英语人>词典>汉英 : 纽约城 的英文翻译,例句
纽约城 的英文翻译、例句


Big Apple
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Partners at top law firms can earn upwards of a million dollars a year. Miranda wasnt a big shopper, but she did own her own one-bedroom apartment on the Upper West Side.


Where else can you hurl darts in an Irish pub and then try your skill on a Neapolitan bocce court right down the street?


The bull was later moved nearby to Bowling Green Park, where it seemingly charges up Broadway and where New York City tour operators describe it as one of the city's most visited sites, if only because it is so accessible .


Chop suey is invented in New York City.


The Big Apple also edg past Boston, Chicago, Seattl and Washington, D.C., which round out the top five citi in the Forbes.com survey.


" Bradford , William :English-born american colonial printer whose press produced the first american Book of Common Prayer (1710), New York City's first newspaper (1725), and numerous other items."


He tracked down sheep in Zambia, in the Falkland Islands, in New York City.


His interest in African independence movements led him to the seminal work of Frantz Fanon, a Marxist sociologist, and he speaks in passing of attending "socialist conferences" at the Cooper Union in New York City.


I visit the Rockefeller Center, the central grotto of New York Christmas.


"New York City" by The Statler Brothers [00:09.03]She came to me shortly after Christmas, [00:14.92]Said she hated spoiling New Year's Eve. [00:21.35]But the truth doesn't wait to come in season [00:27.21]And what we had feared was now believed [00:33.15]She said she'd leave come Monday morning, [00:39.55]Catch a plane if I'd split the fair. [00:45.30]She had friends who lived in New York City. [00:51.58]She'd look them up and have the baby there. [00:57.66]And now she's alone in New York City, [01:03.93]Living like… Lord, I wonder how. [01:09.70]An angel in hell in New York City, [01:16.10]But I can't think about that now.

纽约城 圣诞钟声刚敲过她来到我身边说她不愿糟蹋了新年的前夕但是事实往往不尽如人意曾经的恐惧是如今的信仰她说她会在周一离开如果我讲实话,她就会乘着飞机飞走在纽约城她有朋友与他们很久没有见面虽然还有孩子在哪儿如今她在纽约城独身一人我想知道如何才能做个单身贵族纽约城的地狱天使我现在无法想象甜心,你会告诉它圣经的故事吗?

更多网络解释与纽约城相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


侵占纽约城的"哥斯拉"(Godzilla)、从温顺海鸥变成凶禽杀人的群鸟(The Birds);令天地变色的自然灾害,像是"太阳浩劫"(Sunshine)中渐渐熄灭的太阳让地球面临冰封的噩运,"世界末日"(Armageddon)中那颗即将撞上地球的陨石,

Brett Ratner:导 演 布莱特.拉特纳

这个由美剧(看相关剧评)>(看专业剧评)导演布莱特.拉特纳(Brett Ratner)亲手操刀的音乐录音带事实上刚刚结束在加州马里布海滩的取景,但应导演要求,MV还需增加另外的场景,故拉特纳便带着凯莉和拍摄组动身前往纽约城继续完成他的新作.


克里斯多佛(Christopher)是布鲁克林市的一名蓝领工人,每天穿梭于楼宇街道之中努力地工作着,在这炎热酷暑中维修管道较平时更为辛苦. 然而,就在今年的夏天,阴霾笼罩在纽约城的上空,敌人的潜艇偷袭纽约港,街道上布满了敌兵,


他被开除后,游荡在纽约城,抽烟、酗酒、找女人玩乐,满口"他妈的"(damn),就是这样一个充满着痞气,有着种种对学校、对社会以及周围一切不满的少年形象. 王朔笔下的人物则是一群没有固定职业的城市游民,他们的痞气更足,也常带有油滑,

Dave Cowens:五、戴夫.考恩斯

(Bill Walton)打球评球一样棒五、戴夫.考恩斯(Dave Cowens) 古典中锋六、威利斯.里德(Willis Reed) 纽约城的英雄七、韦斯.昂塞尔德(Wes Unseld) 另类中锋八、摩西.马龙(Moses Malone) 首位高中生球员卡里姆.阿卜杜-贾巴尔出生于纽约市,

New York City:纽约城

科莉-里斯特还透露她与泰格-伍兹第一次相识是2006年在一家叫"纽约城"(New York City)的夜总会中,尽管两人随后就发生了性关系,但是在酒店休息的时候,伍兹却坚持要两人分别睡在床的两头:"我们看电视的时候会在他那一头,可是当我睡在他的那一边时,

Search party, N.Y.C. Search party, N.Y.C:寻人会 纽约城 寻人会 纽约城

Party.|派对 | Search party, N.Y.C. Search party, N.Y.C.|寻人会 纽约城 寻人会 纽约城 | Caroline, where the hell can you be?|卡洛琳你他妈在哪

(掌上明珠) The Big Apple (纽约城):The apple of one's eye

I am hungry as a wolf我要饿死了! What a turkey!真是个草包 | The apple of one's eye (掌上明珠) The Big Apple (纽约城) | Top banana (大老板) A lemon (没有价值的商品)

1990: The Bronx Warriors:1990 血染纽约城

1492: Conquest of Paradise 哥伦布传(1492) 1992 | 1990: The Bronx Warriors 1990 血染纽约城 1983 | O Brother, Where Art Thou? 霹雳高手 2001

This is John Anthony in the Big Apple with my big-money picks:这里是约翰 安东尼, 位于纽约城的我为您准备了投资预测

"Hello, sports fans.|"你们好... | "This is John Anthony in the Big Apple with my big-money picks.|这里是约翰 安东尼, 位于纽约城的我为您准备了投资预测... | "The action starts Saturday with college ball,|...