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- 西门肺草属:为紫草科植物的一属
- 更多网络例句与紫草科植物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Comfrey and horsetails are rich in various minerals and vitamins, and make an effective liquid manure.
Consumers are advised to consult their health care professional regarding suitable alternative therapies to replace comfrey.
Many herbs have been tested in major studies and shown no benefits. Some have been linked to side effects, even without the presence of undisclosed drugs. A 2007 article by a National Institutes of Health researcher in the journal Clinics in Liver Disease listed comfrey, chaparral and kava among other herbs potentially tied to liver damage.
Mercury frequently rules herbs that are tall, slender and have a feathery foliage.
Any of various plants of the genus Myosotis, such as the forget-me-not.
Skin products with wild pansy and comfrey are especially helpful for problem skin.
Skin products with wild pansy and comfreyare especially helpful for problem skin.
- 更多网络解释与紫草科植物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
竺葵 杜松 熏衣草 香蜂草 减压的精油 洋甘菊 天竺葵 熏衣草 马郁兰 香蜂草 薄荷 檀香 避免再怀孕时使用的精油 罗勒 月桂 紫草科植物(Comfrey) 牛膝草 杜松 马郁兰 香蜂草 快乐鼠尾草 有用的精油混和配方 对于放松和镇静目的,
sticktight;Bidens cerbus:大鬼针草
附衣(紫草科植物的一种,其种实附人衣服) stick seed;lappula | 黏着剂 sticker | 大鬼针草 sticktight;Bidens cerbus
Trinity term:(英国牛津大学的)夏季学期
piece apron 火炮下盾板 | Trinity term (英国牛津大学的)夏季学期 | comfrey 紫草科植物
目前,药用植物原生质体培养已扩展 到包括夹竹桃科(Apocynaceae)、五加科(Araliaceae)、紫草 科(Boraginaceae)等以及单子叶植物的天南星科(Araceae) 和百合科(Liliaceae)的数十种植物,我国学者在该领域也进 行了较为深入的研究.
七十七、玄参科Scrophulariaceae | 七十八、紫草科Boraginaceae | Ⅱ 单子叶植物纲Monocotyledoneae
comfortlessness:不舒服, 孤单
comfortlessly | 不舒服地, 孤单地 | comfortlessness | 不舒服, 孤单 | comfrey | 紫草科植物
在紫草科(Boraginaceae)悬铃木科(Blatanaceae)主要含尿囊素,而在槭树科(Aceraceae)、七叶树科(Hippocastanaceae)主要含尿囊酸. 在这些植物中,酰脲是氮循环的主要形式,糖槭(Acer saccharum)树液中的氮大部分都是酰尿. 这些认为是嘌呤分解的中间产物.
stick seed;lappula:附衣(紫草科植物的一种,其种实附人衣服)
穿刺培养 stick culture;stab culture | 附衣(紫草科植物的一种,其种实附人衣服) stick seed;lappula | 黏着剂 sticker
stick culture;stab culture:穿刺培养
繁 stichwort;Stellaria | 穿刺培养 stick culture;stab culture | 附衣(紫草科植物的一种,其种实附人衣服) stick seed;lappula