英语人>词典>汉英 : 紧张不安 的英文翻译,例句
紧张不安 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nervousness  ·  habdabs

be on edge · on edge · all-overs
更多网络例句与紧张不安相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The country's amassment of atomic warhead make its neighbors nervous.


The country 's amassment of atomic warhead makes its neighbors nervous.


Yeah, sure I had butterflies in my stomach in the locker room!


Do you get butterflies in your stomach at the mere thought of giving a presentation to colleagues?


Yeah, sure I had butterflies in my stomach in the locker room! But once I


Walked into the factory office to ask far job, he had butterflies in the stomach.


It cauld also help nervous men calculate when to avoid the ultimate commitment.


Craddock was nervously thinking of something to say, Miss Ley made no effort to help him.


He had drawn himself away from all familiar haunts, and had shut himself in his lonely rooms with the perpetual trouble of his mind for his sole companion, until he had grown as nervous as habitual solitude will eventually make the strongest and the wisest man, however he may vaunt himself of his strength and wisdom.


Tense and uneasy Under this kind of psychological condition, people are apt to produce anxious tense mood , it is uneasy that the music needed should beat too, but can't dredge it to the normal and steady psychological condition , reach real mood to alleviate.


更多网络解释与紧张不安相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Are you:紧张不安 )

16 . The article was written by Comrade Mao Tsetong in ______ ( 纪念 ) of Norman Bethune in 1939 . | 17 . Are you ______ ( 紧张不安 ) in the dark? | 18 . That man is twice my ______ ( 重量 ) .

be on edge:紧张不安

edgen.加;边界 v.给...加上边,徐徐移动 | be on edge紧张不安 | ediblea.可以食用的

to be on edge: nervous: irritable:紧张不安;心烦意乱;恼怒

to make a bundle: to make a lot of money 大捞一笔 | to be on edge: nervous: irritable紧张不安;心烦意乱;恼怒 | out of this world: delicious十全十美的,极优秀的;非凡的,妙到极点的;好得难以形容,好得不可思...

breeze up:紧张不安起来 害怕 惊慌

breeze oven | 焦末化铁炉 | breeze up | 紧张不安起来 害怕 惊慌 | breeze-block | 轻型建筑用砖


jitter 紧张不安 | jitterbug 紧张不安的人 | job 工作

I'm jittery:我紧张不安

I'm jumpy. 我胆战心惊. | I'm jittery. 我紧张不安. | I'm anxious. 我很担心.


作者对自己的不准时、不守信和撒谎感到的不应该是恐惧害怕(frightened),惊讶意外(surprised),紧张不安(nervous)而应该是羞愧难当(ashamed). 父亲在生自己(myself)的气,在自责. 父亲要一路上严肃认真地想想他这些年来在对作者的教育方面哪儿出了差错,


? ration 定量 | ? nervy 易激动的、紧张不安的 | British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省

on edge:紧张不安

他自己很清楚采用这样一个新的术语会招致同行历史学家们的质疑,或者用他自己的话客气地说,会使"许多历史学家感到紧张不安(on edge)". 但是从人类学的角度出发,克雷格.邓宁认为生物的生命呈现出来的是一种一刻也不能间断的状态,


依偎:Snuggle;Nestle | 疑惧,紧张不安:Qualm | 犹豫不决:Shilly-shally