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经济学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The evolution of development economics is closely related to the development of economic globalization , particularly at the third phase(in 1940's) of economic globalization , during which development economics in modern sense sprang up. Its main research is about how the poverty - stricken agricultural countries or developing countries achieve industrialization. From its appearance to before 1980's, development economics consists of two forming phases of structuralism and neo - classicism. Since 1980's , in the tide of new economic globalization ,development economics has new tendency and is faced with predicaments.

发展经济学的产生与发展和经济全球化的发展有密切的关系,特别是在经济全球化进入第三阶段,即20 世纪40 年代,现代意义上的发展经济学兴起,其主要是研究贫困落后的农业国家或发展中国家如何实现工业化的问题,发展经济学从兴起到80 年代以前,可分为结构主义和新古典主义两个发展阶段。80 年代以来,在新的经济全球化的浪潮中,发展经济学既出现了新的发展趋势,也面临着困境。

On putting forward a research method of the history of mathematical economics by synthesizing the intrinsic and extrinsic historical factors, the author examines some problems in the early development of mathematical economics in the light of arithmetization of analysis.

提出研究数理经济学史内、外史结合的一种方法,并用该方法以 1 9世纪分析算术化为背景,考察了数理经济学早期发展的若干问题,指出数学基础问题是 1 870年前在经济学中应用数学方法的主要障碍,以分析算术化为代表的数学基础重建则是此后数理经济学迅猛兴起的重要条件。

Governmental economics is the course of a brim between politics and economics, a few branch of its and economics: Economics of communal economics, welfare economics, cameralistics, macroeconomics, development all have connection; The connection of the branch course that its and administration learn to wait for politics is more close.


Main course arrangement is: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Political Economy, Industrial Economics, Accounting , A pplied Statistics, Econometrics, International Trade, Finance, Cameralistics, International Finance, Evolutive Economics, Management and Marketing, etc.


The property that plutonomy and economics, west economics discuss on the base that there already was understanding positive result in summary reachs its correlation, the course classify that advocates economics ought to follow principle of basic standard uniqueness, give academic economics and applied economics with the form of list is mirrorred compendiously the complex relation between each branch.


The correlation of economics and pedagogics to educational economics is discussed in this part. The educational economics" methods are mainly determined by economics, which are restricted and supplemented by pedagogics at the same time. It is especially pointed out that how pedagogics" notion, ethic, concept system and so on are embodied internally in educational economics research.


Single methods of economics and discipline nature of a department economics or a subdiscipline economics had restricted and limited the development of educational economics in a certain degree.


With discipline development, researching domain expanding and the researching focus transfer into the field of education, the suitability problem of methodology became more and more remarkable. Single methods of economics and discipline nature of a department economics or a subdiscipline economics had restricted and limited the development of educational economics in a certain degree.


We can consider that the discipline nature of educational economics, which is a subject on researching educational problem by using economic methods, is a department economics or a subdiscipline economics, because of its coming into being in economics and the history, present situation and accepted perspectives about the educational economics disciplinary nature, although there are still many different perspectives.


This essay analyzes the actuality of investigation in China Mass-economics and points out shortages of present investigation in the area: two falls and two disjoints , namely the fall between qualitative investigation and quantitative investigation, the fall between macroscopic investigation and microcosmic investigation, the disjoint between theory and practice, the disjoint between economical theory and communication theory; the causations of the deficiency are: from subjective view neglecting the localization of overseas achievement in Mass-economics and the investigation of ontology.


更多网络解释与经济学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Applied Economics:应用经济学

米尼苏达大学的农业经济系改名为应用经济学系(属于农业、食品、环境科学学院),开设有农业与食品企业管理(agricultural and food business management)、应用经济学(applied economics)两个本科专业,农业与应用经济学的硕士专业与博士专业.

classical economics:古典经济学

经济学作为一门学科始于亚当.斯密1776年出版的>,二百多年以来,古典经济学(Classical Economics)和新古典经济学(Neoclassical Economics)一直就是统治这一学科的主流学派,经济学家们经过持续的努力完整地证明了斯密的天才猜想:市场这个"无形之手"是配置资源的最有效机制.

Applied Econometrics:应用计量经济学

经济学 西方经济理论与中国社会主义市场经济 所授课程 中级微观经济学 高级微观经济学 宏观经济学 西方经济学专业文献研读 管理经济学 教育经济学 微观经济学教研室:夏庆杰 研究方向 应用计量经济学 (Applied Econometrics) 微观经济学 (M

Industrial Economics:产业经济学

产业经济学(Industrial Economics)是国际公认的一门应用性经济学学科,是微观经济学深化和发展的结果,是国外经济学专业的核心课程之一,也是近些年来经济学最活跃、最激动人心、取得成果最丰厚的领域之一.

Keynesian economics:凯恩斯经济学,凯恩斯派经济学,凯恩斯学派经济学

Keynesian cross 凯恩斯交叉 | Keynesian economics 凯恩斯经济学,凯恩斯派经济学,凯恩斯学派经济学 | Keynesian growth theory 凯恩斯增长理论

Paul Samuelson:分析经济学,宏观经济学宗师,首位诺贝尔经济学奖得主

Murray Gell-Mann:建立核子夸克模型,奠定亚核物质结构理论 | Paul Samuelson:分析经济学,宏观经济学宗师,首位诺贝尔经济学奖得主 | Claude Cohen-Tannoudji:发明激光致冷,奠定分子激光技术

Paul Samuelson:(鲍尔.萨缪尔森):分析经济学,宏观经济学宗师,首位诺贝尔经济学奖得主

Murray Gell-Mann:建立核子夸克模型,奠定亚核物质结构理论 | Paul Samuelson(鲍尔.萨缪尔森):分析经济学,宏观经济学宗师,首位诺贝尔经济学奖得主 | Claude Cohen-Tannoudji:发明激光致冷,奠定分子激光技术

Paul Samuelson:(鲍尔.萨缪尔森):分析经济学,宏观经济学宗师,首位诺贝尔经济学奖得

Murray Gell-Mann:建立核子夸克模型,奠定亚核物质结构理论 | Paul Samuelson(鲍尔.萨缪尔森):分析经济学,宏观经济学宗师,首位诺贝尔经济学奖得 | Claude Cohen-Tannoudji:发明激光致冷,奠定分子激光技术

Econometric Theory:计量经济学理论 英 经济学

379 Journal of business research 商业研究杂志 美 经济学 | 380 Econometric theory 计量经济学理论 英 经济学 | 381 Journal of regional science 区域学杂志 美 经济学

Journal of business venturing:企业经营杂志","美","经济学

392 The Canadian journal of economics 加拿大经济学杂志 加拿大 经济学 | 393 Journal of business venturing? 企业经营杂志 美 经济学 | 394 Journal of agricultural economics 农业经济学杂志 英 经济学