英语人>词典>汉英 : 组织变形 的英文翻译,例句
组织变形 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
metaplasia  ·  heteroplasy

更多网络例句与组织变形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The microstructure in the heat--affected zone consists of coarse bar-shape recovery grain, and that of the thermo-mechanically affected zone exhibits bent band-like character, but the deformation degree at the advancing side is bigger than that at the retreating side. Microstructures in TMAZ are also recovered, and the amount of recovery grain at retreating side is more than that at advancing side.


The results indicate that the flow stress of the alloy increases with increasing strain rate and decreasing deformation temperature. The flow stress increases with increasing strain until the stress reaches the peak value, then the flow stress remains constant, which indicates that dynamic recrystallization happens during deformation. The flow behaviors are described by the hyperbolic sine constitutive equation, and the activation energy calculated is 337.75 kJ/mol. The as-forged microstructure consists of refined α2/γ and γ grains, and the grains are much homogeneous than before. The B2 phase distributes uniformly at the grain boundary of α2/γ and γ grains. The B2 phase decreases with increasing deformation temperature.

结果表明:流变应力随着应变速率提高和变形温度降低而增大;在变形过程中,流变应力随着变形量增大而增大,当流变应力达到峰值后趋于平稳,表明合金在变形过程中发生了动态再结晶;热变形过程的流变应力可采用双曲正弦本构关系来描述,平均激活能为337.75 kJ/mol;从合金的组织演化过程中可以看出,合金中不均匀的原始组织得到明显均匀化,变形后的组织是由α2/γ层片晶团和γ晶粒组成的双态组织,在α2/γ层片晶团和γ晶粒的晶界交界处发现分布均匀的B2相,并且随着变形温度升高B2相数量逐渐减少。

In this study,the behaviors of deformation,microcrack initiation and short crack growth were investigated for 15MnVN steel.

对循环载荷作用下 15MnVN钢的显微组织变形、微观裂纹的萌生和短裂纹扩展过程进行了研究。

It has been found that there are some texture flaws such as large grain、badly distorted twin and streaky structure. But recrystallization grains ofaround 19μm in diameter on average are obtainable through heat treatment at300℃for 30min by air-cooling, meanwhile the twin and streaky structurethat would weaken the plasticity of alloy are eliminated; significant elementsare holding temperature、holding time、cool-down methods. Mechanicalproperties of tube are obtained, simple tension elongation ratio of arc testsample increases from 10.8% to 20.1%, elongation ratio with elastic internaldie of tube increases from 8.0% to 14.9%.


With X-ray diffraction and TEM analysis,it is proved that the microstructures of both undeformed and deformed matrixes are austenite and carbide with some striation structure in the matrixes,the amount of stripes in the deformed matrix is obviously more than that in the undeformed matrix.


Microstructure evolution in eutectoid steel during warm deformation in the temperature range from 600 to 700℃ was investigated by simulating hot compression test, SEM and thermomagnetic measurement. The effects of deformation and subsequent annealing on the spheroidizing of pearlite, refining of microstructure and dissolution of cementite were studied.


Tensile ductility of lamellar microstructure is higher than that of equiaxed one at 20 K.Its deformation process consists of twinning and slipping.


Equiaxed and bigger grains are produced after C.P.Ti is deformed under the high temperature. Besides, many tiny subgrains were found in some of the metallurgical structure. The dislocation reaction caused by the deformation under the high strain rate generates ductile cellular metastructures, while the equiaxed cellular metastructures are generated under the low strain rate. The metallurgical structure of TC4 alloy including lath-shaped hexagonal martensite and trimetric martensite only exists in the higher temperature. The homogeneous, tiny and reticular grain shown after extreme high temperature deformation.


Good stitching can be challenging, and a poor job can lead to tissue warping.


Because the base microstructure deformed and Mg_2Si grew irreversibly, the natural and artificial aged joint strength respectively reached to 75% and 88% of parent metal.


更多网络解释与组织变形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ideal elastic deformation:理想弹性变形

离管类薄壁组织apotracheal parenchyma | 理想弹性变形ideal elastic deformation | 裂片状破splintering fracture


他将这个过程称为变形再生(morphallaxis),因为涡虫体内任意一个部位的组织或细胞都能够活化形成一种能够发育成为完整涡虫整体的新组织. 现在我们知道,这种再生过程其实与干细胞的活动无关,而仅仅是因为重编程机制发挥了作用. 2006年,

severe plastic deformation:强塑性变形

简介:等通道转角挤压(ECAE,Equal Channel Angular Extrusion)是一种强塑性变形(Severe Plastic Deformation)加工技术,可细化合金组织,改善材料性能. 针对传统的等通道转角挤压法难以对过长的材料进行加工的缺点,基于新近提出的间接ECAD方法的理念,

purl stitch:双反面组织

塑性变形 plastic deformation | 双反面组织 purl stitch | 双罗纹组织 interlock stitch



textured yarns:变形纱线

textured worsted 花式组织精纺呢 | textured yarns 变形纱线 | texturized polyester 弹力聚酯纤维


heteroplasy 组织变形 | heteropterous 半翅的 | heteroptics 幻视


Hormones激素 | Metaplasis 组织变形,组织转化 | Immigration 内迁

neomorphic texture:新生形组织

"再生成形晶体","neomorphic crystal" | "新生形组织","neomorphic texture" | "新生变形(作用);新变成作用;再生成形(作用)","neomorphism"

hindered contraction:限缩变形

显微组织 micro-structure | 限缩变形 hindered contraction | 限外显微镜 ultramicroscope