英语人>词典>汉英 : 系统控制接口 的英文翻译,例句
系统控制接口 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与系统控制接口相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Electric control valve for variable displacement is a novel control component in automotive air conditioners, which turns mechanic capacity control into electric control. It can use optimal algorithms to control capacity, and has interface with automotive systematic control unit. It has fantastic foreground.


The instrument consists of highly sensitive pressure sensor, mechanical system which can produce positive and negative pressure and its control circuits, pressure measurement and conditioning circuits, the interface with PC compatible computer and analogue signal conversion circuits. This instrument can realize the idea of measuring blood viscosity during collecting blood.


In order for a computer to communicate directly with the Distributed Control System, this paper explains the structure of the INFI 90 type DCS made by the Baily Control Company in America in detail. By means of analyzing its inner agreement on communication, an interface between the INFI 90 type DCS and the computer is designed, which includes the software and hardware.

为了实现微机直接与集散控制系统间通信,详细分析了美国贝利控制公司研制的INFI-90集散控制系统的结构组成,通过剖析该系统的内部通信协议约定,设计了微机与INFI-90集散系统通信接口,它包括硬件和软件两部分,其中软件由Borland C++语言编程实现。

This article described the design concept for full automation control system of bell anneal furnace in terms of systematical and interface aspects.


In a process computer system, the means for interconnection between the computer system and the process interface system.


This paper studied a new calorimetry system of data transferring,processing and controlling,which based on the PCI bus.


Finally, according to different situations in workshop, two kinds of interface methods between MES and Process Control System were introduced.


In view of these shortcomings this frequency meter has made the radical innovation in the design its merit is: Uses the core component is the advanced monolithic special-purpose frequency measurement component -- monolithic frequency meter the integration rate is high the volume is small consumes the electricity province function has realized the frequency meter high integration and the microminiaturization; So long as the monolithic frequency meter adds on the crystal oscillator the measuring range choice the frequency demonstrated and so on the very few components then constitute DC to the 10MHz miniature basic frequency measurement electric circuit; But the biggest merit was this frequency meter has realized monolithic frequency meter frequency sampling electric circuit and the monolithic microcomputer three between hardware and the software connection completely caused the frequency measurement measuring range the choice the frequency data survey the sampling as well as the code frontier transformation and the data dump possible monolithic microcomputer software programming automatically to carry on thus has realized the frequency measurement and the sampling work intellectualizes completely causes this system already to be possible to constitute a miniature intelligence to measure rate the instrument core electric circuit independently also might take in the large-scale automatic control or a test system intelligent subsystem.


The system of the invention essentially comprises a frequency mixer, a cascade connection integral comb filter, a fraction-time interpolating device, a half-band filter, a signal shaping filter, a power detection module and a control interface.


This control system also may according to need to increase the frequency conversion velocity modulation, to boils the cocoon machine rotation time to carry on the accuracy control, the control connection may with automatically match delivers the cocoon system joint, the realization entire boils the cocoon - silk reeling automatically to match delivers the cocoon the linkage.


更多网络解释与系统控制接口相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

control class:控制类

在软件工程理论中,类根据用途不同分为:边界类(Boundary Class)、控制类(Control Class)和实体类(Entity Class). 其中边界类主要用于帮助系统接口与系统外部用户进行交互,控制类主要用于对一个或几个用例(Use case)所特有的控制行为进行建模,




卫星特定协议中逻辑链路控制(LLC)和媒介接人控制(MAC)合成为数据链路 控制(DLC)协议层. DLC通过物理层(空中接口)传递信息. 四、宽带卫星通信问题 卫星系统有着固有的限制. 卫星通信网络的卫星和地面站资源昂贵,不能有过 多的富裕度,


ECS EmbeddedComputerSystem 嵌入式计算机系统 | ECC EmbeddedControlChannel 嵌入式控制信道 | EML EmbeddedMicroInterfaceTechnology 嵌入式微接口技术

medium grained:中粒度访问控制

MDI 介质相关接口 | medium grained 中粒度访问控制 | message systems 信报系统

Process Control:进程控制

核心的管理事项:系统调用接口(system call interface)供程序员和核心沟通进程控制(process control)负责cpu资源分配内存管理(memory management)管理内存,虚拟内存文件系统管理(file system management)文件系统管理,

Vibro-Meter SA:发动机接口控制装置

发动机振动监测仪 Vibro-Meter SA | 发动机接口控制装置 Vibro-Meter SA | 主飞行控制系统 Honeywell-Parker


由系统容量决定.控制CPU、实时视频监视器(RTVM)和打印卡(要用三个X-Bus槽). 3.小型电脑系统接口(SCSI)户提供最灵活的配置. 每台RAID-7系统的快速记忆体(CacheMemory)

SCSI Small Computer System Interface:(小计算机系统接口)

SCM-Services Control Manager(服务控制管理器) | SCSI-Small Computer System Interface(小计算机系统接口) | SDK-Software Development Kit(软件开发工具集)

UPI UniversalPeripheralInterface:通用外围设备接口

UPC UniversalPerformanceAssessmentandControlSystem 通用性能的评估控制系统 | UPI UniversalPeripheralInterface 通用外围设备接口 | UPI UniversalPersonalIdentifier 通用个人标识符