英语人>词典>汉英 : 结晶性 的英文翻译,例句
结晶性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与结晶性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Common strategies and examples of protein engineering in improving protein solubility, homogeneity, and crystallizability are presented.


White crystal or crystalline powder, slightly soluble in water, easily deliquescence.


Specificity:Colourless or white crystaIline granuIe or crystaIline powder odourless;taste,saIty and acid;solubIe in water,diIffIicuIity in ethanoI;sIightIy deliquescence in moist air,PH7.6-8.6 in 5% agueous soIution,when heated to 150℃,it may lose crystal water.


The results showed that the ungrafted KF and grafted KF can both induce transcrystallization in PA6/KF composites in the range of the beginning crystallization temperature and approaching melting temperature.The transcrystallization was more fine and perfect at higher crystallization temperature than at lower crystallization temperature,so was the ability of inducing transcrystallization.The grafted KF enhanced the growth ability of transcrystallization and promoted PA6 to form more fine and perfect transcrystallization than the ungrafted KF atrelative lower crystallization temperature. 5.The effect on mechanical properties and fracture morphologies of PA6/KF composites by anionic grafting nylon 6 onto KF was studied.

四、采用PLM 对PA6/KF 复合材料的界面结晶情况加以观察,发现PA6 与许多结晶性聚合物一样,在不受阻碍,没有外力的作用下能形成完整的球晶,KF 可以诱发横晶的生长,其诱发横晶的能力随着结晶温度Tc 的升高而增强,在相同条件下改性KF 所诱发横晶的密度及完整程度明显高于未改性的KF。

In the thin films of semicrystalline block copolymers there exist three driving forces: the interaction between substrate and block copolymer, crystallization of crystallizable component and microphase segregation between unlike blocks. The relative strength of these three driving forces can be regulated by various methods.


Their thermotropic phase behavior was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and POM. It was found that T(subscript S-N) w and T(subscript N-I), of PMMAZO was slightly increased with the increased of the mass ratio of liquid crystal block segments. PEO and PMMA block affected the liquid cystal behavior of PMMAZO. Meanwhile, PMMA and PMMAZO obviously influenced the crystals property of PEO segments3 which was decreased as the increase of molecular weight of PMMA and PMMAZO segments.


Crystallite grows up when being annealed. With increase of Sn2+ concentration and use of ITO substrate this trend along(101) become obvious. Besides, crystallization of sample produced by SnCl2 solution of 0.1mol/l is better than that by SnCl2 solution of 0.2mol/l and glass substrate is more propitious to crystallization of SnS films than ITO substrate.


How to put these characteristics into the practical application to conduct the design of the mould and the plasticizing system of the injection molding m.


The molecular motion of amorphous region at high-frequency was found to be hardly affected during the stretching processes. In summary, elongation has created major but different influences on the morphology and molecular motion of the aforementioned four series of polymeric elastomers. For those elastomers like natural rubber and poly , elongation has induced crystallization of the noncrystalline or the soft segments. The crytallinitiy and the crystal thicknesses increase monotonously during the course of the stretching; On the other hand, the stretching processes for those semicrytalline copolymers like EMA and POE are rather complex, including the formation of crystal at relatively low λand the destruction of the crystal at the utmost λ. It revealed that stretching process has resulted in a decreasing of the thicknesses and a shortening of 〓C T〓s for the orthorhombic crystalline components.


There is a strong interaction between AP and PEG,which decreases the crystallinity of PEG in the mixtures.


更多网络解释与结晶性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


无定形粉末的非晶性(amorphism)使其在偏振显微镜下既无晶体的双折射现象也无晶体的偏振光熄灭现象,很容易与结晶性粉末区别. 在其它物理性质方面无定形与晶型也有很大差别. 但是,无定形与晶型在一定结晶条件下也同样可以转换.

crystalline polymer:结晶性聚合物

chopped strand 短玻璃丝束 | crystalline polymer 结晶性聚合物 | cyclohexanone 环乙酮


塑料结晶度(Crystallinity) : 对於结晶性塑料在充填过程中,有时会因为分子链排向结果造成再结晶. 这种流动引发结晶(Flow-Induced Crystallization)会释出结晶热影响温度、造成塑件变色黄化、以及影响塑件翘曲性质等.



crystallinity toxin:结晶性毒素

crystalline soil 晶状土壤 | crystallinity toxin 结晶性毒素 | crystallization 结晶酌


crystallite theory 微晶说 | crystallizability 可结晶性 | crystallization 晶化

crystallized general factor:结晶性一般因子

crystallized ability 固定能力 | crystallized general factor 结晶性一般因子 | crystallized intelligence 固定智力


聚(4-甲基戊烯)的高透明度主要是由于结晶相的螺旋组型中分子的光学异向性(anisotropy)低以及结晶部份与无定形部份的密度及折射率接近所造成的. 结晶部份与无定形部份的折射率很接近,使得材料的等向性(isotropy)高. 因此,TPX便成为目前已商业化的高透明度树脂中唯一的结晶性聚合体.


crystallizability 可结晶性 | crystallizable 可结晶的 | crystallization 结晶化


石蕊:由石蕊(Roccella tinctoria)和其他苔癣所制成的一种色素,用于检测酸碱度,pH范围在4.5~8.3之间. 原材料是石蕊素(azolitmin),结晶性石蕊红素(erythrolitmin)和石蕊红素(erythrolein)