. 该肉芽肿质韧而有弹性,如树胶,故而得名树胶样肿. 镜下结构颇似结核结节,中央为凝固性坏死,形态类似干酪样坏死,
tuberculoid leprosy:结核样型麻风
◆ 结核样型麻风(tuberculoid leprosy) 本型最常见,约占麻风患者的70%,因其病变与结核性肉芽肿相似,故称为结核样麻风. 本型特点是患者有较强的细胞免疫力,因此病变局限化,病灶内含菌极少甚至难以发现. 病变发展缓慢,传染性低. 主要侵犯皮肤及神经,
granulomatous tuberculoma:肉芽肿型结核球
granulomatous thyroiditis 肉芽肿性甲状腺炎,巨细胞性甲状腺炎,巨细胞性甲状腺炎 | granulomatous tuberculoma 肉芽肿型结核球 | granulomatous type of urethral caruncle 肉芽肿型尿道肉阜
tuberculose n. f:结核病
granulome tuberculeux 结核性肉芽肿 | tuberculose n. f. 结核病 | tuberculose pulomonaire 肺结核