英语人>词典>汉英 : 纤维息肉 的英文翻译,例句
纤维息肉 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与纤维息肉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods 33 patients were scanned by helical CT.The virtual endoscopy images of all patients were compared with that of actual laryngoscopy and the surgical results (5 normal larynx,19 laryngeal carcinomas,5 glottic and arytenoid polyps,4 papillary adenoma).

方法对 5名健康者、19例喉癌、5例声带及披裂息肉、4例乳头状瘤共 3 3例患者,行螺旋CT扫描后经软件处理获得CT仿真喉镜图像,所有病例均与纤维喉镜和手术所见对照分析。

Results Over 90% of nasal and sinus cavity got clean within 1 to 2 weeks postoperatively. About 80% of patients had the De-mucous reaction from the 3rd to 10th week , such as mucous edema, vesicles, granulation tissue, mini-polyps, fibrous hyperplasia, and adhesion or regenerated diseases may appear in this stage. All of these diseases competed with mucous epithelization.

结果 90%以上的术腔在1~2周内清洁,80%以上的术腔在3~10周内有水肿、囊泡、肉芽、息肉生长和纤维结缔组织增生、粘连等去粘膜化反应或再生病变发生,并与上皮化呈竞争性生长。90%的术腔在经过恰当的处理后可完成上皮化,其中接近60%的术腔是在术后11~14周完成上皮化。

Objective To investigate the pathological characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory fibroid polyps of the gastrointestinal tract.


Objective:To compare the therapeutic effects of surgical procedure with selfretaining laryngoscope and fiber laryngoscope invocal polyp.


Objective To explore the therapeutic methods and efficiency of fiberoptic laryngoscope of vocal polyps, nodules under local anesthesia.

目的 探讨局麻下纤维喉镜声带息肉、声带小结手术治疗方法及效果。

Methods:91 patients with vocal polyp were included in this study.


Objective To summarize the experience in diagnosis and therapy of familial adenomatous polyposis with desmoid tumour.


Gardner's syndrome, a hereditary syndrome of intestinal polyposis and colon cancer, has many cutaneous manifestations, including fibromas, epidermoid cysts (appearing before puberty, and not in acne-prone areas), osteomas, and desmoid tumors.


Gardner's syndrome, a hereditary syndrome of intestinal polyposis and colon cancer, has many cutaneous manifestations, including fibromas, epidermoid cysts (appearing before puberty, and not in acne-prone areas), osteomas, and desmoid tumors.


Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of vocal cord polyp or module by intralaryngeal mi-croinvasive television fibrolaryngoscopy.

目的 探讨电视纤维纤维喉镜下喉内微创手术对声带息肉、声带小结患者的疗效。

更多网络解释与纤维息肉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


膀胱三角区肌肉如因虫卵肉芽肿损害引起纤维化、则产生该处弛缓不能(achalasia)和排尿功能障碍. 膀胱颈阻塞和膀胱壁病变可引起膀胱变形,产生憩室,亦可形成息肉,最后导致纤维化、钙化. 膀胱颈部或输尿管阻塞可引起肾盂积水,继发细菌感染.

submucous fibroids:粘膜下纤维瘤

anovulatory cycles 无排卵周期 | submucous fibroids 粘膜下纤维瘤 | endometrial polyps 子宫内膜息肉

fibrocyst:纤维囊瘤; 纤维囊肿

Fibrinous polyp 纤维素性息肉 | Fibrocyst 纤维囊瘤; 纤维囊肿 | Fibroepithelial tumor 纤维上皮瘤

Placental fibromyxoma:胎盘纤维黏液瘤

Placental calcification 胎盘石灰结痂 | Placental fibromyxoma 胎盘纤维黏液瘤 | Placental polypus 胎盘息肉

Fibrous osteodystrophy:纤维性骨荣养障碍; 纤维性骨炎

Fibrous odontoma 纤维齿瘤 | Fibrous osteodystrophy 纤维性骨荣养障碍; 纤维性骨炎 | Fibrous polypus; Hard polypus; Fibroid polypus 纤维性息肉; 硬息肉

pedunculated polyp:软纤维息肉; 有茎息肉

Pedopathy; Foot affection 足病 | Pedunculated polyp 软纤维息肉; 有茎息肉 | Pedunculated wart 有茎疣

Pedunculated wart:有茎疣

Pedunculated polyp 软纤维息肉; 有茎息肉 | Pedunculated wart 有茎疣 | Peeling of horny layer 角层分离

Fibrous psammoma:纤维脑砂瘤

Fibrous polypus; Hard polypus; Fibroid polypus 纤维性息肉; 硬息肉 | Fibrous psammoma 纤维脑砂瘤 | Fibrous rhabdomyoma 纤维横纹肌瘤

excision of skin of nose for rhinophyma:鼻赘鼻皮切除术

excision of polyp of colon through fibercoloscope 纤维结肠镜息肉切除术 | excision of skin of nose for rhinophyma 鼻赘鼻皮切除术 | excision of spinal abscess 脊髓脓肿切除术

endometrial polyps:子宫内膜息肉

子宫内膜息肉(endometrial polyps)是指在子宫内膜上形成的小球形或圆柱形的生长物. 病因仍不清楚,但常与其他疾病相伴发生. 这些疾病包括子宫体细胞的超常增生如子宫内膜增生过长或子宫纤维瘤. 子宫内膜息肉可单个增生或成群出现,