英语人>词典>汉英 : 红细胞 的英文翻译,例句
红细胞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hematid  ·  rhodocyte

red blood cell · red cell · red blood corpuscle · red blood cells
更多网络例句与红细胞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that large erythrocytes were found in the avian Gorsachius magnificus, MCV were similar to that of the vulture. The avian Gorsachius magnificus had higher MCV and MCH , lower RBC, HCT and HGB , higher urea concentration than those of other reported birds i.e. E. garzetta, A. bacchus, N. nycticorax, M.leucocephala, A. chukar and so on.


The cytoplasmic trehalose concentration in red blood cells, free hemoglobin and ATP level were determined at different incubation temperatures (4, 22 and 37℃), different trehaolse concentrations (0, 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 mmol/L ) and different incubation times (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 hours), the cytoplasmic trehalose, free hemoglobin, hemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume in fresh RBCs and RBCs strored for 72 hours at 4℃ were compared, when loading condition was ensured.

在不同孵育温度(4、22和37℃)、孵育时间(0、2、4、6、8、10小时)、不同负载缓冲液浓度(0、200、400、600、800、1 000 mmol/L)条件下检测新鲜红细胞对海藻糖的成功负载量及红细胞各项理化指标;在固定负载条件下,对新鲜红细胞和4℃保存72小时红细胞海藻糖负载、游离血红蛋白、血红蛋白和红细胞平均体积进行了比较。

The diameters of every period of red cells of Lepus oiostolus : proerythroblast was 12.73 ± 1.12um; early erythroblast was 10.17 ±1.74um;mediate erythroblast was 7.93 ± 2.47um;late erythroblast was 4.20 ± 0.46um.


Results There were significant differences between MDS and CAA in Hb, red cell distribution width-coefficient variation, immature reticulocyte fraction, BPC, the ratio of G1 (the sum percentage of myeloblast and premyelocyte) to G2 (the sum percentage of neutrophilic myelocyte and metamy-elocyte), the ratio of E1 (the sum percentage of proerythroblast and early erythroblast) to E2 (the sum percentage of intermediate erythroblast and late erythroblast), megakaryocyte count,erythroblast PAS, neutrophil alkaline phosphatase, and serous levels of indirect bilirubin,lactose dehydrogenase, folic acid, VitBl2 and ferritin.

结果 MDS患者血红蛋白,红细胞体积分布宽度。变异系数、未成熟网织细胞比率、血小板计数、骨髓原始细胞及早幼粒细胞之和与中性中幼粒细胞及中性晚幼粒细胞之和的比值、原始红细胞及早幼红细胞之和与中幼红细胞及晚幼红细胞之和的比值、巨核细胞计数、有核红细胞糖原染色阳性率和阳性指数、中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色阳性率和阳性指数、血清间接胆红素、乳酸脱氢酶、尿酸、叶酸、维生素B12(VitB12)、铁蛋白水平等常规实验室指标与CAA患者比较差异有统计学意义。

In this study, different nano-hydroxyapatite particles,HAP_1(25-60nm), HAP_4(the additives is heparin, 15-50nm), HAP_5(the additives is bovine serum albumin BSA, 20-80nm) were prepared by homogeneous precipitation and used heavy-gauge hydroxyapatite as comparison,we determined amount of heparin, sialic acid ,BSA adsorbed on HAP_1,HAP_2,HAP_3 by Crystal Violet assay, Bialsche method,Bradford method respectively and analyzed the binding mechanism by infrared spectrum;After taking HAP_1,HAP_2,HAP_4,HAP_5 and RBC to co-culture in vitro,we studied RBC hemolysis test and detected RBC hematolysis rate by erythrocyte osmotic fragility test;observing the changes of morphous and locomotion of cell after coacting HAP_1,HAP_2,HAP_4,HAP_5 and RBC by light microscope and inverted phase contrast microscope;observing HAP_1,HAP_2,HAP_4,HAP_5 effecting on Ultrastructure of RBC.


Results Erythrocyte proportion of measured value of 56.36% and RBCInfo of 53.02% with UF-100 automated urinalysis analyzer .Normocytic rate of 28.52% with Coincidence rate of 100%; Microcytic rate of 16.35% with Coincidence rate of 97.67%; Nonclassifide rate of 55.13% with Coincidence rate of 46.21%.


Result:It was showed that Zhechong not only lowered markedly whole blood viscosity,plasmatic viscosity and packed cell volume but also promoted red cell immune function,which may be:①RBC C3b receptor rosette rate(RCR1R) could be enhanced,②RBC immune complexes rosette rate could be reduced,③the serum rosette forming enhancing rate of RBC C3b receptor could be increased,④the serum rosette forming inhibitory rate of RBC C3b receptor could be decreased.Moreover,there were the inverse correlation between blood viscositv and RCR1R.


On the contrary, the past study of that the innate immune function of erythrocytes in patients with psoriasis was sthenic and turbulent differ from it greatly.


The results show that the number of red blood cell hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit are significantly higher after hypoxia adaptation in the Gansu Zokor; however, its mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration decrease after hypoxia adaptation.


Results The red cell C3b receptor rosette(RBCC3bR),natural tumor erythrocyte rosette,direct tumor erythro cyte rosette,enhace tumor erythrocyte rosette,associated tumor erythrocyte rosette and red cell immune adherence enhance factor were sig...


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Red blood cell:红细胞

RBC是红细胞(red blood cell)的简称. 红细胞 红细胞又称红血球或红血细胞,是血液中最多的一种血细胞. 红细胞中含有血红蛋白,因而使血液呈红色. 血红蛋白能和空气中的氧结合,因此红细胞能通过血红蛋白将吸入肺泡中的氧运送给组织,

basophilic erythroblast:早幼红细胞(嗜酸性成红细胞)

proerythroblast原红细胞 | basophilic erythroblast早幼红细胞(嗜酸性成红细胞) | polychromatophilic erythroblast中幼红细胞(多染性成红细胞)

polychromatophilic erythroblast:中幼红细胞(多染性成红细胞)

basophilic erythroblast早幼红细胞(嗜酸性成红细胞) | polychromatophilic erythroblast中幼红细胞(多染性成红细胞) | normoblast晚红细胞(正红细胞)

erythroblastosis:成红细胞增多 成红细胞增多病

erythroblastomatosis 成红细胞瘤病 | erythroblastosis 成红细胞增多 成红细胞增多病 | erythroblastosisfetalis 胎儿成红细胞增多


种4、 红细胞压积(Hematocrit)乃指红细胞在血中所占体积的百分比,能更正确的了8、 红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW)红细胞体积大小变异系数的参数可为诊断和治疗各9、 血小板计数(PLT)高值时与红细胞血球增多症、慢性骨髓性白血病、骨髓增生10、白细胞血球五项分类(WBC differential count)白细胞分为中性粒细胞、嗜酸细胞、嗜碱细胞

megaloblast:巨成红细胞 巨成红细胞

megalo-esophagus 巨食管症 巨食管症 | megaloblast 巨成红细胞 巨成红细胞 | megaloblastoidchange 巨幼红细胞样变 巨幼红细胞样变



rouleau:缗 钱串状红细胞 红细胞叠连 红细胞线串

roughzone 粗糙带 粗切区 | rouleau 缗 钱串状红细胞 红细胞叠连 红细胞线串 | rouleau-like 缗钱状


normoblast 正成红细胞红细胞 | normoblastic 正成红细胞的 | normoblastosis 正常红细胞过多 正成红细胞过多 正成红细胞过多症

rouleaux formation:红细胞叠连

是由于红细胞与血浆之间的摩擦阻碍了 红细胞的下沉.双凹圆碟形的红细胞具有较大的表面积与体积之比,所产生的摩 擦较大,故红细胞下沉缓慢.在某些疾病(如活动性肺结核,风湿热等),红细胞 彼此能较快地以凹面相贴, 称为红细胞叠连(rouleaux formation).