英语人>词典>汉英 : 红十字会 的英文翻译,例句
红十字会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Red Cross · the Red Cross
更多网络例句与红十字会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But also where the need for Red Cross/Red Crescent action will increase in all regions during the next decade.


British Red Cross AIDS prevention project is the Chinese Red Cross AIDS alliance global action plan ("HIV alliance") component.


Red Cross statistics show that in 2007 and 2008, around 60 percent of all requests for assistance from its emergency fund were directly or indirectly related to outbreaks of acute diarrheal diseases.


From a worn letter found in his pucker, an emergency-room nurse learned that his son was a Marine stationed in North Carolina. It seemed there were no other relatives.


Taking part in the first-aid training hold by Beijing Red Cross. With written-based and practical exam, receiving junior first-aid certification awarded by Beijing Red Cross. Mastering cardio-respiratory resuscitation, elementary hemostasia and enswathement and stretcher displacing.


The Red Cross Society of China and its Icelandic counterpart met in Beijing yesterday.


The objects the theory are the life guards who serve in Syong-Kong district in Red Cross Society and SWT members of life guard in in Da-Bao Stream in Shan-Sha. The goal is to clarify the value hidden under the constantly volunteer activities.

本论文以在台北县三峡镇大豹溪熊空场域服勤的红十字会 SWT 救生队救生员为研究的对象,研究目的在厘清红十字会救生员乐此不疲地持续参与的行动中所隐含的价值观。

Because we feel Chinese Red Cross is a Red Cross that has hundred years history, and the Red Cross has more favorable society public letter to spend all the time, all contribution that enter us to always be met, what we can accept finance, audit, administration completely is censorial with the organization censorial, like discipline appoint these systems undertake supervisory to us.


During the 100th anniversary of Red Cross founded in Shanghai,Sahnghai Red Cross Association set 2004 as "the year of humanity" to not only care about the orphans,sick children as well as the old in great need, but also accelerate the steps of database for blood-making in China to save more blood-affected sicks,adjust and manage the fund of hospital for infants in schools,put an eye on the health of children and propagandize the spirit of Red Cross.


The RCSC has signed an addendum to the existing MoU (pre-earthquake) between the International Federation and RCSC.


更多网络解释与红十字会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Red Crescent:红新月会(穆斯林国家中相当于红十字会的组织)

photomicrographic technique 显微照相技术 | Red Crescent 红新月会(穆斯林国家中相当于红十字会的组织) | edge hair 边毛, 界毛

Red Crescent:(土耳其等国相当于红十字会的)红新月会

Polisalio Front(西撒哈拉的)波里萨利奥阵线 | Red Crescent(土耳其等国相当于红十字会的)红新月会 | Red Cross红十字会

Jakob Kellenberger:日内瓦红十字会国际委员会会长 国际组织

Jacques Rogozinski 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区泛美投资公司总经理 国际组织 | Jakob Kellenberger 日内瓦红十字会国际委员会会长 国际组织 | John Lipsky 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区国际货币基金会第一副总裁 国际组织

Red Cross:红十字会

(法新社太子港7日电) 红十字会(Red Cross)今天表示,因援助行动持续坚定进行,由於海地强震而失去家园的130万名民众当中,有半数民众目前已可以住进临时避难所.

the Red Cross:红十字会

一见到汉字"红",我们马上就会想到英文的"red",如:红苹果(red apple),红旗(red flag),红十字会(the Red Cross)等等. 但是如果将"红人儿"译为"red man",或是"红运"翻译为"red luck"可就完全错了. 所以,由"红"所派生出来的汉语词汇,

the Red Cross:红十字会 a cross 十字架

get down to business. 言归正传. | the Red Cross 红十字会 a cross 十字架 | 老板手里拿着个十字架 there is a cross in a boss' hand.

Red Cross Society:红十字会

Red Cross Hospital 红十字会医院 | Red Cross Society 红十字会 | redirect 更改

Red Cross Hospital:红十字会医院

red corpuscle diluting pipet 红细胞稀释吸管 | Red Cross Hospital 红十字会医院 | Red Cross Society 红十字会

Red Cross, HK:香港红十字会

香港肥胖医学会Hong Kong Association for the Study of Obesity | 香港红十字会Red Cross, HK | 香港红十字会输血服务中心Red Cross, HK, Blood Transfusion Service Centre


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