英语人>词典>汉英 : 经广播 的英文翻译,例句
经广播 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
broadcast  ·  broadcasts

更多网络例句与经广播相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mr Modi has brought previously unimagined riches to a sport that was until recently managed amateurishly in India and elsewhere.


Through a variety of mobile terminals, these systems provide services, including direct-dial telephony, telex, facsimile, electronic mail, data and voice broadcast, and data connections at sea, in the air, and on land.


For the enterprises of the domestic funds belonging to the communication, electric power, water conservancy, post and broadcast-television, and the hi-technological enterprises initiated by the provinces and cities, under the cognizance of the relative departments their income tax will be derated in the anterior two years, then levied in the half of the tax rate, after ratified by the Local Tax Bureau of Gansu Province.


更多网络解释与经广播相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

analog data:模拟数据

模拟数据(Analog Data)是由传感器采集得到的连续变化的值,例如温度、压力,以及目前在电话、无线电和电视广播中的声音和图像. 数字数据(Digital Data)则是模拟数据经量化后得到的离散的值,例如在计算机中用二进制代码表示的字符、图形、音频与视频数据.


beamed 照耀的 | beamed 广播的 | beamer 轴经整经机


6.悔改(repent)和忏悔(confess)尼克E开利福大(NickKalivoda)在路易士安那州立大学的『成人教育系』担任教师十多年,专讲圣经学及圣经考古学. 他并教导『校园查经班』多年,从1986年开始作无线电广播讲解圣经专题. 他持有卫登大学圣经考古学的学士学位,

NABS NationalAssociationofBroadcasters:全国广播工作者协会(美国)

NACK NationalAssociationforCountyCommunityandEconomicDevelopment 国家经... | NABS NationalAssociationofBroadcasters 全国广播工作者协会(美国) | NAC NationalAssociationofBroadcastingTransmissionStandard ...


[大公网讯]丰田汽车日前针对美国广播公司(ABC)先前报导丰田轿车因电子系统缺陷而引发的暴冲问题,指控报导内容不实,发函要求美国广播公司撤销报导并公开道歉. 根据报导,美国广播公司播放的实验内容短片里,有关转速计(tachometer)影像经丰田汽车方面揭发是事后插入的合成映像,并非原本实验内容的母带.