英语人>词典>汉英 : 纯一发生 的英文翻译,例句
纯一发生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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However, a form of anemia called pure red cell aplasia is a known risk of epoetins caused by the potential development of anti-erythropoietin antibodies.


According to this phenomenon, this paper established game model for passerby and traffic officer by means of the basic principles of game theory. Two methods including pure strategy and mixed strategy will be introduced here. Based on the analysis, this paper found that there was no Nash equilibrium on pure strategy. And strengthening management on the traffic officer will reduce the probability of passerby running a red light. Furthermore, even though strengthening the penalty of the illegal passerby will make effect in short time. However, in the longtime, the phenomenon will go on and the traffic officer will be lazier at reverse.


I feel so sorry about what happend yesterday,but i'm not mean to do that.I know it's really hard to to stand afront of you again,I am so sorry, could you just think of i'm just a fart and pass it away?


A detailed analysis of the experimental results implied that the attractive forces play a main role in the collisional quenching processes of NCO by the quenchers studied in this work, and for some quenchers, the quenching of NCO is probably controlled by the entrance-channel and might be ascribed to the contribution of chemical reactions.


Iron and steel materials to apply a wide range of reasons, first of all, the ingredients can be used to span, and from close to non-carbon content of pure iron to about 4% of cast iron, alloy, in this context, the phase structure and microstructure are great change; In addition, a variety of thermal processing is to process, in particular, metal heat treatment technology, a substantial change in composition and properties of alloys.


更多网络解释与纯一发生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


homogeneous 同类的 | homogenesis 纯一发生 | homogenize 均质化

homogenesis:纯一发生 (名)

homogeneous 同种的, 均质的, 同质的 (形) | homogenesis 纯一发生 (名) | homogenize 使均匀 (动)

refractory material:耐火物质

因为铁矿石所含有的不纯物有许多是熔点甚高的耐火物质(Refractory material),会使鼓风炉的熔融过程发生困难,所以我们利用物理化学(Physical Chemistry)上相平衡(Phase-equilibrium)的原理(一般的混合物在共晶点成份时熔融点最低),


homogenesis 同型生殖 | homogenetic 纯一发生的 | homogenization 匀化


homogenesis /纯一发生/ | homogenetic /同类/ | homogenic /均质的/