英语人>词典>汉英 : 细水长流 的英文翻译,例句
细水长流 的英文翻译、例句


economize to avoid running short · go about sth. little by little without a letup · a small but steady stream
更多网络例句与细水长流相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although the imposing love lets the human think it's unforgettable, but the love that is well maintained and long lasting, can let the human be unforgettably engraved on one's mind assiduously..


I moved to San Francisco, where I lived very frugally—small apartment, funky car.


If we examine any collection of folk poetry--for example, Des Knaben Wunderhorn --in this light, we shall find countless examples of melody generating whole series of images, and those images, in their varicolored hues, abrupt transitions, and headlong forward rush, stand in the most marked contrast to the equable movement, the calm illusion, of epic verse.


Choose a gentlewoman for my sake; and for your own, let her be an active, useful sort of person, not brought up high, but able to make a small income go a good way.


Actually, only love in a natural way can go on little by little without a letup just like a stream.


He looked at them, and saw in them, without knowing it, the slow sure filing down of misery-worn face and figure, that was to make the meagerness of Frenchmen an English superstition which should survive the truth through the best part of a hundred years.


For rapid product to all parts of the country at the same time, to let more people understand the new exotic products, to allow more access to the new exotic products, but also for friends to want to start Can not find a fortune overnight, but steady and the small businesses the road, we wanted agent partners throughout the country.


The original material is unmemorable, and even such familiar titles as "Just My Imagination" and "Who's That Lady" stretch into one- or two-chord vamps that serve as broad thoroughfares for his solos; without having to twist through a maze of chord changes, White can kick back, close his eyes, and let long, liquid lines flow.

那些原始素材是不容易记住的,即便如此熟悉的曲目:《Just My Imagination》和《Who's That Lady》——也被延长为一两个和弦的即席伴奏来为他的独奏曲拓宽音域;若非不得不盘旋穿梭于和弦变化的迷宫,White本可以退缩,闭上眼睛,任音符如细水长流

Many consumers found that the unworn auto parts price was very expensive, and comparing with the big amount in buying a car, the small fees in the maintenance seems more terrible.


You are shining,burning blinding like the sun, you are one of the star that captivates me, and I stared at you too long.


更多网络解释与细水长流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Catching Dreams:逐梦

3.心灵感悟 Sentiment of My Heart | 逐梦 Catching Dreams | 1.细水长流 Running Water in the Long Rill

Lotus magically grow:还没为你把红豆

也许你会陪我看细水长流 Let the true love reign , our merry stories go | 还没为你把红豆 Lotus magically grow | 熬成缠绵的伤口 Face the storm as well as snow

sensitive plant:含羞草

六月十五日 生日花:含羞草(Sensitive Plant) 花 语:害羞(Shyness)受到这种花祝福而生的人个性非常害羞胆小,而且很怕生. 感受特别的敏锐,自尊心也强. 不过如果和了解自己的人在一起,就会轻松自在得多,交朋友重质不重量,喜欢细水长流的感情.


源,真是细水长流,望收梁邦彦 ->(Thunderbolt)香港首版[APE]而流口水,何时能灌静我的耳朵呀!先感谢后呼吁楼主,开大水闸,让大家都能到这个音乐里遨游!

yar seme:水细流貌

yur seme 细水长流 | yar seme 水细流貌 | cir seme 水从石缝直冒

hvwalar seme:水流有声

yonggor seme 接流不断貌 | hvwalar seme 水流有声 | yur seme 细水长流

to see the water tricking:等到风景都看透

宁愿选择留恋不放手 who awaits your escort | 等到风景都看透 to see the water tricking | 也许你会陪我 看细水长流 after your return from a kaleidoscope of sights

Knocked Up:好孕临门

相似的主题票房榜上的PK,<<好孕临门>>(Knocked Up)虽然未上榜首,占据票房前十已是月余,史莱克3已经退出榜单. 还是成人市场比较沉稳,细水长流. 投资仅3000万的小成本喜剧电影,同导演贾德.阿帕图( Judd Apatow)上一部小成本喜剧电影<<四十岁的老处男>>(The 40 Year-Old Virgin)一样,


eco-poyn 生态片 | ecocide 破坏生态 | economize to avoid running short 细水长流