英语人>词典>汉英 : 约束力 的英文翻译,例句
约束力 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sanction  ·  sanctions  ·  sanctioned  ·  sanctioning  ·  restraints

constraining force · effect binding
更多网络例句与约束力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is aggrandizement buyer the sanction to the bargainor.


The council also attempted to organize a new crusade to the Holy Land and to encourage crusading efforts against the Albigenses and Waldenses. Many precepts still binding on Roman Catholics (such as the Easter duty, or obligation, of annual confession and Holy Communion) were adopted at this council.

安理会还企图组织一个新十字军东征,以圣地,并鼓励crusading的努力,反对比根斯派和waldenses 许多戒律仍然具有约束力罗马天主教徒(如复活节的责任,义务或责任,每年的自白和神圣的共融)通过了本会。

The validity of law, that is the binding power of law, is an indispensable element of law.


The Kyoto Protocol is the current international instrument that imposes binding obligations on developed countries that have ratified Kyoto (the Annexure 1 parties) to reduce their overall emissions of man-made greenhouse gases in the period from 2008 to 2012 by at least five per cent below 1990 levels.


11 The facilities hereby expressed to be granted to the Borrower may be utilized or drawn down by all or any one or more of them AND the repayment and other obligations of the Borrower hereunder shall continue to be binding upon all of them notwithstanding that not all of them may from time to time or at any time have been making use of the facilities hereby expressed to be granted or that such facilities may be utilized by all or any one or more of the Borrower in different proportions AND shall continue in full force and effect and be binding upon all the persons comprising the Borrower and any of them not released by the Lender from their obligations hereunder notwithstanding the liquidation or cessation of business of any of the Borrower or the release by the Lender of any one or more of the Borrower from any or all of their obligations hereunder AND no arrangement between the Borrower and their successors or assigns shall prejudice the right of the Lender to pursue the remedies against any one or more of them and in such order and manner as the Lender may think fit and the relationship between the Lender and/or the Borrower shall be that of principal and debtors and no giving of time or indulgence to or release of any one or more of the Borrower shall affect the right of the Lender to pursue the remedies against the other or others as if such giving of time indulgence or release had not been made

18.11 根据本契据明文规定批予借款人的信贷安排,可由借款人全部各人或任何一人或多人使用或提取,而借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务须继续对全部各人具约束力,即使并非全部各人皆不时或在任何时间利用根据本契据明文规定批予的信贷安排,或即使信贷安排可能由借款人全部各人或任何一人或多人按不同比例使用,借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务仍须继续对全部各人具约束力。即使借款人任何一个清盘或停业,或贷款人已解除借款人任何一个或多个在本契据中的任何或全部责任,借款人根据本契据承担的还款及其他义务须继续有效,并对借款人所包括的全部各人及当中任何未获贷款人解除本契据义务的人士具约束力;借款人、其继承人或受让人之间的安排,不得妨碍贷款人以其认为合适的次序及方式针对借款人及其继承人/受让人任何一人或多人采取补救方法的权利,而贷款人及/或借款人之间的关系须为债权人与债务人之间的关系,借款人任何一人或多人获延期、宽限或免除责任,均不得影响贷款人针对其他一人或多人采取补救方法的权利,犹如从未作出延期、宽限或免除责任一样。

The constraint force/torque dexterousness is defined as the ratio of minimum singularity value to maximum one of the force/torque constraint matrix, by which the performance of the combinations of actuating inputs is evaluated.


Resolutions of Security Council and the International Court of Justice are binding.


Mormon Church To make binding for life; solemnize forever.


However, its decisions only carry moral force-unlike the Council's---they're not binding in international law.


The companies have been the premier providers of mechanical binding services in their respective regions, offering Wire-O, plastic spiral, spiral wire, plastic comb binding and perfect binding services.


更多网络解释与约束力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Binding: Apparel:约束力:服装

Binding: Apparel 约束力:服装 | Brand: adidas 品牌:阿迪达斯 | Clothing Size: Large 服装尺寸:大

binding contract:有约束力合

牐燽arter contract 易货合同 牐 | 牐燽inding contract 有约束力合 | 牐燽lank form contact 空白合同 牐

binding contract:有约束力的合同

binding 有约束力 | binding contract 有约束力的合同 | binding force 约束力

form a binding contract:构成一个有约束力的合同

121)constitute 构成 | 122)form a binding contract 构成一个有约束力的合同 | 124)pending 在......期间,在......之前

binding and enforceable contract:有约束力并可强制执行的契约

binding 约束力,有约束力的 | binding and enforceable contract 有约束力并可强制执行的契约 | binding character 约束性

binding precedent:有约束力的判例,有拘束力的判例,具有约束力的判例

binding offer 实盘,有约束力的报价 | binding precedent 有约束力的判例,有拘束力的判例,具有约束力的判例 | biological factors of crime 犯罪生物因素

binding precedent:有约束力的判例;有约束力的先例

binding force 约束力;拘束力 | binding precedent 有约束力的判例;有约束力的先例 | biological parents 生父母

Prima facie binding:初确约束力

在处理原则冲突问题上,彼彻姆和查瑞斯采纳罗斯(W.D.Ross)的理论,将四原则界定为仅具有初确约束力(prima facie binding)而非绝对约束力,由原则所规定的义务是初确义务(prima facie obligation),即一种具有约束力的、必须被履行的道德义务,

Making the Offer Unbinding:使发盘无约束力

15.The offer holds good till Oct 10th our time. 该报盘有效期至我地时间十月十日. | Making the Offer Unbinding 使发盘无约束力 | 16.The offer is without engagement. 该报盘无约束力

Binding Edge - Top:有约束力的边缘-顶端

Binding - Heavy-Duty Stapled约束力-重型装订 | Binding Edge - Top有约束力的边缘-顶端 | Pad Type - Quadrille垫类型-q uadrille