英语人>词典>汉英 : 纠缠 的英文翻译,例句
纠缠 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
badger  ·  entanglement  ·  entwine  ·  foulness  ·  importune  ·  intertwine  ·  intertwined  ·  knot  ·  pester  ·  raveling  ·  ravelment  ·  torment  ·  botheration  ·  tormented  ·  badgered  ·  badgering  ·  badgers  ·  entwined  ·  entwines  ·  entwining  ·  importuned  ·  importunes  ·  importuning  ·  intertwines  ·  knots  ·  pestered  ·  pestering  ·  pesters  ·  torments  ·  entanglements

fasten on · keep at · keep on at · get entangled · badger with
更多网络例句与纠缠相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here, rather than the remote entanglement we use the local entanglement, which canbe prepared in an easier way than the remote entanglement, to enhance the remoteentanglement; Based on generalized measurement, a general method for theconcentration of a known non-maximally entangled state for arbitrary dimensionalsystem is proposed only by introducing a qubit ancilla, which will greatly simplifythe total concentration process.


Also this paper gives a definition of quantum conditional entropy of entanglement E_ A|Band proves that it satisfies the four fundamental conditions of a entanglement measure for a kind of mixed state of 2×2 quantum system by this negative quantum conditional entropy Using conditional entropy of entanglement,this paper investigates the quantum entanglement between the two identical two-level atoms simultaneously interacting with vacuum cavity field as an application.


The time evolution of two-atom entanglement displays periodic entanglement and disentanglement when the coupling coefficient of Stark effect is much smaller, while the disentanglement will disappear when the coupling coefficient of Stark effect is much larger.

当 Stark 效应耦合系数很小时,两个原子间纠缠度的时间演化特性呈现周期性纠缠和退纠缠现象;当 Stark 效应耦合系数很大时,原子间退纠缠现象消失,即原子始终保持在纠缠状态。

The entanglement of formation and the Peres condition have good correspondence, and if the mixed-state deviates the similar pure state slightly, its maximum entanglement drops suddenly. The conclusion of the entanglement of the infinite dimension mixed-state in J-C model never losing is demonstrated besides finding the necessary condition of disentanglement of the finite dimension mixed-state in J-C model.


The results show that the entanglement properties of the same class under SLOCC may be different except for the equivalent states under LU.


Therefore the spontaneous emission of atoms is caused by the fluctuation of dipole moment that arises from vacuum fluctation. Jaynes Cummings model is an important system to produce quatum entangled state.


Based on the Hamiltonian of the interaction system, which includes the interaction between two two-level atoms and a single mode vacuum field, the state vector and the density matrix of the system, and the reduced-density matrices of the subsystems are obtained by solving its Schrodinger equation, and the basic model of this problem is established.


The results show:(1) that the dynamical properties in the system depend on the degree of entanglement of the initial two identical two-level entangled atoms and the intensity of the coherent optical field, and the atomic dipole moment can be completely squeezed via choosing optimal degree of entanglement of the initial atoms in the feeblish optical field;(2) that the quantum properties of the system also depend on the degree of entanglement of the initial two identical two-level entangled atoms and the intensity of the coherent optical field, and the radiation field can be effectively squeezed via choosing optimal degree of entanglement of the initial atoms in the feeblish optical field.


The result shows that two atoms entanglement evolution property is opposed to atom-field entanglement evolution property when the coherent amplitude factor was zero or small. The interaction of the atoms and the field weaken the entanglement degree of atom-atom.


Our article mainly discussed the preparation of entangled states and the application of entangled states in quantum communication, including practical scheme for remote state preparation of a photon-photon entangled state, generation and concentration of multi-atom entangled states, practical protocol for telecloning quantum states and protocol for multi-party superdense coding by using multi-atom in cavity QED.This article has several objectives.


更多网络解释与纠缠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


tangle 纠缠 | entangle 使纠缠 | untangle 解开


理论物理学家于日前披露,在加速度作用下,相距极远的粒子间存有的怪异"纠缠"(entanglement)现象将不再显现. 这一奇怪的发现表明,一种深层次的关系存在于量子力学与引力之间. 当两个粒子纠缠在一起的时候,即使它们相距数光年远,

使纠缠intertwined纠缠不清的:intertwine v

twine n.麻线v.使缠绕 | intertwine v.使纠缠intertwined纠缠不清的 | interlocking连锁的

persecution n.1:迫害,虐待 2.纠缠,骚扰

persecute vt.1.迫害,虐待 2.纠缠,骚扰 | persecution n.1.迫害,虐待 2.纠缠,骚扰 | prosecute vt.1.对...提出诉讼,告发,检举 2.继续从事


ravelin 半月堡 | raveling 纠缠 | ravelment 纠缠


raveling 纠缠 | ravelment 纠缠 | raven 大乌鸦


sleave 分成细丝 | sleave 纠缠一团 | sleave 纠缠在一起的东西


snarl纠缠,咆哮n | snarled纠缠不清的 | gnarl节,疤


纠缠一团sleave | 纠缠在一起的snarly | 纠缠在一起的东西sleave

worry the life out of sb:跟某人纠缠不已; 不给某人安生; 纠缠某人没完

pester the life out of sb. 跟某人纠缠不已; 不给某人安生; 纠缠某人没完 | worry the life out of sb. 跟某人纠缠不已; 不给某人安生; 纠缠某人没完 | breathe new life into 给予生气, 给予活力, 赋与生机