英语人>词典>汉英 : 纯不连续 的英文翻译,例句
纯不连续 的英文翻译、例句


properly discontinuous
更多网络例句与纯不连续相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We found when the pH value of washing buffer was 7. 4, the first apex of curve corresponded the solution of purified IgG whose purification was identified with discontinuous on different concentration polyacrylamide electrophoresis.


Through assuming the same character of continuum and smooth at dimensionless coagulation rate when Péclet number as the independent variable, the analytical results of the three perturbational orders of weak Brownian motion on the strong gravitational motion are gained.


Researching and developing riderless bicycle is a important work offering scientific and actual significance . Internal and overseas research actuality was summarized in this paper , existent problems was analyzed , and then primary development direction of riderless bicycles was presented .


As a general rule, no more that 15 consecutive zeros can be transmitted without violating the ones density rule. B8ZS (Binary 8 with Zero Substitution), the newer line coding technique used in T-1 circuits, substitutes alternating bipolar pulses for the eighth zero in a string of eight consecutive zeros. B8ZS also supports clear channel communications of 64 Kbps per channel.


To estimate the quantitative genetic parameters of nitrogen use efficiency, twenty maize single-cross hybrids with varying nitrogen use efficiency were tested at two locations in the North China Plain. At both locations, the hybrids were grown under high (HN, 225 kg/hm^2 N) and low N levels. And no N fertilization on the LN field have lasted two years.

为研究玉米品种氮利用效率相关性状的遗传参数,本试验选择20个具不同氮利用效率的单交种在华北平原的2个地点同期进行试验,氮肥处理设高氮(施氮,折合纯氮225 kg/hm^2)和低氮(不施氮,其地块经过连续2年耕种使氮素耗竭)2个水平。

更多网络解释与纯不连续相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

properly discontinuous group:纯不连续群

properly discontinuous 纯不连续的 | properly discontinuous group 纯不连续群 | properly divergent sequence 正常发散序列

properly divergent sequence:正常发散序列

properly discontinuous group 纯不连续群 | properly divergent sequence 正常发散序列 | properly divergent series 正常发散级数

proper vector:特镇量

proper value 特盏 | proper vector 特镇量 | properly discontinuous 纯不连续

properly discontinuous:纯不连续的

proper vector 特镇量 | properly discontinuous 纯不连续的 | properly discontinuous group 纯不连续

properly discontinuous:纯不连续

properly deterioration indicator 合理连续作业 | properly discontinuous 纯不连续 | properly divergent 正常发散的

properly discontinuous and free action:纯不连续的自由作用

温变形:warm deformation | 纯不连续的自由作用:properly discontinuous and free action | 形变孪晶:deformation twin

purebred cattle:纯种牛

pure-yang constitution 纯阳之体 | purebred cattle 纯种牛 | purely discontinuous distribution 纯不连续分布

James Stewart:史都华

左起为史都华(James Stewart)、黑纯一、林子丰和莱利(Paul Riley)史都华(James Stewart)以首名出线,连续第十年参加瑞银香港公开赛. 他表示:「今年是第一年没豁免权,我必须获得参赛资洛. 我不常在滘西洲打高球,加上今天天气条件不是很理想,

Priacanthus hamrur:宝石大眼鲷

"宝石大眼鲷(Priacanthus hamrur)似乎把心情写在脸上──或应该说是写在身上. 这条鱼的连续三张照片显示出它如何从几乎通体银色变成条纹、再变成纯橘红色,这转变全发生在几秒钟之内. 它皮肤上的色素细胞让它能改变颜色,但科学家还不知道每种色彩图案的意义.