英语人>词典>汉英 : 经济 的英文翻译,例句
经济 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
economy  ·  economies

Manifest Destiny · financial condition · of industrial or economic value
更多网络例句与经济相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author analysis the inherent link between the circular economy and the adjustment of the industrial structure, then adjust the industrial structure through transforming the value chain at the micro-enterprise level and building eco-industrial park at the meso-level based on the micro, meso and macro levels of the circular economy. All the transformation is to promote the development of circular economy and to change China's economic development model. Doing this, we want to change the traditional products economic


On the basis of formal chapters' analysis, learning from foreign countries' successful experience in circular economy's legislation, considering our own legislation practice in developing circular economy, the main framework of our country's circular economy's legal institutions' construction is put forward as follows, the guidance thought of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction is the concept of scientific development and the thought of sustainable development; the 3R principle, the principle of following the ecological rules, the principle of giving priority to precautions, the principle of the contaminator paying are the basic principles of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction; the field of the natural resources' exploitation and utilization, the field of manufacturing industry and service trades, the field of disposing waste and changing waste into resources, the field of the exploiting and utilizing energy, and the field of social consumption are the key fields of the circular economy's legal institution's construction; the circular economy's legal system is constructed from four levels, the basic laws, the principle laws, the comprehensive laws and the special laws; The following circular economy's legal institutions are made, the institution of circular economy's planning, the institution of green economy's accounting, the institution of scientific and technological information's titles, the institution of economic encouragement, the institution of market allowance, the institution of listing the names' who set good example in developing circular economy, the institution of forcing those enterprises with heavy pollution into developing circular economy, the institution of green consumption, the institution of the public's participation, the institution of sharing the responsibility, and the institution of evaluating the circular economy's results.


This article take the county territory economy development is the comprehensive construction well-off society s key in as the starting point, the encompassment "the strength county territory economy" the spirit, according to "five overall plans" the principle, through is connected economical theory and so on development theory to the economic in, comparative ad...


The first step, reduce the fictitious economy systematic risk of our country, analyze and prove from three respects concretely that the basic relation of fictitious economy and real economy, the system of fictitious economy, market mechanism: The main argument of basic relation of fictitious economy and real economy have:(1) Structural adjustment and optimization of real economy (2) Pay close attention to the balance of fictitious assets and physical assets of macro econo


But in fact, economic globalization, on the one hand, in the process of promoting the global expansion of economic activities, has developed a market without boundaries and a global production network, revealed the inapplicability of the current international economic order and whetted the appetite for the liberalization of trade and investment.


In addition, the new economic growth theory, theory of economic growth, especially economic cycle of Mensch, are significant. Conclusions:(1) The capitalist mode of production has ability to regulate itself;(2) Although in modern conditions, the economic development brings some changes to the economic cycle, this law still functions today;(3) The economic condition is important for any mode of economic grow, in any country, advantages and disadvantages can be transformed alternately;(4) the conclusion from comparison can be benefit to our socialist economic structure reforms and its construction.


First, the background, significance and research methods of this paper are introduced, the convergence theory and economic growth difference theory are also introduced tersely.


We can approach the modernity of the economic legal norms by manifesting the basic unit of behavior, legal rule and legal standard, and the system of Economic Law, realize the modernity of the function of Economic Law by revealing it is the guarantee that could overcome the difficult position of modernity and propel the project of modernization, detect the modernity of operation of Economic Law by inspecting its legislature, enforcement and judicature. Lastly, the author assumes that the problem of the legitimacy of Economic Law should be resolved by realizing substantive legitimacy of Economic Law in its operation.


The basic function of county government is to perfect the configuration of market economy system to create basic conditions for the performance of market system by institutional innovation; the guiding function refers to the one that county government creates the development plans, strategies, policies and economic levers to promote the agricultural modernization, county industrialization,and urbanization for driving the county developmant; organizational function means that county government carries out the correct measures of industrial organization to avoid infavorable impact of overcompetition on economy and to improve the development and competitivity; regulatory function performs when county government regulates the conducts of market bodies by economic, legislative and administrative means to solve the externality and to sustain the development; and the complementory function acts on market by government supplying the public goods and harmonizing the social development.


The paper also points out that, modern logistics can restructure and upgrade the regional industries by means of the effect of industrial relevancy when it serves for the social production and residents living, engenders new industries and enhances the internal proportions of the third industry. By integrating related functional operations, modern logistics is able to change the links between the knots and lines from random and loose connection to a kind of spatial structure of smoothness and steadiness, with which block and friction would be lessened and the function of regional economic constituents amplified while the regional income and the strength would be improved as a whole. Through intensifying the advantage of allocation of the centers of region, modern logistics induces regional elements of development to move towards advantageous locations while bringing key urban cities effects of scale economy and agglomeration economy, it then can be regarded as an operational platform for potentiating the growing polar of urban cities and boosting up the developing level of hinterlands, and an effective measure to balance urban and rural development and development among regions.


更多网络解释与经济相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

economic community:经济共同体,经济共同体,经济界,经济界,经济群落,经济群落

economic combination 经济联合,经济联合 | economic community 经济共同体,经济共同体,经济界,经济界,经济群落,经济群落 | economic comparison 经济比较,经济比较

economic complementariness:经济补助性,经济补助性

economic competition act 经济竞争法,经济竞争法 | economic complementariness 经济补助性,经济补助性 | economic complex 经济联合,经济联合,经济综合体,经济综合体

economy's dark continent:(指经济未开发的非洲) ==> 经济的黑暗大陆,经济的黑暗大陆

economy survey 经济调查,经济调查 | economy's dark continent (指经济未开发的非洲)经济的黑暗大陆,经济的黑暗大陆 | economy's dark continent (指经济未开发的非洲) 经济的黑暗大陆,经济的黑暗大...

economically feasible:经济可行,经济可行,经济上合算,经济上合算

economically dependent industrialenterprises 非独立核算工业企业 | economically feasible 经济可行,经济可行,经济上合算,经济上合算 | economically independent 经济独立,经济独立

economic entity:经济实体,经济实体,经济主体,经济主体

economic entities 经济组织,经济组织 | economic entity 经济实体,经济实体,经济主体,经济主体 | economic environment 经济环境

economic integration:经济一体化,经济一体化,经济整合,经济整合

economic institution 经济机构,经济机构,经济制度,经济制度 | economic integration 经济一体化,经济一体化,经济整合,经济整合 | economic intelligence 经济情报,经济情报

economic mathematical model:经济数学模型

经济数学模型经济数学模型(economic mathematical model) 经济数学模型:经济活动中数量关系的简化的数学表达. 简称经济模型. 经济数学模型的种类 反映经......宏观经济(Macro Economy) 什么是宏观经济 所谓宏观经济是指:指总量经济活动,即国民经济的总体活动. 是指整个国民经济或国民经济总体及其经济活动和运行......

economic resurgence:经济复苏,经济复苏,经济复兴,经济复兴

economic results in import and export trade 进出口贸易经济效果 | economic resurgence 经济复苏,经济复苏,经济复兴,经济复兴 | economic returns 经济收益,经济收益,经济效果,经济效果

economic stability:经济稳定,经济稳定,经济稳定性,经济稳定性

economic speed 经济速度,经济速度 | economic stability 经济稳定,经济稳定,经济稳定性,经济稳定性 | Economic Stabilization Act 经济稳定法,经济稳定法

economic viability:经济可行性,经济可行性,经济生存能力,经济生存能力

economic variable 经济变量,经济变量,经济变数,经济变数 | economic viability 经济可行性,经济可行性,经济生存能力,经济生存能力 | economic vigor 经济活力,经济活力