英语人>词典>汉英 : 红壤 的英文翻译,例句
红壤 的英文翻译、例句


red earth
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The content of Chl a, Chl b and carotinoid, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, Difference of CO_2 concentration pass in and out of the air chamber and candarboxylation efficiency in citrus leaves were maximized while intercellular CO_2 concentrations were minimized at 75% SWC.


The results show that not only the growth of C. wenyujin in lime soil is possible, but also the biomass, yield of medicinal part, the content of oil from the tuber and its medicinal components are higher than those from red soil. The C. wenyujin from lime soil quickly assumes etiolation during initial growth period. Surprisingly, the lusty leafs of C. wenyujin planted in red soil turn to pale and brown flecks occur in the leafs with the fertilization of N, P, K. It is concluded that C. wenyujin can be planted in lime soil; C.

结果表明:温郁金不但可以在石灰土上生长,而且其药用部位的产量、莪术油的含量及莪术油中主要药用组分β-榄香稀等的含量都较大;石灰土上生长的温郁金在生长前期较快地表现出老叶明显发黄的缺肥症状,而红壤植株在追加N、P、K 3种大量元素后功能叶子呈现黄白色,且夹带有褐色斑点的缺肥症状;石灰土中Fe元素有效态含量比红壤低一个数量级,但在石灰土上种植的温郁金植株其Fe元素含量并不比红壤上的低。

Under the same condition,the maxi-um 〓 adsorption for goethite was 3,3.5,and 8 times as kaolinite,bayeriteand gibbsite respectively,and also the maxium 〓 adsorption of YB colloid was1.4,3,and 7 times as that of 〓 LR colloids respectively.


This paper aims to find out the nutrition characteristics and fertilizer absorption rule of Castor in arid red soil districts under the subtropical climate of Yunnan province, and establish a corresponding fertilizing technology under the condition. It choose the variety TCO-202 of Castor (Ricinus communis L.) as test material to observe and record the dry matter accumulation of each organ as root, stem, foliage and inflorescence, which are in the five critical growth stages as seedling stage、 bud stage、 blooming stage、 filling stage、 maturation stage of Castor {Ricinus communis L. respectively, and measure out the fertilizer absorption amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.


So we made the tests of ecophysiology of citrus in the red soil which contain different amount of water in the typical red soil region of China from 2003 to 2004. This project was also put in practice together with the economic irrigation project which was supported by National High Technology Research and Development Programe of China ("863").Two-year potted plants and 9-year mature satsuma mandarin trees Citrus unshiu Marc.cv.


The major results of the work are summarized as follows: In the tested pH values, the ratios of positive charge densities to the negative charge densities of latosol particles were in the range of 0.4 to 0.8, the Po./Ne. of lateritic red soil particles were in the range of 0.08 to 0.22, whereas the Po.

主要研究结果如下:在测试pH条件下,砖红壤悬液中正电荷密度占到负电荷密度的40 -80 %,赤红壤悬液中为8.4 - 22 %,红壤悬液为1.6 - 6.4 %;在红壤悬液中可以忽略正电荷的影响。

So we made the tests of ecophysiology of citrus in the red soil which contain different amount of water in the typical red soil region of China from 2003 to 2004. This project was also put in practice together with the economic irrigation project which was supported by National High Technology Research and Development Programe of China ("863").Two-year potted plants and 9-year mature satsuma mandarin trees Citrus unshiu Marc.cv.


The selenium contents in soils from Paleozoic Basalt and Red Earth Area of Carbonzte have the highest value. The selenium contents in soils from multi-Yellow-Red Earth, Purple Earth Clastic Yellow-Red earth and metamorphite red soil are lower than average value in China.


Organic matter, pH, cation exchange capacity and contents of potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, iron, selenium, iodin and fluorin were determined of rock and soil samples from six main geological background areas within the main ruminant production base, in Yunnan Province, China. Results showed: 1 the red earth area of Paleozoic basalt and red earth area of carbonate the highest; the yellow-red earth area of mixture of carbonate, clasolite and basalt follows, except for its content of Co, which is relatively lower; and the purple earth area of Mesozoic clasolite, the yellow-red earth area of clasolite and the dark red earth area of Precambrian metamorphite are the lowest


The maximum rate of decomposition of soil organic carbon insubtropical wetness area is red soil under coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest>yellowsoil under grass>yellow soil under shrub>yellow soil under broad-leaved forest>red soilunder camellia oleifera; decomposition rate of yellow soil is faster than red soil. Themaximum rate of decomposition of soil organic carbon in subtropical wetness zone isyellow-brown soil under mixed forest in Nanjing>red soil under adult fir in Yujiang>redsoil under broad-leaved forest in Yujiang.


更多网络解释与红壤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

concretionary laterite:结核砖红壤

concretionary brown soils 结核棕色土 | concretionary laterite 结核砖红壤 | concretionary sand 结核状砂


防护林带是改善农田生态系统和土壤水热条件,特别对改善砖红壤(LATERITE)蔗区防止土壤冲刷、水土流失,防止风灾威胁具有重要的意义. 因此,营造好坏巩固已有的林带对提高土壤肥力,实现甘蔗高产稳产的一项根本措施.

detrital laterite:残存砖红壤

detrital deposit 碎屑沉积 | detrital laterite 残存砖红壤 | detrital rock 碎屑岩


laterite 砖红壤 | laterization 砖红壤化[作用] | latitude 纬度


lateritic soil 砖红壤性土 | laterization 砖红壤化 | latitude 纬度

lateritization; laterization:红壤化(作用)

"红壤型陆相矿石","lateritic type terrestrial facies ore" | "红壤化(作用)","lateritization; laterization" | "准红壤","lateritoid"

lateritic soil:砖红壤性土

lateritic red loam 砖红壤红壤 | lateritic soil 砖红壤性土 | laterization 砖红壤

lateritic crust:砖红壤结壳

laterite 砖红壤 | lateritic crust 砖红壤结壳 | lateritic red earth 砖红壤红壤

lateritic cement:红壤胶结物

"砖红壤","laterite" | "红壤胶结物","lateritic cement" | "红壤矿床","lateritic deposit"

lateritic deposit:红壤矿床

"红壤胶结物","lateritic cement" | "红壤矿床","lateritic deposit" | "红壤型陆相矿石","lateritic type terrestrial facies ore"